Chapter 543: Losing Control of the Situation 4

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:

The four people simultaneously used low-level grade-2 shields to cushion their falls as they landed at four different points around where that Spiritual King was running.

Earlier, they had talked to each other, planning this attack in question. That consisted of a group of baits being thrown by the rest of the soldiers to hold the opponent. At the same time, the others prepared themselves, just as they had already tried against Minos in a military exercise.

And for that, a certain amount of soldiers from the young Stuart's army had protective items, as in the examples of shields and arrays, which basically served for the baits to act as in this situation.

These four people had protected themselves with their shields before being hurled into the air by their companions' attacks. After such a thing, in just a split second, they had reached the surroundings of that target, ready to act as baits!

"Formation!" One of the members of that group of baits said aloud when he had finally recomposed himself from the earlier fall and stood on guard against that Spiritual King.

Immediately upon hearing this, those other soldiers placed their shields in front of them and began activating their main techniques.

Steel Shield!

Suppressive Chains!

As they did so, identical spiritual techniques began to form in that place, around which Scott was still trying to escape.

Such techniques had two notable effects for anyone moving through that region of the Black Plain.

First, the shields of those four individuals suddenly began to grow larger, with red, semi-transparent parts forming on the sides of them.

Second, blue chains began to form in the air over each of those soldiers, already starting to run towards Scott!

"Miserables!" Scott yelled aloud, realizing everything that had happened.

He didn't expect his enemies to have such a courageous strategy to hold him in this spot. After all, even though a group of 12 people with the skills of these soldiers is quite frightening, the same was not true for just four of them...

'Those fanatics don't mind sacrificing themselves just to keep me from running away?' He thought angrily, feeling somewhat vulnerable despite the apparent temporary disadvantage of those four soldiers...

At that moment, when he had these thoughts in mind, the blue chains began to approach him like snakes in search of their prey!

And even though he was still running right now, these techniques' speed was far superior to this Spiritual King's. Consequently, it didn't take long, and soon four chains approached Scott's wrists and heels!


The moment the first of these chains had tried to trap this man's left wrist, he immediately used his attack technique to counter such a thing.

However, although it was not difficult for him to stop such an attack from a single chain, three others were running towards different points of his body...

Because of that, this man had finally been forced to stop running to dodge and counterattack all these attacks!

"If you want to sacrifice yourself, then that's fine!" He said out loud, full of resentment against these four.

He couldn't continue to run free due to these four opponents, so he just had to eliminate them and continue his mission. Of course, such a thing was not ideal, but it was what was available to this Spiritual King...

Immediately upon deciding how he was going to deal with these four, Scott activated his attack technique, causing a large number of small blades to appear in the air, things that looked very much like tiny leaves.

Such leaves were completely red while having their sides quite sharpened, capable of cutting even low-level grade-2 artifacts.

One Thousand and One Blades!






However, contrary to what he had expected to happen, his powerful technique had not managed to counteract those chains nor to finish off those four opponents simultaneously. Instead, finally, the other people who had been left behind earlier had acted!

The purpose of these four baits was just to hold this opponent, but at no time did these people intend to sacrifice themselves to do so. In fact, their goal was only one, to stop Scott from continuing to run!

With such a thing done, their eight reinforcements could finally act against such an opponent.

They could defend the positions of the four baits using long-range attacks, as the baits would not change positions and thus facilitate such work. But, on the other hand, when Scott was trying to eliminate those four soldiers, other individuals who were not there to protect the baits launched their own attacks in the direction of this Spiritual King, intending to kill him!

Sea of ​​Spears!

Suddenly, thousands of blue spears began to form in the sky above that area, then flew towards Scott.




Finally, the first scream of pain from this battle had reverberated across the battlefield as Scott tasted his own blood, which quickly began to trickle from the corners of his lips.


As Scott and some of the Black Plain Army soldiers fought a brutal and bloody battle, sounds of alarm had once again reverberated through the army's main posts in the Dry City.

By the time the soldiers on watch in the Dry City Defensive Tower had noticed that a large group of soldiers had started a chase outside the dome, they had activated the alarm!

As a result, many soldiers were already in front of the young Stuart's mansion, waiting to act.

Ruth and Abby were already there beside Minos, while the two women who had come with Eduard from Allamanda were also nearby.

Neither of them was part of the army, but as high-level people, they had senses beyond the ordinary, something that allowed them to perceive disturbances in their vicinity. And since they were not far from Minos' mansion when the alarms sounded, they had not been slow to approach this place in curiosity.

Anyway, while many people talked about this occurrence, a soldier from the Defensive Tower finally said it aloud to Minos. "Young master, a group of about 40 soldiers from the east post, has just started a pursuit of three individuals!" He said in an agitated tone, feeling quite apprehensive.

The army had already acted a few times against enemies, but never before had the soldiers had to chase opponents!

Because of that, this soldier was quite scared, considering what could happen from now on. And just like him, all the soldiers who heard such information were immediately rather eager to act, with dark expressions on their faces.

And the same was true for young Stuart. At the moment, he had his eyebrows thoroughly furrowed while his jaw was firmly clenched.

'This has become more and more frequent...' So he thought to himself simultaneously as the silence in that place became more and more frightening.

'It seems like I'm losing control of the situation...'

He then sighed deeply and said out loud. "All of you, to pursue these three opponents, we're going to split into three groups of 50 people each."

"So, only the strongest 150 should stay here. The rest go back to your posts…" He then paused briefly and looked in Abby's direction. "Give the order for all entry and exit posts to be closed."

"No one else will enter or leave the Dry City until we understand what's going on!"


After hearing his girlfriend's answer and seeing her going to settle this matter, he nodded to Ruth, indicating for her to go back to her business. He then turned his attention to his soldiers and looked at them meaningfully.

"Come on. We're going to war!"
