Chapter 442

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In the middle of September, the coolness was not gone. There were many soldiers on the demon ape wall, and tie Kun stood with his hands on his back. Looking at the distance, he had not seen dukri's attack for several days. However, under the scorching sun, the barbarians waiting on the wall of Tieya were washed all over, but no one dared to relax or go down to the city to close the summer.

"The enemy moved..." tie Kun noticed that the enemy stronghold moved at this time, but then felt confused. Instead of going out of the North stronghold gate to attack the evil ape City, the soldiers of the Krieg department rushed out from the South stronghold gate and continued to go to the southwest, which made it clear that they were going to go around to the West and attack the white deer city together with the soldiers of the Tuoba department in the west of the white deer city.

Although the pressure on the evil ape city is less, tie Kun has no joy on his face. He knows the truth that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold. Once the white deer city falls, the evil ape city will not last long.

Chen Hai smiled and looked at tie Kun for advice. He just asked him to strengthen his surveillance of the enemy. In addition, the construction of magic ape city and the construction of war weapons and armour must continue

At this time, the Mongolian war also fell into great anxiety in the white deer city. After the initial test of the stronghold, the Tuoba Department withdrew from building the stronghold 20 or 30 miles away for a whole day. At this time, it sent 2000 barbarians who were good at riding and shooting to press up and shoot arrows at the head of the city.

The demon barbarians on the grassland do not have the ability to make bed crossbows on a large scale, and the crossbows they make are quite inferior. The bone arrows and iron arrows they shoot can not cause any substantive damage to the rough and fleshy demon barbarians. The barbarian soldiers are more used to throwing short spears at each other before the two formations contact, or they can better open the gap of the enemy array.

The two thousand archers of Tuoba Department shot in unison, which seemed spectacular, but had little effect. It was too far away. Even most of the arrows didn't fly to the head of Bailu City, so they fell powerlessly.

Occasionally there was a dull hum or two. I don't know which unlucky guy took an arrow. He turned his head and looked at it. The brave man who took the arrow bit his teeth, pulled out the arrow, broke it and threw it on the ground. As soon as he exerted his arm, his muscles contracted a few times, his small wound stopped bleeding, shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare at the cowards in the city who only dared to scatter in the distance.

It was not until noon that Meng Zhan knew the other party's real intention and hurriedly summoned the generals to discuss countermeasures when he learned that the 30000 troops of the Kremlin withdrew from the south of the magic ape city and turned into Bailu city.

When I came down from the city wall, I saw that the city wall collapsed in the war a few days ago had been repaired with earth and stone, but Mongolian war was not happy at all.

In such a fierce battle, such a wall is too weak to even carry the initial exploratory contact war, so it collapsed several sections. Can it support it for another day under the strong attack of nearly 100000 troops?

Bursts of powerlessness sprang up in his heart. At this moment, Meng Zhan found that he was really old.

Soon, the leaders of all tribes arrived. Meng Zhan turned around in the tent with his hands on his back and said his judgment of the war situation.

"Why don't we give up the white deer city and go to the magic ape city through the ape Leaping Gorge. The magic ape city is narrow and unfavorable to the enemy's strong attack. The wall of the magic ape city is stronger than expected. There are a large number of mortar rocks on both sides that can be mined to build higher and longer walls. There should be no problem to stick to it. Once the father leaves the pass at that time, he won't give up us." Mutu saw that no one spoke after Meng Zhan finished. Here he put forward an opinion.

"Fool, if you give up the white deer city and the ancient underground palace, no matter whether the King Khan will be held accountable when he leaves the customs in the future, what will 200000 or 300000 people and hundreds of thousands of slaves crowd into the small demon ape city to eat? Can you stuff millions of animals and the forage needed by millions of animals into the small demon ape city?" Meng Zhan was in a bad mood, In the face of this nephew who was broken by the Dragon army in World War I, he didn't speak so politely.

"What should we do? Which city will not be built for several years? It's not easy for us to achieve this level in just a few months. Do you have to work hard here?" Mutu retorted unconvinced.

There is no way for the demon ape city to contain so many people, but the demon ape city and the ape leaping gorge are integrated with each other. They only need to withdraw into the ape Leaping Gorge and establish defense in the narrowest place on the north side of the ape Leaping Gorge.

Of course, just guarding the ape Leaping Gorge and the demon ape City, the activity space becomes extremely narrow, and there is no room for hundreds of thousands of people, slaves and millions of animals. However, if you want to succeed, you need to have a choice. As long as the elite soldiers of the MengWu department are retained, the slaves and the old, weak, women and children of the MengWu department are abandoned.

Meng Zhan knew what Mutu was thinking. He was angry for a moment and glanced around, but he saw that many of the pretty generals wanted to get angry, but he didn't know where to start.

"The enemy seems to know that the walls of our white deer city are not strong except for the open terrain, so we should take us as the key breakthrough. If we can strengthen the walls, won't we break the enemy's wishful thinking?" a black and thin witch man stood up and said.

"It took five months to build the city wall like this. Do you say that strengthening can turn the city wall into steel overnight?" Mutu was also upset at this time. Seeing that the witch man stood up and talked nonsense and impolitely accused.

With a strange smile from Jie Jie, the black and thin witch man didn't care about Mutu's identity at all, and replied: "Prince Mutu, as a witch man, doesn't know that my witch man is very weak and doesn't have some means to change his life against the sky. How can he inherit it in the vast sea for thousands of years?"

"Change your life against the sky?" Mutu scolded impolitely.

Meng Zhan waved to stop Mutu's rudeness and said politely to the witch, "master Kuntai, do you have a way to break the game?"

Although he disdained Mutu's greed for life and fear of death, Kuntai still respected Mongolia war, a strong man who had been in the vast sea for a hundred years. He replied with an arch hand: "Tell Zuo Du general that when our department attacked from the West Road a few years ago, we captured an array book in the Terran city. However, this book is extremely difficult and incomplete. It is also hard to practice for decades. It is considered a small achievement, but if Zuo Du will let me do it, I am confident to turn the whole white deer city into an iron city in a few days."

Kuntai is the head of a witch and barbarian belonging to the Erze Department of the tribe.

The wuman of Erze department is not very dazzling in the vast sea grassland, but there are many strange means. However, Mongolian war dare not neglect such major events of life and death. First let the generals retreat, and then summon the most powerful wuman of all departments to discuss the method of consolidating the city proposed by Kuntai.

Although Meng Zhan has also practiced some basic XuanZhen cultivation formulas to assist in combat and offered some low-level magic weapons to protect himself over the years, his research on Xuanfa is not deep. In the big tent, he is dizzy and distraught about various terms such as soul, flesh and blood, blood refining and so on. However, after hearing Kuntai's explanation in great doubt, the wuman elder of Meng Wu Department said to Meng Zhan in ignorance: "This method is really worth trying, but it is extremely bloody and may be inappropriate."

The demise of the Mongolian Wu Department is at hand. Where can the Mongolian war care about the bloody tactics and whether it is inappropriate to upload it?

Mongolian war doesn't care how bloody this method is, as long as it is effective.

At such a critical moment, it is natural not to procrastinate. Kuntai, mengran and other witches gathered hundreds of witches and barbarians of all ethnic groups and deployed a large array around Bailu city.

Meng Zhan stood at the head of the city and watched hundreds of witches and barbarians stand in a specific position in the open space vacated in the city. Kuntai seemed to have some secret method to connect their spirits. Then he saw all kinds of twisted and strange light and shadow lines appear among hundreds of witches and barbarians. If they can bite people's souls, they would be dizzy for a while.

It was not until late at night that the huge and complex array arranged by hundreds of witches and barbarians was finally deployed. Teams of Terran slaves stood in the designated position one by one driven by barbarians.

Although there is no need to build a city these days, the work of excavating the underground palace has not stopped. At this time, they are suddenly asked to put down what they are doing and rush here, which really makes tens of thousands of slaves have some ominous feeling, especially the strange lines on the ground. Those Terrans with a foundation of cultivation can directly feel the danger of swallowing blood, flesh and spirits in front, but the brutal barbarism on both sides Driven by soldiers, no one dared to act rashly, but moved forward numbly

At this time, Chen Hai sat around a clear spring in the blood demon gorge, enjoying the rare coolness in summer, and deduced the Wu man's skill system. Cangyi couldn't stand loneliness and didn't know where to go for a long time.

Suddenly, an unspeakable cold breath rose slowly from the white deer city and spread.

Chen Hai was surprised, and his divine sense threw himself into the white deer city. At this time, the sky over the white deer city was covered with dark clouds, like a giant beast. The black clouds rolled out slowly, and soon turned into a piece of scarlet, slowly descending. But the circumference of the city was blocked by a mysterious atmosphere, and his divine sense couldn't go in.

I don't know where Cang Yi and Ning chan'er have gone. Chen Hai immediately collected his breath and didn't urge Zhenyuan. He plundered Bailu city close to the cliff.

Tuoba Yan is having a headache in the big account at this time. The combination of the two parts is inevitable. However, as a witch man, he has less advantages than the Tuoba flag of Wuxiu. With the Tuoba flag supported by the Kremlin, it will be the most insurmountable gap for him.

Suddenly he looked up, there were some unspeakable and unidentified changes in the white deer city forty miles away. A divine sense was thrown into the white deer city, but the blood refining array of ten thousand people could not be countered by one or two people. After a stalemate, the divine sense slowly retreated and walked out of the big tent. He saw that the white deer city at that time had long been shrouded in blood clouds

At this time, the Terran slaves in the array, no matter how stupid they are, will understand what is about to happen and want to run away. However, there is an invisible force on the earth that firmly traps them and can only howl in despair.

Kuntai's long recitation of lengthy incantations is like no end. I don't know what the blessing of power is. His low recitation voice can change the voice of tens of thousands of people in the field. The incantations echoed in the city, rendering the white deer city like a ghost.

Gradually, from the mouth, nose and eyes of the Terran slaves, blood lines rushed to the sky and drew arcs to the blood cloud above the head of Bailu city. A Terran slave turned into a skeleton and stood in the array strangely, which made countless barbarian generals tremble and feel cold. I didn't expect that there should be such evil and terrible magic in this world.

At this time, there was a thick blood rain in Bailu City, but the blood rain only drenched at the head of the city.

Mongolian war several people have long been far away. Looking at the power that does not belong to heaven and earth, they are afraid to fight unceasingly.

Chen Hai stood on a lonely peak and looked at the white deer city shrouded in the blood cloud from a distance. Although he didn't understand what was happening inside, he was particularly sensitive to the spirit. He realized that this change had to be achieved by the souls of at least tens of thousands of people. Moreover, the magic method was the same as the blood refining method of Luocha nationality.

He has never dared to practice the blood refining method in Yanzhou these years. Unexpectedly, this evil method has been passed down in the depths of the vast grassland

When the 10000 Terran slaves in the field have completely turned into dead bones, and there are hundreds of witches and barbarians in the array, they can't bear the counterattack of the blood refining array, and the seven orifices bleed to death, but the blood rain finally stops, and bursts of strong winds blow and the clouds disperse, the city wall in the eyes of the barbarians has completely changed: although it is still the same height, But there seems to be blood and flesh flowing all the time, just like living creatures. This is a wall made of blood and flesh.