Chapter 218: The Beginning of Slaughter

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
At the moment the barrier exploded, a sound of glass being broken sounded in that region, at the same time, in which a strong wind passed through there, carrying some of the dust raised by that debris, as well as a light curtain of fog.

The defensive spiritual array used a great deal of spiritual energy to mold a barrier made from the water and minerals present in this resource.

Because of this, when it ran out of energy to maintain the barrier, that protective blue membrane that had appeared earlier did not simply disappear but turned into something that looked like sand, along with a mist.

The water had evaporated entirely, while what was in the water had been left behind in the form of solids.

Anyway, the moment that barrier was destroyed, more than 50 soldiers of the Black Plain Army immediately began to jump over that wall that circled the property they were attacking.

Some of them carried weapons in their hands, already preparing to attack at any moment, while others ran with bare hands.

Not every cultivator specialized in battle used techniques that required items, such as swords, bows, war hammers, etc.

But even though some of them didn't use spiritual weapons, each of these Sergeants wore grade 1, high-level spiritual armors, which could safely protect them against individuals below level 44.

And while his men were already jumping over that wall, Minos followed them from behind, without much hurry.

He had spent a good part of his energies destroying that barrier, so he wanted to let the soldiers deal with those people. In case something happened, he still had a little more than half of his spiritual reserves to fight, so he could quickly help them.

Besides, Abby and Eda followed along with Minos, already curious to see how the soldiers would fare.

The two of them naturally had no high expectations of Minos soldiers, as it was tough to see people like young Stuart who have a fighting proficiency well above their level. With that, they didn't believe they could be that impressive.

However, that didn't stop them from being curious. Minos spoke highly of his troops and seemed to take some pride in that too. And so, they couldn't help but wonder how those soldiers would perform.


Inside that property.

Seeing the barrier generated by the array of grade-2, low-level, be destroyed right in front of their eyes, the dozens of people in that place were very scared.

Just to destroy such a barrier in less than five minutes was impressive, which proved the strength of the opposite side.

As a result, those men who typically acted dominantly were now quite repressed, with tense expressions on their faces.

Amidst this fear, some of the few women in this environment had exciting expressions on their faces. Unfortunately, some of them had already been beaten a lot in the last few days. They could even end up dying if this continued.

Not all of them were aware at this time, as some of them were passed out in some spots in that place, sometimes naked, full of bruises all over their bodies and some white areas here and there.

These women were the slaves of this establishment, who had to put up with all kinds of fetishes from these criminal groups that frequented this place.

Anyway, of these women who were awake, they all had an exuberant sparkle in their eyes, as if they were longing for something...

'I hope these bastards all die!' Each of them had that thought in their minds as they saw that a battle was about to begin.

These women had no hope of being saved. After all, this was the city of Hadia, a place full of scums. Hence, it would be naive for them to think they would be rescued. This was probably someone's revenge, unrelated to them.

Thus, for those women, they would probably remain slaves of this place, or they would become someone else's captive!

With that, they didn't think about freedom, but rather to have a little personal satisfaction, if they could see these bandits who violated them, being all killed!

And while some of the captives of this place were hoping to have a good show, suddenly several cultivators wearing black cloaks, with masks that covered their identities, appeared on top of that wall, coming from different points.

They were running towards that open area of ​​that place, already brandishing their respective weapons.


And at that moment, when Minos' group appeared to those bandits, both sides could finally check their opponents' strength.

Before, the defensive spiritual array prevented them from doing so, so neither party knew precisely how many and how strong their respective opponents were.

And feeling the force of the invaders, the leader of the guards of that place finally said it aloud. "These people are only at level 42 for the most part, and the strongest one is only at level 48! How did they destroy our barrier?"

"Maybe some expert is hiding in the shadows?" Another guard said in a low voice.

Another man then said. "It doesn't matter, since the person who broke the barrier won't deal with us, we're going to destroy those enemies!"


Finally, the various guards there began to run towards Minos' soldiers, while some pirates did the same.

But obviously, not all those customers wanted to participate in a fight with this strange force, which had forced them all the way here. Some might feel that it wouldn't be good to stay and see, so they were already getting ready to run away at speed!


And while some of the soldiers of Minos ran inside that place to start fighting those criminals, others of the Sergeants had stayed on top of the walls, watching the site.

They knew that some of the outlaws might try to escape, so in order not to have to run after these people, who were more numerous and might scatter, the young Stuart's subordinates were ready to stop them from running from this establishment.

They, too, had felt the strength of their opponents at the exact moment as the enemy side, therefore already knowing the general power of this place.

Most of the people there were below level 43, being the customers of that place. The strongest ones were only between levels 44 and 46, which wasn't that much of a problem for these soldiers.

Of course, fighting someone at level 46 was pretty hard for these level 42 soldiers. Still, there was only one person like that in that place, while the young Stuart was supporting the 56 soldiers.

Therefore, aside from the few individuals who could cause them any trouble, most here could not even serve as training for Minos' army's Sergeants. They were just a bit of a problem due to the difference in numbers.

Overcoming Minos' forces would be impossible, but escape was still a viable alternative, which could greatly hamper these soldiers' mission. Consequently, they were cautiously guarding the perimeter of this place.




Sounds of battle sounded from the outskirts of that property when finally fighting on both sides began.

Many attack and defense techniques were released simultaneously, creating a magnificent image to behold for those who were following it closely.

Semi-transparent blades slashed through the air. Fireballs flew around from side to side as other long-range techniques were unleashed, hitting the respective opponents' defenses.

There were shields made of earth appearing in front of some cultivators. In contrast, others had visual, physical changes on their bodies as if their own skin were made of highly resistant metallic materials.



Each movement generated damage in the surroundings of that property, with holes in the ground, furniture destroyed and scattered on the ground, amidst the first screams of pain.

The difference in strength between the two sides was huge, and the only thing that had maintained any balance so far was the numbers that each had.

But every time a soldier from the young Stuart's army attacked a bandit, they were quickly massacred, being hurled back and forth while having their defenses destroyed by their opponents.

As for the guards at that establishment, they were having a tight fight, hitting as much as they were getting beaten. They hadn't gained any obvious advantage from the start, despite being stronger at cultivation levels.


And after a few seconds of battle, finally, the first person to die emerged, letting out one last wail before falling to the ground and losing his light.

That was a pirate from a crew other than Del, who was partying in this place today. Unfortunately for him, he had not supported the difference in strength to his enemies and had ended up falling.

Minos' soldier had used only five blows to finish this pirate, using a big war hammer to crush his opponent's chest.

And while many were fighting for their lives in that place, Del and his group still hadn't gotten involved. They were looking for the best time to go out when other individuals did the same.