Chapter 644: Back to Dry City

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
After being redirected to the position of the Nash family's cargo ship, this last group of the Collins family had fought a battle against such an opponent!

That battle had been challenging for both sides since while the Nash family side had a Spiritual King on board, the Collins' side had cannons capable of destroying that ship...

Because of these factors, a great battle on the seas had occurred, with both sides losing badly. In particular, the losing side, that of the Nash family, had succumbed and had their ship sunken by the opponent's large cannons.

It was complicated to fight without a ship in the middle of the sea when none of those people could fly or had flying spiritual beasts around...

Consequently, the crew members of that ship, well, most of them were not high-level warriors and ended up dying due to enemy attacks. 

However, those above level 40 fought against the enemy side, with some even managing to storm that warship!

Among them was the Spiritual King who was protecting that Nash family ship.

Such a person had fought bravely and caused a lot of trouble to the Collins warship, having killed a few dozen people. But at the end of the day, he was only one, while the opponents were about 200 guards above level 45.

Therefore, he had died before he could exterminate his opponents...

As a result of this naval battle, less than 50 people from the Collins family's warship had survived. In contrast, all the Nash family guards had disappeared in this northernmost part of the Central Continent West Sea.

But even if they had survived, this Collins family group was not doing well at all. 

First, several people were wounded there, making them highly vulnerable to any pirate group that got in their way. And secondly, there were several malfunctions on that warship. Problems that could delay any trip they were going to make, preventing them from counter-attacking any enemy that might come their way, and so on.

To make matters worse, after they finished those enemies of the Nash family and were heading towards the Black Plain coast, they found out about the results of the attempted invasion of that base.


"Hah... Neil, what do we do now? Our attack failed..." One of the survivors of that warship slowly said this while breathing hurriedly, still very tired.

Such a person was one of the few level 49 Spiritual Generals who had survived the attacks of that Nash Spiritual King. So, he and his traveling companion, Neil, were one of the few who could decide anything here.

As for why they knew about the failure of Page's group, well, it was because they had received a warning from the woman a few moments after they had eliminated that Spiritual King.

In that notice, Page had warned them that the opponents were much more potent than they had expected, and probably half of their forces had been annihilated. She had also passed on the message that she would attack that place along with the rest of the guards who had stayed behind with her.

But since at this point they still had not received any communication back from that woman, they had assumed the worst...

The enemies on that base had destroyed Page's team!

But of course, maybe they were wrong to assume such a thing, right?

Well, some of the people on that warship had insisted on investigating this further. So, because of that, they had gotten close enough to that base to be able to see that place from a safe distance.

And just at this present moment, they were looking at the fleet of 19 warships that had come with them earlier. However, now they were being controlled by people wearing a different uniform than theirs...

They had assumed correctly!

Anyway, after hearing his group mate's question, Neil sighed for a moment and then said firmly. "The rest of the group is either dead or has been taken as hostages. In that case, we have nothing to do here..."

"Let's go back to the family headquarters!" 


"No more!"

"Even our warship can't guarantee that we will survive the return trip, so you can forget about us doing anything in that place!" He commented as he pointed in the direction of those 19 warships. "Observe that..."

"The enemy side seems to have hundreds of people even after Ms. Page's group attacked them with everything!"

"That means we won't stand a chance here. So, the best we can do is to return to the family to report what happened."

"But we don't know anything about the opponents..."

"Of course we do!"

"They are strong enough to massacre our group!"

After those words were said, it wasn't long before that place went silent, and slowly that warship changed course, now heading north.


'I hope we don't run into any pirates on the way back.' 


Meanwhile, in Dry City...

By now, Minos and Mendy had already gone to the City of Waters, where he had signed Soul Contracts with her father and the supreme elder of the Stokes family.

That had happened very smoothly since the spiritual judge responsible for this was already there, and everyone involved had already agreed on the contract terms.

So, everything had happened quickly, and in less than a day, the young Stuart and the two elders had finished their businesses.

Following that, the two individuals who would have the opportunity to learn from Minos' army remained in the City of Waters in order to accompany this young man to his city.

As for those most substantial seniors of the Stokes family, they headed back to this organization's headquarters, a place they could not be away from for long.

And of those two people, one was obviously Mendy, who had negotiated with Minos and had priority because of this. But, on the other hand, she was also just a level 50 cultivator who wouldn't be missed that much by her family in the short term.

Hence, she quickly took one of those first two vacancies that her family was eligible for with that agreement to learn with the army for the next six years while living in Dry City. 

But before Minos and these two people went to Dry City, he had spent some time in the City of Waters to understand the situation there and check Eda's progress.

And he had not been disappointed.

After several months of living in the City of Waters, Abby's former bodyguard had reached level 52!

Eda had Silver-grade technique like all soldiers who were allowed to enter the Spatial Kingdom. And since she was not so old when she reached the 6th stage, this woman still had a good cultivation speed.

For that, Minos hadn't been so surprised after seeing her again.

But despite this, he had been very pleased with this woman's progress. He had even helped Eda in a training session by sparring with her and pointing out various ways for her to improve.

Other than that, before leaving for Dry City, he had promised Eda that it wouldn't be long before someone would replace her in this army post.

So, she would have the opportunity to enjoy the unique effects of receiving Regina's poison treatment and also train for some time in the Spatial Kingdom before returning to work at an outside post.

Finally, with everything settled in the City of Waters, this young man had returned to Dry City alongside the two descendants of the Stokes family.

But after arriving in this city, one day after his trip to the town that was being protected by Eda, something out of the ordinary had happened, alerting the entire headquarters...

The attack on the naval base!