Zuo Sihan is confused. This is not the result he imagined!

Why didn't Su Nian care about the student union at all? On the contrary, I can't wait to leave?

Does that mean Su Niannian does not mean anything to him.

Thinking of this, Zuo Sihan is a miserable howl, pointing to Su Niannian, tone trembling. Shake: "you You, you, you... "

He has never been moved by so many girls who have been chasing him. The only time I took the initiative to chase a girl, but I failed. It's a shame!

Su blinked every year: "huh? Do you have anything else to do? "

She really doesn't care about the student union, and there are many things in the sports and sports department. It's a waste of time to go there. It's better to brush the B station in the dormitory and read the comics.

Zuo Sihan "you" for a long time did not say anything, and finally left with a face lost.

Seeing that there was no excitement to see, the crowd gradually dispersed.

With a sigh of relief, Su Nian finally finished the goods!

She smiles gratefully to Tang Yu, "thank you very much. If you didn't come, I would have to catch a passer-by casually. I guess I'll get into trouble again."

Tang Yu shrugged his shoulders and declined to ask for his autograph and group photo of the girls. He said in a low voice, "it's nothing. It's a piece of cake."

"Hey, I heard that you've been making a lot of announcements recently, aren't you tired? I invite you to eat delicious food He dragged Tang Yu forward.

Tang Yu coughed, "are you sure you want to dress like this to eat?"

Su looked down every year and his face turned red.

She is also wearing a pair of big white rabbit slippers bought by Doudou group! Shorts + short sleeves, because of the cold, but also a nondescript black coat, the coat hat also with two cute ears of the bear.

Su almost died of shame and anger every year! How dare she refuse Zuo Sihan in front of so many people?

But in front of Tang Yu, she straightened her waist: "am I not handsome in this way? Are you jealous of me! Envy my handsome! Envious of my artistic collocation

Tang Yu's mouth twitched, and he knew that Su was always reasonable. He could only nod: "handsome, jealous, especially jealous."

Su Niannian regained a little self-confidence this time. He was manly and walked forward in his big slippers. Tang Yu put on his hat and black glasses. At first glance, he could not see that he was a star.

After a few steps, Su Niannian suddenly stopped.

She felt that there was a line of sight not far away from her. She turned her head and saw a familiar figure.


GU Zichen finished the work of the student union and invited people from all departments to have dinner together. Many of them were drunk. He didn't feel so cold-blooded and heartless as others thought. Instead, he sent people back one by one.

On the way back to the parking lot, he heard a trumpet ringing through the campus: "I like you. How about being my girlfriend?"

He was never interested in these advertising activities, but a "Su Nian Nian" in the loudspeaker stopped him.

Gu Zichen stops in place, watching the whole process, and hears Su Niannian say that "the person I like is him".

He saw Tang Yu.

Everything is so natural, Su Niannian's tone did not pause, Tang Yu did not have any explanation.

Even later, he saw that Su Niannian and Tang Yu had a chat. Su Niannian took his arm and walked forward with a smile on his face.

Until Su Niannian felt his gaze and ran into his sight.

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