Chapter 863 - 188: How Can You Be So Ruthless?

Drake looked at her up and down and said calmly, "I heard from Palmer that you're still here. So, I come to pick you up."

"Oh, I see." Angelo smiled. Then she walked out and closed the door before saying, "I'm about to go back. Let's go."

Drake didn't think much about it. He just felt that there was something wrong with Angelo. She seemed to cover something.

"What were you doing just now?" he suddenly asked.

Angelo had a pause in walking but smiled and answered, "I was sleeping. Angeline woke me up and told me, and you're here. So, I got up."

Drake didn't say anything more. Angelo held his arm and lay her head on him, looking quite sleepy.

"Let's go back, brother. I want to sleep," she urged.

Drake glanced over her, who was standing lazy. But he didn't repel on her; instead, he enjoyed her touch.

Outside Green, Palmer leaned against the car. He saw Drake and Angelo coming out when he looked up.

The thing was, Angelo leaned her whole body on Drake and looked quite sleepy.

"He" was indeed sleeping just now! Palmer thought.

Angelo moved her eyes away when she saw Palmer.

Palmer got into the car with them. Angelo leaned on the chair and pretended to sleep. But Palmer wouldn't let her go.

"I just saw Angeline. She is indeed as beautiful as she was in the movie," said Palmer.

Angelo opened her eyes a bit to look at him, who happened to move his eyes on her.

"Yeah. My sister is beautiful," replied Angelo. Then she continued, "Well, I heard from my sister that she joked with you, but you were shy and ran away."

While speaking, she smiled. Angelo had thought Palmer was a slovenly man who didn't care about anything. But she just found that he was also a pure man.

Palmer shut up, turned his head to the window, and pretended not to hear from her.

Angelo giggled and then closed her eyes.

Suddenly, another voice sounded, "I didn't know you are so shy?"

Obviously, Drake was talking to Palmer. Angelo couldn't help widening her eyes and slowly turned to look at Drake.

She didn't know he would ridicule others.

"Stop it, you two! It's the first time I see Miss Angeline. I didn't expect her to say those words to me. I was scared."

"Oh, I don't know you will blush when you're scared." Angelo pretended to be surprised. Palmer looked at her with helplessness full of his eyes.

"Yeah. He will," Drake added as if to make the atmosphere more active.

Angelo burst into laughter, "My bad. You're not shy but scared."

Palmer didn't know what to say and could only remain silent.

When they got back to the Thorne house, it was dark.

Angelo was so exhausted that she threw herself on the bed rather than going for dinner.

When she was about to fall asleep, her phone rang. She answered it without checking the caller. "Hello," she said.


It was a familiar voice. Angelo opened her eyes slowly and checked the name on the phone. Just as she thought, it was Stella.

"What's wrong?" said Angelo in a weak voice.

Cathey kept silent for a while before asking, "Do you remember your promise?"

The feeling of sleepy disappeared at once. Angelo sat straight and said, "Yeah."

She once gave her Thorne ring to Stella and promised to marry her. But later, McCoy got hurt, and Zoey was kidnapped. She was so busy that she forgot about it. Her plan was ruined.

"Do you remember our talk then?" asked Angelo in return. Stella didn't reply.

"According to our appointment, I'll marry you if you help me to get the power of the Watts group. But our appointment had no progress at all, doesn't it?"

McCoy used to be a part of their plan. But since he took over the Watts family, the game was over.

Angelo didn't know what she should do next. She didn't want to hurt McCoy.

After a while, Stella finally uttered, "But…." But she didn't know what to say.

"There's no but. You can keep the ring if you want, but don't come to me. I don't need a useless wife. You are useless to me now," said Angelo indifferently.

Stella clenched her hands hard. She couldn't believe how Angelo became so mean and cruel. "He" used to be so nice to her.

"If you have nothing else, then that's it. Goodbye."

Not only Angelo's voice was cold, but also her expression. She didn't hate Stella very much, but she couldn't be friends with her.

She remembered how Stella disdained her and humiliated her in public. She didn't understand why Stella was always against her until Nathan united the Ivy family to kill her. Yes, there was indeed a reason.

"How can you be so ruthless?" asked Stella in a trembling voice. She didn't know McCoy took over the white group until she got out of the police station.

She called McCoy. He asked her to go back to her family, saying that he had sent her the divorce settlement.

Stella was thrilled because she could marry Angelo only when she divorced McCoy.

However, when she got back to her family, Baron Hill stopped her divorcing. He wouldn't give in even if she took out the Thorne ring.

Now she thought about it and felt lucky to follow Baron's order. Otherwise, she would get nothing.

"I can help you to get the power of the Watts group, Angelo," Stella suddenly became confident.

"You know, I'm the hostess of the Watts family now!" she continued.

Angelo paused her finger on the hold button. The look of her eyes changed. She approached the phone to her ear again.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean, I haven't divorced with McCoy. Our marriage is still eligible. You want to get the Watts group, don't you? Well, I can help you."

Angelo remained silent for a while, wondering how to reply.

She didn't know McCoy hadn't divorced Stella. With McCoy's character, he should divorce Stella right after he took over the Watts group.