Chapter 369

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
At the end of August, the Taiwei mansion officially handed down a document, worried that the border disease in Tianshui county was very serious and the demons were becoming more and more rampant, so Chen Hai led the Longxiang camp of Suwei camp to move to Hengshan in the north of Tianshui county to help the local armed forces prepare for the border disease.

The Jingying army garrisons the border and can usually control the local military equipment. However, this time, Chen Hai led his department to move to Hengshan and did not grant the title of senior general who can control the local military equipment. After arriving at Hengshan, he still had to accept the control of the general's office of the shepherd and the Duwei of Tianshui county. In fact, neither the Zong valve of Jingjun nor the Yanran Army wanted to see Chen Hai suddenly gain power, which they did not expect.

The marching route of Longxiang camp is also strictly restricted by Taiwei mansion, and there is no intention for Chen hai to lead his department to cross Qintong Shanxi under the pretext of Beijing.

Taking a route from Gyeonggi was originally the quickest way, but Yingwang Yingshu and Taiwei Tu Qian were really worried that if they put Longxiang camp into Gyeonggi or qintongshan, they would be blind if they stopped halfway.

The route drawn up by Taiwei mansion for the 30000 troops in Longxiang camp is to pass through Yongjun County, climb over zhemaling in the north of Qintong mountains and enter the north of Tianshui county.

Although the terrain of zhanma mountain is not as steep as the numerous Jue mountains at the north foot of Qintong mountain range, it is also full of peaks of 45 kilometers. The Yangchang Valley Road is extremely narrow and steep. It is an important barrier for Yanzhou to resist the demons and barbarians in the northwest.

The 30000 cavalry in Longxiang camp took the road from zhanma ridge. First, the road was difficult. It was also seven or eight thousand miles. It might take twice as long as taking the road from Yanjing.

Secondly, after crossing the zhanma ridge, before reaching the Hengshan defense line in the north of Tianshui County, there are more than 1000 miles of wasteland, which is an area where demons and barbarians often enter the activity, especially after autumn, the demons and barbarians will be quite active in this area.

When Longxiang camp enters the wasteland between zhanma ridge and Hengshan defense line, it is almost impossible to escape the attack of demon barbarians. We have to pray. At that time, there happens to be no main force of demon barbarians gathering nearby, otherwise we may face the disaster of toppling.

It is also a rule for the Taiwei mansion to designate the route for the relocation of the Jingying army. This is to prevent the generals from having different aspirations.

However, at this time, the two wind flame airships of Tianji school palace have been manufactured in Lequan and the workshop at the foot of juquanling mountain. This time, they can be used.

Chen Haixian, Huang Shuang, Qi Hanjiang, Han wendang, sun Gan, Han Jian and others led Hu Weiying to take two Fengyan airships, and Fang Xiyan, the Commissioner of the army, flew directly through the valley between qintongshan and zhanmaling under the protection of more than 100 war birds, and first entered the north of Tianshui County to take over the defensive barrier on the West Wing of Hengshan.

The main force of Longxiang camp, except for 20000 war horses and portable war equipment that can be easily transferred, was handed over to the local government. Led by Le Yi, Wu Meng and Zhou Jun, they slowly took a way from Jiyang County and Yong county and gathered at the east foot of zhanmaling in advance.

At this time, the superiority of the wind flame airship was fully demonstrated.

A large wind flame airship, with a load of 200000 kg, can transport thousands of light armor at one time, and the transportation efficiency is very high. It can almost ignore the obstacles of the terrain.

Although the wind flame airship should not fly too high, it is the limit to lift off to 5000 meters; No matter how high it is, it will become extremely unstable against the sharp wind. The air bag sewn with animal skin can't withstand the sharp sword like wind.

But not to mention cutting the horse ridge, even the numerous Jue mountains at the north foot of Qintong mountain have enough space between the peaks that are often tens of thousands of meters, so that the wind flame airship can pass through.

The straight-line distance from Hengshan to Lianshui is more than 4000 Li. The wind flame airship is enough for two days and two nights, and you can stop and take a breath in the middle. However, if you don't borrow the wind flame airship, thousands of elite, even if you ride the green cunning horse that can travel thousands of miles a day, it will take more than half a month to get from Lianshui to Hengshan.

There were two Fengyan airships. After receiving the official order from the Taiwei residence, a thousand sharp soldiers in the Huwei camp of Longxiang camp and some military officials such as sun Gan entered Hengshan City three days later.

The speed was so fast that the garrison before Hengshan city was stunned. They thought it was an enemy raid, because they received an official letter from Taiwei's house the day before.

Fortunately, Wu Jinglin and Wu Yunqiao accompanied Chen Hai; Otherwise, Chen Haigen could not have taken over the defense of Hengshan city from the previous garrison. No one could believe that they would come so soon.

Although the cost of two wind flame airships is not cheap, no matter how high the cost is, it is much lower than domesticating three or four hundred black feather giant vultures.

Moreover, the incubation and domestication of black feather giant vultures are not easy. At this time, Hexi's strength can be said to have developed to its peak, but at this time, less than 100 black feather giant vultures can be added into the army every year.

Next, the two wind flame airships will continue to be put into use and continuously transport the soldiers and armour weapons of the Longxiang camp of the Suwei army to Hengshui. In addition, the generals of Longxiang camp, led by general Le Yi and others, also drove westward from Lianshui. The whole process of relocation is expected to be one-third shorter than that from Gyeonggi and qintongguan.

The biggest problem is the transfer of more than 20000 war horses. After all, the size and weight of war horses are too big.

Longxiang camp collected the remnants of the black Yan army. The 20000 war horses retained after fine editing are one in a hundred. However, when these war horses enter the air by airship, no one is so honest. They have to be equipped with specific and solid horse racks to occupy space and load. In short, it will be more troublesome.

The final plan was to hand over more than 15000 war horses to the caravan of Tianji school palace, enter the capital region from Wushengguan, and send them to Hengshan through qintongguan.

For the remaining 5000 excellent combat riders, Le Yi made up a cavalry and quickly passed by the way from zhanma mountain; Other generals arranged Fengyan airships to receive Hengshan one after another in the process of marching westward.

By the time Wu Cheng, the lieutenant general of Tianshui County, arrived at Hengshan in mid September to meet Chen Hai, 8000 soldiers from the Longxiang camp of the Su Wei army had settled in Hengshan city.

Wu Cheng and Wu en, the contemporary master of the Wu family, are cousins. They are all accomplishments in the middle of the daodan realm. They are called the six masters of the Huayang sect in Tianshui county and Huayang sect, together with Zhou Zhong, the master of the Zhou family, Lao Zhou Tong, Qu Xiyuan, the master of the Qu family, and Liao Yunkui, who has a poor family background and weak clan power.

Because the Wu, Zhou and Qu nationalities have their own specialties in Tianshui county and Huayang sect, no one can suppress the other two nationalities. Therefore, for nearly a century, the three nationalities have taken turns in the important positions of county shepherd and Duwei general in Tianshui county.

At this time, the pastor of Tianshui county was Qu Xiyuan, the master of Qu's valve, and the general of Du Wei was Wu Cheng of Wu's family.

Chen Hai led his troops to move to Hengshan city. Nominally, he accepted the control of Qu Xiyuan and Wu Cheng. At the same time, he also knew the affairs of Hengshan government. As long as he did not leave Tianshui County, he was the third person in Tianshui county. However, his defense area was in Hengshan city and the vast battlefield north of Hengshan City, which could fight against demons and barbarians, so he could not reach into Tianshui county, Naturally, it is impossible to interfere in the internal military and political affairs of Tianshui county.

Every winter, the northern wasteland is covered with ice and snow, and they will go south to hunt. Therefore, every October is the most tense time in the north of Tianshui county.

Although the patriarchal clan of Jingjun intends to make trouble for Longxiang camp, and although all ethnic groups in Tianshui county have their own thoughts, it is the bottom line that everyone should adhere to to to hold the Hengshan defense line. Therefore, Wu Cheng is also worried that Longxiang camp cannot be moved in time, and there are only more than 30000 soldiers in Longxiang camp. He is also worried that the strength of Longxiang camp is limited and cannot hold the eastern part of Hengshan defense line.

However, seeing that in just half a month, eight thousand soldiers from Longxiang camp settled in Hengshan City, Wu Cheng was also quite shocked. He looked even more dignified after seeing the Fengyan airship on the spot.

These are just two wind flame airships, which can transport 8000 elite soldiers from four or five thousand miles away to Hengshan in half a month. What if there were 20 wind flame airships in Longxiang camp?

From then on, which one is absolutely safe in the depth of the rear and hinterland?

However, the Tianji school palace did not keep the manufacturing scroll of the wind flame airship secret. As long as any county and people are willing to pay a harsh price, they can never change from the Tianji school palace to the scroll. For convenience, the Miao and Yue families, after purchasing the atlas of the Fengyan airship, directly set up a foundry of the Fengyan airship in Liquan, and even hired familiar craftsmen from the Tianji palace. Therefore, no one can take any position on this matter, blaming Chen Hai and Tianji palace.

It's just that we have to constantly adapt to the new mode of war in the future, which is a headache.

From Taiwei mountain to Qintong, the terrain is low, forming a gap almost thousands of miles, which has become the main channel for demon and barbarian forces to attack the northwest.

There is no big terrain obstacle from this passage to Huayang ridge in the south of Tianshui County, which can block the pace of demon man's invasion to the south.

To ease the pressure of defense, Tianshui county built the defense line on the south side of the whole gap. There is still a main mountain, which is only about 500 or 600 high. It has built more than ten defense strongholds to resist the invasion of demons and barbarians.

In the future, Chen Hai and Longxiang camp will be responsible for the eastern area of Hengshan defense line, which is close to the northwest foot of Qintong mountain, crosses the numerous Jue mountains at the north foot of Qintong mountain, and is only a thousand miles away from Liquan. The Tonghe river flows out of the numerous valleys and dangerous gullies at the West foot of Qintong mountain, flows in front of Hengshan City, twists and turns to the north, and converges from the source to Taiwei mountain The river of zhemaling flows all the way to the north and flows into the Far North Sea where demon and barbarian tribes gather.

It is very cold in winter. The river from the northern foot of Taiwei mountain to the north will be completely frozen in winter, but in spring, the earth will warm up and the ice will melt, and the land along the coast will be washed out by the wanton flood, forming a natural barrier to prevent the demon barbarians from invading the south. When the cold season comes again, the flooded area of the northern wasteland is frozen again, which is a good opportunity for demon barbarians to invade the south.

The western area of Hengshan defense line will be defended by the local armed forces of Tianshui County in the future. Because Longxiang camp joins the defense line, Tianshui county can draw 100000 troops from Hengshan defense line and move to the west of Huayang ridge to guard against the possible changes of Hexi army to Tianshui County - which is also the main reason why Tianshui county asks for assistance from Yanjing.

In the northeast of Hengshan defense line in Tianshui County, it is the zhemaling defense line in Yong County, and in the northwest, it is the duanlongling camp in Hexi, which is located at the north foot of Taiwei Shandong. It can form huge jaws from the left and right wings to limit the southern invasion of demons and barbarians from this gap, which also greatly alleviates the defense pressure of Tianshui county.

The only problem is that from the Hengshan defense line to the north, almost thousands of miles of fertile soil have been abandoned, turned into vast grasslands, and flooded after spring.

This is also the key reason why Tianshui county is very weak and all ethnic groups have no ambition.

Tianshui county was originally separated from Qinshan County, and because Hengshan took the initiative to give up the land thousands of miles north, the land is nearly half less than other counties. How can it not be weak?