Chapter 353: General Hospital

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
After Dillian reached level 50, days passed, and it was time for the opening of the Dry City General Hospital!

In the past few days, the population had found out about Dillian's advancement to the 6th stage, Spiritual King!

Of course, after entering this new cultivation stage, it didn't take long for many soldiers to start talking about it. After all, Dillian's appearance had changed from water to wine, and it would be strange if no one tried to probe the butler's new power.

And with that, the many Sergeants who daily contacted Dillian soon found out about the matter and began to talk amongst themselves. After that, the conversations between soldiers and their families spread the news.

Soon, such information reached the ordinary citizens of the city.

That was long-awaited news, and when the citizens found out about it, they naturally became much more talkative that day.

Spiritual Kings were at the top of the regional powers and were considered experts in this region. So, having someone of that level in this city was like an achievement for these people, something that demonstrated the rise of the Black Plain...

But the commotion caused by this news only lasted two days, when the announcement of the city's hospital's opening was finally released.

Having a Spiritual King was good, but Minos was already as strong as one, and the population knew it. So, after the initial surprise, the commotion had passed.

However, the matter of the hospital was often more important than having 'another Spiritual King.' After all, a new service could directly change the inhabitants' lives instead of a person's power level, which would only indirectly affect their lives.

Many needed medical services in this city, so the population couldn't help but be anxious about it, leaving the subject of Dillian a little 'in the shadow.'


Anyway, the day was sunny in the Dry City, and at the time, the sun had already covered a third of the local sky.

On one of the local construction sites, a part had already been entirely built on the city's east side. In that place, everything was new, from the residential buildings, blocks and public parks, the streets, and even the commercial buildings.

Most of these buildings were still empty, as this part had just been completed a few days ago and had not yet begun to receive residents.

These buildings were 20 to 30 meters high each and were of different models to beautify the local view. Other than that, the commercial buildings were closer to the city's main avenue, which passed through this neighborhood, while the residential buildings were towards the middle of the district.

Finally, in part with vast distances between each building, there was a complex in the shape of an 'H,' with about six floors and an all-glass facade.

There was a luminous sign on top of this building, where the name 'General Hospital' was engraved in a silvery color.

Around this place, there were lawns on the street's sidewalks, with wooden benches for people to sit on and water fountains, at two different points.

Other than that, there was a large entrance for carriages to stop on the main entrance, while there was another entrance at the rear of the building.

And at the moment, this place was crowded with people around the hospital, behind the boundaries made by the army soldiers, who were responsible for the area's security.

In addition, there were already some official local government carriages parked at that main entrance, where Minos' group had entered a few moments ago!

As the local ruler, Minos naturally wanted to see this hospital and know precisely how this organization would work and how he could use such a service in the future.

That's because the young sovereign had left the organization of this place almost entirely to Dillian to decide how this place should be since the butler was the one with the best skills to do that.

With that, other than some information relevant to him, Minos didn't know much about this place.

For example, most of what he knew about this location concerned the costs and price that would be charged. That's because such a thing would serve for him to use as an attraction in the future, to bring even more people to his city.

In this regard, it had been decided by Dillian that the prices charged would vary according to the severity of the injury or illness, the level of the patient, and the level of the doctor. After all, part of the prices charged by doctors was not related to the difficulty of the treatment itself but how much these professionals had to strive to treat it.

In other words, a treatment could only take 30 minutes. However, it could still cost hundreds of crystals, depending on the situation. That amount of time may seem short, but how many years did this professional have to struggle, cultivating, and leveling up to get to the point of having a treatment in just half an hour?

It's hard to say. But, if we were to think about Dillian's case, he had been a doctor for decades!

Obviously, there were people more talented and capable than he, but that wouldn't invalidate all his work and effort.

With this, understanding the prices charged by doctors as payment for the years of effort of these professionals would not be wrong!

But the treatments provided by this hospital would not be expensive for the citizens of the Dry City. For example, therapies that required a low-level grade-1 doctor would range from 5 to 20 low-grade crystals.

Those who needed treatment of a medium-level grade-1 doctor, from 30 to 50 crystals. A high-level grade-1, 80 to 130. A low-level grade-1, from 1,500 to 3,000 low-grade crystals. And finally, if someone needed a doctor at Dillian level, a medium-level grade-2, the cost would range from 2,500 to 5,000 low-grade crystals!

These values ​​could be considered high when analyzed without any further information. However, for each of these classifications, the price charged regionally was, on average, 2 to 4 times the values ​​mentioned.

In fact, grade-2 doctors didn't even accept payments on low-grade crystals!

As for the prices that would be charged for visitors of the Dry City in the future, that would be two times the amounts charged for local citizens.

Another important fact is that local citizens would have a preference at the General Hospital over visitors from other states!

These were the main advantages of this service for the properly regularized inhabitants of this city.


Anyway, Minos, Eda, Abby, and Dillian were entering the hospital entrance hall at this moment, right after they had passed through the entrance to this place.

There was a wide-open space in this place, where the glass walls gave a feeling of this place being even bigger than it was. From there, they could see the street from the entrance side of the building very well, while that part was also bright.

The floor had a kind of tile in a milky color, and the inner walls of that place were all beige, with some colored paths running through the walls.

There were a few signs here and there, indicating the legend of these colorful paths and where each of them led.

In addition to huge lamps on the ceiling, there was a reception in that entrance hall, while some leather stools were strategically scattered around that place.

There was space for ten people to work simultaneously at the reception, but there were only two young women in that place now.

And that was expected. The hospital was built to serve up to 500,000 inhabitants, but the current Dry City did not even have 30% of that. But it wouldn't always be like that!

So, Dillian had asked for this place to be built to such a size.

Consequently, not all the structures built would be used immediately, and there would be no need to hire more people for now.

Finally, Minos' group started to hear the presentation of Dillian, who would from now on be the director of this hospital!

Dillian then said with a smile on his face. "Let's start our tour, hehe..."