Chapter 491: Signing Soul Contracts

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
After looking at Minos in surprise for a few moments, Norman finally regained his calm temper and greeted the other people there.

He had introduced his bodyguard to Minos' group and met the young man's two companions.

But for these two women at the 6th stage of cultivation, Norman had not been impressed at all. After all, he didn't know them, and it was common for him to deal with people in their strength range.

As for his earlier reaction, well, that was because Minos was an anomaly in this old man's vision. That is, people with such cultivating speed usually didn't stay in this region!

And naturally, this old spiritual judge was curious about this young man's story. But that was all. Norman was here to do business and earn his precious medium-grade crystals. And as such, he didn't take long and soon broached the subject.

"Well, you already have the draft of what will be in the Soul Contract, right?" He asked this just to confirm if everything was ready.

After all, Norman knew that Minos was developing his own organization of spiritual judges. In this case, this young man would certainly know how to act to maximize this matter's speed.

Minos then took a few sheets of paper from his spatial ring and nodded in Norman's direction. "Hmm, it's all here."

After that, that old man sat cross-legged on a small pillow he had just taken from his spatial ring. At the same time, a glass table appeared in front of him, where several golden sheets were piled beside a brush.

Obviously, someone like this spiritual judge, who had to travel constantly, would have all his items needed to do this kind of work adequately stored in his spatial ring.

Anyway, by positioning himself in that place, Norman soon began to review the content in that papers.

He had to do this to confirm with those people that it was all right before he finally started transcribing such content into the Golden Sheets. That's because the production of this unique item wasn't cheap and once something was written on it, it couldn't be changed!

Thus, to avoid errors, every spiritual judge would check the content of the parties' agreements to avoid possible mistakes that could be easily fixed.

"What?" The old man exclaimed in surprise as he read one of those sheets.

'Basically, those two women won't have any room to antagonize that young man, while he'll just have to provide common treatment within his organization…' Norman thought to himself, realizing how unbalanced this arrangement seemed to be.

What bothered him was not the fact that one side had so many demands and the other had few responsibilities. No, this was very common to happen in this region of the Central Continent.

What was truly strange was that Minos was cited as being the leader of such an organization that those two women had to obey in such a way... And naturally, this old spiritual judge found it strange that two Spiritual Kings would agree with such things.

"Lady Mirya, lady Celestial…" He then began to clear up his doubts with those two women, watching them closely as if he didn't believe in such a thing. "Is everything I just mentioned correct? There is no mistake?" He finished his speech.

"Yes, that's right." Celeste replied, a little embarrassed, feeling extremely bad by the expression Norman was doing right now.

After all, unlike Mirya, who was just a subordinate of a noble family and was already used to situations similar to this one, this was a new experience for Celeste!

Even during the months, she was running away from her husband, for the most part, she had continued to live as a Spiritual King of noble birth would. But the world turned, and now she had to accept that characteristic look from Norman, typical of people who look at others doing stupid things...

"It's all right, Mr. Norman, hehe. In fact, this contract isn't as bad as it sounds." Mirya commented with a slight smile on her face. Unlike this man, she knew full well how rich Minos and the Dry City were and how good this deal was for her.

Finally, hearing such confirmation, Norman and his bodyguard were stunned by such a comment. Especially the Spiritual King!

'Crazy! Are these two willing to sign such a deal with someone so much weaker than they are?' The bodyguard asked himself in disbelief.

But while this bodyguard looked at those two in disbelief, Norman just shook his head and put the matter aside. "OK, if that's the case, then I'll start transcribing the text!"

"OK!" Minos' group commented.

After that, that old man took the brush on that glass table and began to write on one of the sheets.

As he did so, a colorful stream of spiritual energy began to form at the tip of the brush, extending through the man's right hand and arm. Ultimately, every time he wrote a symbol on those Golden Sheets, such things would glow brightly and then go colorless right away.


Time passed, and after more than an hour preparing the text of Celeste and Mirya's contracts, Norman finally finished this part of his work.

"All right. Now we'll do the hard part…" He said this as he wiped a handkerchief across his forehead and looked in the direction of Minos and Mirya. "Let's start with Mrs. Mirya's contract."

Hearing this, Minos and Mirya approached that glass table and sat down right in front of that man.

"Release your spiritual force in the contract sheets…" He then returned to giving instructions to those two.

And quickly, Minos and Mirya followed the words of this spiritual judge, leaving their marks on the Soul Contract sheets and then going through all the necessary procedures for the validation of that item.

That was not a time-consuming procedure, but it still took more than 40 minutes when it was finally over. At that moment, Minos, Mirya, and Norman had been quite tired due to the validation of that contract.

And with that, it took them a few hours to move forward with Celeste's contract due to the need for these people to recover their energy.


While Minos' group was finalizing their Soul Contracts in the Yellow City, Ralf and Railan were currently climb up the stairs of Lionel's residence!

Father and son had rushed back from the Dry City to the Gill family headquarters as soon as they had discovered the grand changes in that city. In doing so, they had wasted no time, and the moment the guards released them at the entrance gate to this place, they both went directly to report their findings to their boss.

"Father, what will happen?" Ralf asked dubiously.

Hearing such a question coming from his son, Railan shook his tired face from side to side and commented in a low voice. "I don't know."

"Anything can happen from now on. But at the very least, we can expect some reaction from the Gill family to recover the Black Star Academy."

"After all, that place was built with the resources of the Gill family, and even the royal family could approve our action in that place based on this justification!"

"Indeed... Will we get some reward for this?" The young man asked, just before he and his father arrived at Lionel's doorstep.

"Maybe... We'll see what happens..."

Pa! Pa!

Railan knocked a few times on that door until someone allowed him and Ralf to enter that place.

After arriving in front of Lionel, Railan lowered his head and began to speak. "Boss, we have discovered a problem in the Dry City..."