~Chapter 65~ Part 2

Name:The Simulacrum Author:Egathentale
"I'm not going to lie, I didn't expect lunch to turn out as well as it did," I noted as I closed the door of my room behind me. "Good job."

"I just tried my best to replicate the taste I remembered," Elly replied in a modest manner while already sitting on the edge of my bed, but the smug little smirk at the corners of her lips told me she was quite proud of herself, so I figured some more praising was in order.

"You did really well. Even Ichiko thought it was good, and she is native. Well, at least as native as a sword-spirit inhabiting a Chimera can be, but that's beside the point."

My girlfriend let out a low, satisfied giggle. In the meantime, I walked over and sat down by her side, slightly rocking the bed and eliciting another chuckle from her. Today it was Snowy's turn to wash the dishes, and I unsubtly prodded the tiny miko into helping her, so for now it was only the two of us in the room. Normally this would have been a cozy occasion, but not this time. In fact, I was feeling a little tense at the moment, and it had nothing to do with being all alone in my room with a pretty girl.

As a matter of fact, I promised Elly that I would let her in on a couple of my secrets. The problem was that, while I had no intention of going back on my word, the exact details of how much I should say and in which manner were something I planned to figure out over the night. Needless to say, my sudden loss of consciousness threw the mother of all monkey-wrenches into that plan, so by the looks of it, I figured I would have to wing most of it on the spot.

I mulled over how I should proceed for a while, and once I picked my approach, I took a deep breath and decided to break the ice. I turned to the girl at my side and was just about to open my mouth when she sidled closer to me and linked her arm around mine. I did my best imitation of Josh's eyebrow-wiggling, and in response she swiftly declared, "I'm multitasking."

"Multitasking?" I repeated after her, and she gave me a firm nod in return.

"It's what Judy always talks about. This way, we can both have a discussion and cuddle! At the same time!"

"... How is that any different from how we usually do things?"

"I don't really know either, but she was really adamant about it, so it must be important to do things this way," the princess proclaimed, though her tone sounded considerably less certain than her words would imply.

"Well, if nothing else, it's good for my mood," I half-jested as I pulled her even closer.

"I know! Kinship always makes me feel better too," she noted as she rested her head against my shoulder. For a moment I considered whether I should correct her, but I figured that if the last five times didn't work, the sixth time wouldn't make a difference either.

"So, princess? I think it's time to let you in on some classified information. It's… probably going to be hard to believe, so please don't freak out." She didn't say anything in response and only gave me a determined look… which was a little bit ruined by how she was doing it while still leaning her head against me, but I didn't voice my impression. "Let me start with something simple, and ease you into the weirder stuff. You see, I have more 'unique' abilities than the ones I told the rest of the guys about."

"Such as?" she prompted me, and after a deep breath, I proceeded to come clean.

"First off, remember the whole thing you guys figured out about my ability to teleport yesterday?" She nodded, so I continued, "Most of it is correct, but not really. You see, I don't actually need physical anchors to do it. I can mark people, and then I can freely teleport anywhere in a small radius around of them."

"Wait a moment," Elly interrupted me and simultaneously moved back a little so that she could look me in the eye properly. "So you didn't teleport to the bracelet, but… to me?"


"But… but wait! Wouldn't that mean you had to do it when I was near Sebastian's room?" I confirmed her deduction, and her brows immediately furrowed. "But I only went to Sebastian's room that one time to put the bracelet on the doorknob. If you teleported to me… That means you knew when I would be there?"

"That kind of ties into another one of my abilities. You see, I can actually remotely view people I marked," I explained, and her brows somehow managed to furrow even further in response.

"Remote view? As in, you can see through people's eyes?"

"No, just straight-up watch and hear them like I was in the room. I can even change my viewing position and float around. Judy and I call it 'Far Sight'."

"And you can do that at any time?" I gave her a nod in lieu of an answer, and suddenly my dear girlfriend jumped to her feet and stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "Leo… You weren't peeping on me, were you?"

"No, of course not," I answered with only slight exasperation, as I more or less expected this reaction from her. "I'm not a voyeur."

"Good. That's a bad thing," she declared with a huff, before adding, "I mean, I don't really mind that much if it's you, but doing it without asking for permission is a crime."

"I'm not going to peep on you, even if you gave me permission," I stated a tad dryly, and the princess immediately turned a shade redder and pointed a familiar yet lately seldom seen finger at me.

"I won't! You are not allowed to peep at Judy either! And if you look at other girls, I will tell dad!"

I wondered just how she would even know, but before anything else, I reached out with my good hand towards her extended arm and gently pulled her back towards me.

"Easy there, princess. I told you, I'm not peeping on anyone."

I stopped for a second as I pondered whether I should reveal that Judy at one point gave me explicit permission to peep on her, during that awkard period when her aggressively clumsy efforts at awakening my libido were at their peak, but I figured it would only complicate things. Not to mention, I didn't even take her up on her offer to begin with. Well, except that one time, but that's even more beside the point, and I didn't even see that much, and I should really move on before I dig myself into an even deeper hole.

"Please don't even joke about telling about these things to Abram. If you did that, you would have to explain how my power works first, and that would completely ruin all my efforts to keep them secret."

"Ah, you are right," she muttered as she finally calmed down and let herself be guided onto my lap and, after a few seconds of silent contemplation, she ultimately asked, "But… can you really look at anyone you… errrm… 'marked' was the term, right?"

"Yes, and yes," I confirmed. "I can only watch one mark at a time, and I can't watch everyone all the time, so you don't have to worry about it too much. Even if I would observe you when you were in the bath, it would be a coincidence at best, and I would leave."

"You better," she grumbled before lowering her head and adding in a low, awkward voice. "I mean, if it's an accident, it's fine, just don't stare too much."

"I'm not going to be staring at all. Now, can we actually move past this topic and focus on something more important?" She let out a grunt in the affirmative, so I proceeded to the next topic. "So, those two powers are apparently impossible by the common sense of this world, therefore I want you to keep them secret so that I can use them to blindside the bad guys." She let out a sound of agreement again, so I resolved myself to finally let the cat out of the bag. "Okay, so here's the big secret. It is something that you absolutely have to keep that way, so only ever talk about it with Judy or me, no one else."

I waited for her to promise me, and only after that did I take a deep breath and explained our narrative theory to her… or at the very least, a very simplified, Watsonian version of it, for the time being.

In short, my explanation focused on the idea that there was some unknown force, possibly some kind of vast magical construct, that subtly influenced people and events in order to play out some kind of script. I left out a few bits here and there, such as our working theory of  this is being a recently established simulation of the world, with people's memories of the past being implanted and possibly unreliable, and instead focused on the island itself being artificial and the nebulous narrative being something that might possibly be explainable with in-universe magic. I mean, there was no reason to throw her into the deep water right away; at the very least I wanted to avoid her going through the same kind of existential crisis that happened to Judy due to my lack of foresight.

I also brought placeholders to her attention, but she had a hard time wrapping her head around that one without clear examples of 'placeholder behavior', so I promised to show her some instances when we were at school. The entire thing ended up as a fairly long discussion, though calling it that might have been a misnomer, considering that I was the only one talking.

At last, after nearly half an hour, the well of my explanations ran dry, and for some time we sat in silence as the princess processed what she just heard.

"And you figured out all of that because of your amnesia?" she inquired in a voice that said she already took my words for granted, yet she was still curious about the details.

"Yeah. I was probably supposed to be the representative of the Knights hovering around Josh, but then I managed to break out of my role and ended up messing up the script."

"And you told all of this to Judy because…?"

"Because I needed an assistant with an outside perspective early on, and she was eager to help."

"I see. And now you told me."

"Because you are my girlfriend, and leaving you out for this long was already getting a little awkward," I admitted, and she gave me a huff and a nod in return.

"Well, it's better later than never," she asserted, only to then fall silent and puff out her cheeks a little. "But on the other hand, now I have so many secrets to keep it's distressing. It's also a lot to absorb at once."

We stayed silent while I waited for her to organize her thoughts, and it actually happened much faster than I expected. First, she gestured for me to stay still, and then she clumsily turned around on my lap so that we would be face to face before she spoke her mind.

"If I understood this right, you are saying that we didn't all gather around Josh because of the prophecies, but the prophecies exist to justify all of us being around him. Did I get that right?"

"Yes, more or less."

"So… does that mean that I came to this island just to play out this 'narrative' thing you talked about?" I nodded, and my girlfriend made a strange face, kind of as if she just bit into the world's sourest lemon. "Does that mean I never liked Josh, and instead I was manipulated into thinking I like him?"

"I have no idea. I can't see into your head, so I don't know if you liked him or not, but either way, tracking down a childhood friend years later with the express purpose to capitalize on a childhood marriage promise is both very trope-y and weird, so you were most like influenced into it."

That is if there was anything to be influenced, and she wasn't poofed into existence on the first of September with the desire to drag Josh in front of the altar already in her head, but that was neither here nor there.

"It's not that weird," Elly objected with just a hint of a pout on her lips. "My great-grandma did that too."

"Yeah, about that. You see, princess, your family doesn't count, because they have no common sense at all. I'm sorry you had to learn it this way."

"Cut out the jokes, Leo. I'm serious," she rebuked me, once again reminding me that she was also in need of some common sense rehabilitation. In the meantime, she readjusted her posture on my legs, and after a moment of ruminating she told me, "So if we didn't get entangled on the rooftop that day, I would have…"

"You would have probably ended up in Josh's harem. As in, not an actual 'harem' harem, but the fictional kind where a bunch of girls are all vying for the romantic attention of one guy without moving the relationship forward at all and yet everyone still getting along with each other."

"I don't know… That's more or less how grandpa lived with my grandmas," the princess mused aloud, much to my chagrin.

I gave my girlfriend a wry look and stressed, "Elly, my dear, let me repeat myself: your family is not exactly normal."

"If so, then our relationship isn't normal either," she argued back with a frown, and I immediately shook my head.

"No, it's not, but 'not normal' and 'bad' are not synonyms. I just want you to be a little self-aware about that."

It looked like she would continue arguing back, but in the end she let out something that was at the borderline between a sigh and a growl and instead stated, "Never mind. Where were we?"

"At the point where we discussed that you were probably influenced into coming here and pursuing Josh, but then I accidentally knocked you off the rails, and now you are sitting on my lap."

"And it's a very comfortable lap too, but are you sure about that? What if I just switched from the 'Josh' track to the 'Leo' track?"

"I… honestly can't answer that. Maybe?"

I was just about to start wondering if and how my unintentional grabbing of the protagonist-ball could have resulted in the current state of affairs, but before I could gather momentum, she poked my sides with her fingers hard enough to make me let out a surprised hiss.

"Don't be a dummy, Leo! I'm teasing you!"

"Ah, yeah, I get it, but what you said is not entirely impossible," I answered while poking her back. "I mean, if I didn't get in between you and Josh the day you transferred, things would have ended up completely differently."

"That's just silly-talk," my girlfriend huffed as she forcefully removed my poking finger and held my hand in her own. "You might as well say, 'Oh, but if your mom and dad never met, then we would not have started going out, because you would not even exist'."

"That's… not entirely analogous," I countered a little weakly as I considered just how I could get my point across.

"Say what you want, I still think it's silly thinking about 'what ifs' like that," my girlfriend stated with a disinterested shrug, "Whatever I might or might not have been subconsciously influenced to do, the only important thing is that you showed up, pestered me into liking you, and now I got the cooler boyfriend. I don't see the problem."

"I don't remember ever pestering you and… wait… cooler?" I repeated after her, both a little embarrassed and surprised by her choice of words. "I mean, I don't want to sound diffident or anything, but to be fair, Josh is pretty cool too."

"He can't teleport anywhere he wants," Elly countered immediately and with an unusually flat look to boot.

"Maybe, but he can turn into all kinds of magical folks. That's pretty cool."

My response elicited an indifferent huff and a shake of her head.

"A little, but still not as cool as being a Chimera-slayer."

"Ugh, you just had to bring that up," I grumbled while rolling my eyes. "But then again, isn't being the foretold chosen one of multiple prophecies cooler than that?"

"No, not at all," Elly declared with her cheeks puffed out like a hamster's. "It doesn't matter anyway! Just having me as your girlfriend automatically makes you a hundred times cooler!"

"I suppose I can get behind that, but… by that logic, does that mean that Judy is also automatically cooler than Josh?"

It was at this point that my girlfriend got fed up with my teasing, and before I could react, she puffed up her cheeks with the power of a thousand exploding suns and directed an absolutely devastating pout at me from just a few centimeters away from my face.

"Ouuuu! Will you stop arguing and just take the compliment already!?"

"Fine, fine," I gave up with both my hands raised in surrender. "I'm cool."

"The coolest," she proclaimed with a self-satisfied nod, and before I could let my hands down, she gave me a bear-hug that was simultaneously pleasantly soft and just a tiny bit backbreaking.

"Easy there, princess. I'm still recuperating," I chided her, and once she separated herself and her squishy bits from my chest, I let out a small sigh and said, "Also, I think we went wildly off-topic here."

"We were talking about this magical mind-control thing you call the narrative, right?" Elly mused aloud, and after a second of thought, she gave me an ambivalent shrug. "Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, even if all of the incidents we faced were orchestrated by some kind of higher power, didn't you resolve all of them without any losses? Well, except your injuries." She paused here while a frown settled on her brows and she quickly added, "By the way, please stop getting injured all the time."

"Please, princess. Judy is constantly pestering me about this already, please don't dogpile on me too…"

"But it's important! Even if your life is not in danger, like that one time back at school, seeing you being injured and sick is—"

"I know, I know," I cut in, my voice barely hiding my exasperation. "Listen, I'm doing my best, okay? It's not easy, or safe, going against the narrative, and sometimes things get out of hand. I can't really help it."

"Then why do you go against it?" My expression might have been just a tad flabbergasted, as the princess hastily clarified her sentiment. "You said that this narrative entity or system or what have you follows all kinds of rules. You called them tropes, I think?" I nodded, and then she continued with extra gusto. "If so, then why don't you try to use them to your advantage? For example, there was this show that I watched as a child where a group of girls transformed with magical jewels."

"So a magical girl anime?"

"No, it was French, I think. Or was it French Canadian? More importantly, it was a fun show, and hardly anyone got injured in it. What if you used the 'tropes' to make things like that, and then everyone would be safer."

For the next five seconds, I had to do my best to maintain a poker-face while simultaneously suppressing any and all stray mental images about my girlfriends prancing around in frilly, colorful magical girl outfits. Though again, Elly was already energetic enough to take to the role, while Judy would certainly appeal to the gap-moe sensibilities and... No! Bad brain, very bad!

Anyhow, once I was sure I wasn't going to break into a grin any time soon I took a breath and slowly shook my head.

"It's not that simple. Without understanding the underlying mechanism of the world and how the narrative reacts to our actions, it's impossible to tell what effects our meddling would have. For example, do you remember that small crisis your father's company had with record sales suddenly dropping?"

Once she nodded, I proceeded to explain to her how my unwitting influence on the world somehow force-marched everything through a good thirty years of technological development overnight. At first she seemed confused about what I was talking about, but as I went into more details and given her multiple examples, her bewilderment slowly faded and got replaced by a wide-eyed realization.

"Wow… You are right." She paused here for a minute, and then quietly continued with, "How come I never noticed this until you pointed it out? It's so weird!"

"Probably the same reason why you couldn't notice that the placeholders are acting weird. More importantly, this all came about because of my expectations for the world, and things changed accordingly."

"So this narrative thing not only influences people, it can completely warp reality," she muttered before all of a sudden her eyes lit up as she looked at me with a gaze that made me slightly uncomfortable. "Wait a minute! If we really got smartphones and flat screens and music streaming because of you, doesn't that mean that you warped reality?"

"Kind of, I suppose, but indirectly at best, and you see, this is the point I was getting at. If something as small as this could have such large-scale effects, then just imagine what kind of unforeseen consequences it could lead if I tried to do it on purpose!"

"I understand," the princess said, her voice just a little bit disappointed, but she quickly bounced back by asking, "But still, you were expecting all of these things, and then made money out of it. Do you have any other technologies that could show up like that, so that we can make lots of money?"

"… I suppose we could, but aren't you rich enough already?"

"You can never be rich enough. The richer you get, the harder it is to get even more money."

"You know, princess, not everyone wants to have all the money in the world," I pointed out, but I got overruled by a haughty huff.

"But you should. You are building your own organization, aren't you?"

I wanted to immediately deny her assertion, but as I thought about it, technically I had a base, a group of minions, and intelligence network (even if it was borrowed from the Celestials), the plans for a future research division, and even the local supernatural figurehead acknowledged me as an 'equal', at least if the contracts he sent over were any indication. Once I mulled over all of these things, my shoulders slacked a little on their own into something resembling a shrug.

"I suppose I do now," I admitted, and Elly nodded twice in response.

"That needs a lot of money, you know. You are also going to provide for a big family, so you have to keep that in mind."

"Yes, I know, and I do," I grumbled before voicing something that has been bothering me for a while. "Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you even a little bit distressed by this entire discussion?"

"Which part?" she asked back as if my question itself was inexplicable.

"The whole of it? With the narrative and the reality-warping and the tropes," I clarified broadly enough that I wasn't even sure I made anything clearer, but it apparently worked, as Elly gave me an 'Oh, you mean that?' kind of expression right away.

"Oh, you mean that?" she spoke up, and quite redundantly, if I may add. "I don't see why I should. I mean, it's not like I was negatively impacted by any of that, and even if I would be, I can't do anything about it. I would rather worry about things I can change rather than something that's beyond my reach."

"I… suppose that's one way to look at it," I acknowledged a little reluctantly, yet that seemed to completely satisfy her.

"Also, I might need to sleep on all of this to digest the details."

"Probably. If you get an existential crisis in the process, make sure you call me." She was looking at me funny for a moment, so I explained, "It happened to Judy at one point, and if you need me too, I'm always here to talk with you."

"That's sweet," the princess remarked with a giggle and then, after a long beat of silence, she asked, "So, now that I learned all of your secrets, do you have any other plans for the day?"

I considered pointing out that she didn't learn all my secrets by a long shot, but she seemed pretty adamant about changing the topic, so I ultimately told her, "I figured I would go and visit the secret base in the afternoon and deal with Labcoat Guy. Until then… we cuddle?"

My proposition fell on receptive ears, as Elly immediately tightened her grip on my waist.

"We cuddle indeed!" she declared with an impish smirk, followed by a long and somewhat tongue-y kiss. We were still in the experimenting phase with that one, and it was harder than it looked.

And just like that, my downtime with my girlfriend continued unabated in a more physical direction. That is, until she remembered that we made a promise not to cross a certain line until Christmas, at which point she switched gears and continued to pester me about money-making opportunities. In conclusion, my princess was a material girl, and her ideas about monopolizing the market for certain possible future technologies made it abundantly clear that she was the descendant of businessmen with questionable trade practices, but I loved her all the same.

That said, maybe making my very own subscription-based streaming service wasn't such a bad idea after all…