Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Zhang Fan walked out drenched in water, Ye Xuan widened her eyes and asked, “What happened to you?”

Zhang Fan forced a smile and replied, “It’s too hot.”

On the other hand, Ye Yanran wore a confident smile on her face, knowing that her stunning figure could captivate any man. She thought to herself, ‘This guy can’t resist me.’

The cold water had diminished the heat in Zhang Fan’s eyes to some extent. However, as he looked at Ye Yanran’s perfect body lying on the sofa, he could not control himself.

“It’s starting to hurt a bit, hold on,” Zhang Fan walked over and reminded her, then squatted beside Ye Yanran and gave her waist a firm squeeze.

Hehe, she was so arrogant before, but now she’s obediently lying in front of me.

After indulging in a moment of pleasure, Zhang Fan felt extremely satisfied. He applied some ointment with his left hand and took a silver needle in his right hand, gently pricking Ye Yanran’s brow.


Ye Yanran’s body was already highly sensitive, so the pain from the prick made her scream instantly.

“Xuan, control your sister’s body and don’t let her move,” Zhang Fan said, his gaze fixed on her imperfect but beautiful face, feeling a pang of pain in his heart.

What a beautiful woman, yet she has to endure this torture.

Zhang Fan became serious, quickly withdrew the silver needle, and applied the ointment from his left hand to Ye Yanran’s brow.

Ye Xuan pressed down on Ye Yanran, preventing her from moving.

“Hold her hand down,” Zhang Fan grabbed Ye Yanran’s delicate arm and asked Ye Xuan to hold it, while his left hand rested on Ye Yanran’s body, ensuring she would not move. It would be disastrous if his hand trembled and he pricked the wrong spot.

Zhang Fan concentrated his mind, his right hand swiftly and accurately pricking the other locations on Ye Yanran’s face.


The screams made Fubo downstairs furrow his brow. He had wanted to go up and see what was happening several times, but he remembered Ye Yanran’s instructions and could only pace back and forth downstairs.

With each prick and smear, Ye Yanran’s face was soon covered in ointment.

Zhang Fan’s gaze shifted downward, and the silver needle moved quickly.

From top to bottom, he quickly pricked the acupuncture points according to the system’s previous instructions.

“Xuan, hold your sister’s hand,” Zhang Fan directed.

Ye Xuan hopped off the sofa and firmly held Ye Yanran’s shoulder blades with both hands.

Zhang Fan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then used both hands. As soon as the silver needle pricked Ye Yanran’s body, he immediately applied ointment to the tiny, blood-red spot.

Soon, Ye Yanran’s body was covered in numerous small black dots.

Only when the final needle was inserted did Zhang Fan pick up the container of ointment and took a large handful, beginning to apply it.

“Turn over,” Zhang Fan slapped Ye Yanran’s leg, but she didn’t move.


Zhang Fan waved his hand, and Ye Xuan stood up, no longer holding Ye Yanran’s hand. Zhang Fan lifted Ye Yanran and turned her over.

Zhang Fan could not care less anymore. His hands were trembling even more than Ye Yanran’s. He gritted his teeth, picked up the silver needle with his right hand once again, and started acupuncture.

After inserting the needles, Zhang Fan applied ointment all over Ye Yanran’s body.

“Done.” Zhang Fan clapped his hands, sweat dripping from his forehead.

F*ck, that was intense! Immediately, Zhang Fan rushed into the bathroom again and turned on the tap, pouring water directly over his head. Who could endure that?

After a while, Ye Yanran finally recovered. She closed her eyes, afraid to open them.

Not only was she seen by that jerk, but he also touched her. What should she do in the future?

“Is it over?” Ye Yanran almost gritted her teeth as she spoke.

“Yes, it’s over,” Zhang Fan intentionally looked at Ye Yanran lying on the sofa, seemingly unsatisfied.

“Then why don’t you get lost?” Ye Yanran suddenly turned around, holding a pillow to cover her body.

Zhang Fan chuckled, “I’m done, but we still need to wait for half an hour to see the results.”

“You!” Ye Yanran glared fiercely at Zhang Fan. This guy must have done it on purpose, he must have.

This little b*stard definitely has ill intentions.

Zhang Fan also felt mentally exhausted. He closed his eyes and pretended to doze off.

After half an hour, Zhang Fan opened his eyes, turned to the still-glaring Ye Yanran, and said, “Go wash up, come out clean so I can see the results.”

“Go to hell!” Ye Yanran grabbed the pitch-black pillow and threw it at Zhang Fan, then quickly ran into the bathroom to freshen up.

Zhang Fan watched Ye Yanran’s figure and a mischievous smile formed on his lips.

“Zhang Fan, can my sister’s illness really be cured?” Ye Xuan asked with some concern in her eyes.

Zhang Fan nodded confidently, “Of course.”

Ten minutes later, Ye Yanran walked out wearing a robe. Her face was extremely flushed, like a red apple.

She stared at Zhang Fan with gritted teeth. During the ten minutes of showering, her mind was filled with scenes of Zhang Fan treating her. Thinking about it made her neck turn red.

At this moment, the only words to describe Ye Yanran were ‘breathtaking beauty’. The faint flush on her body looked incredibly alluring. Even if Zhang Fan had strong self-control, he could not help but be deeply attracted. It was as if Ye Yanran was a huge magnet and he was just a tiny screw.

Ye Yanran approached gracefully, observing Zhang Fan’s dazed expression, and could not help but ignite with anger.

This jerk, hmph, she must find an opportunity to teach him a lesson.

Zhang Fan stood up and walked to Ye Yanran’s side. Suddenly, he reached out and directly pinched her cheeks.

“Ah, what are you doing? I’ll kill you!” Ye Yanran was dumbfounded by Zhang Fan’s cheek-pinching action. This jerk dared to take advantage of her in front of Ye Xuan. Immediately, she clenched her fist and aimed it at Zhang Fan.

Startled, Zhang Fan quickly grabbed Ye Yanran’s hand and said, “Hey, I’m testing you. Doesn’t it hurt now?”

Ye Yanran’s face froze for a moment, and then she became ecstatic. “Am I healed?”

The pain she felt was only a fraction of what it used to be, far less intense than when her bones were broken.

“Treatment is just the first step. There will be more in the future, so don’t get too happy too soon,” Zhang Fan said, but in his heart, he wondered how he should proceed next, now that Ye Yanran’s illness was already cured.

“Ah!” Ye Yanran screamed in agony while her face turned crimson. Does this mean that future treatments will be like today?

This jerk must be doing it on purpose!

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