"But I think you may not have such a chance!" Just when Felisa felt that he had escaped from the sky, a voice that made him cold somehow came into Felisa's ears.

In fact, when the power is strong enough to a certain extent, with excellent control ability, many life bodies can achieve some seemingly unreasonable things. For example, when the monkey king first set foot on Namiki in the original book, he just touched Kling's head to know what happened on Namiki.

Of course, it can be considered that Niaoshan Ming made a mistake when painting, but Xia Ya learned from his actual feelings after coming to the dragon ball world. In fact, the monkey king read the brain wave signals with a strong sense of Qi.

Xia ya now transfers energy by controlling the fluctuation of space, and then releases energy to agitate the eardrum to achieve the effect of "transmitting sound" to Frisa's ear.

Feliza suddenly heard his voice, his body shook violently, and then looked back stiffly and incredulously, but he saw that the shining golden human was floating not far from him.

"You... Can survive in a vacuum?" Feliza opened her mouth and couldn't make a sound.


A vague shadow flashed past. When it reappeared, Xia Ya was close to Felisa and couldn't live a foot away.

The green and wavless pupil color made Felisa cold, and his body suddenly trembled. A great force came from the tail, but Xia Ya grabbed Felisa's tail and began to swing around towards the hard object.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless small hard meteorites collided with feliza and were photographed to pieces. Some of the larger ones were directly photographed in half, while the harder ones were photographed and flew out.

Because Xia Ya will separate some Qi to strengthen those asteroids every time she throws Felisa, it's like being photographed on a diamond when Felisa falls. Soon, Felisa has been beaten black and swollen, bulging big bags, and blood flows out of her nose and lips.

Like the normal state before, feliza was ravaged by the lack of fighting back.

"Ah ah!!" For the first time in her life, feliza suffered such an insult.

Pooh, another huge force threw it down, and Felisa flew out.

"How did you fly away?" Xia Ya looked at the white figure catapulted out. She felt a light hand and looked down. A white snow like tail was still in her hand.

"Feliza's tail... Was broken."

Xia Ya was stunned for a moment and then smiled. Suddenly, a dark blue Qigong wave rose and turned the whole tail into ashes. Then she left a vague shadow in place and flew away again at Frisa.

"Damn, damn, the king has never been so humiliated!!"

Felisa kept cursing at the bottom of his heart, but the corners of his mouth were bitter. Felisa, the king of the universe, would be thrown around and ravaged like a racket. In the past, he would only do it when dealing with those weak races!

When did the frozen people fall into such a situation.

"Damn fidaya ancient warrior!" Like the roar of the devil in the abyss, feliza's bloody eyes were full of hate.

He vowed that if he could escape this time, he would return all the hatred. At the same time, he had some regret in his heart. If he didn't provoke the fidayas, he might not have suffered today!

"No, it's all Shang Bo's fault. If he could get the place where the ancient soldier slept early and destroy him before he woke up, there would be no current situation."

Frisa's mouth trembled and her face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Feliza, where are you going? Don't you die quickly?" The nightmare voice sounded again.


Frisa showed a trace of panic. Regardless of her pain, she quickly flew towards an asteroid belt surrounded by stars.

As long as you hide in the small belt, the other party can't find yourself. It's really possible to live by yourself! But Frisa didn't know that his opponent actually had the ability to sense the breath. Even if he hid in the sky, Xia Ya could find him at any time as long as she remembered Frisa's breath.

A bright light passed through the dark starry sky and looked at the approaching asteroid belt. Felisa showed ecstasy. A flash quickly hid behind an asteroid. With its back to the sun, it's very dark here.

As long as there is no strong energy light, Frisa is confident that no one can find himself.

"Hum, it's safe now. I didn't expect that the king would have such an embarrassing day. Be proud. Then I must practice well. As long as I'm willing to work hard, it only takes two years... No, it only takes one year, and I can surpass him."

"Then it's time for me to take revenge!"

Feliza clenched his fist and swore that he was really afraid this time and was really determined to practice well! The sharp pain from the wound at the broken tail behind him made his whole face ferocious and distorted.

Feliza has a good talent. As long as he is given a year, he believes that he can reach the level of Kevlar. At that time, revenge is just a matter of time. At this time, he hates himself very much. Why don't he spend so much time practicing? Otherwise, he won't be humiliated at all today.

"Take advantage of it now!" Feliza exclaimed bitterly.

But just then, an accident happened.

A glittering and translucent light flashed past, like a thin cicada wing, sweeping over from thousands of kilometers away. Poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop.

Also swept by the blade of space is Felisa.

He couldn't believe it. He looked at his chest and the gradually misplaced skin in his abdomen. A thin and thin fault cut across his abdomen. After a short stagnation, the trunk below his abdomen began to slide with the space.

Space reset, wound from virtual to solid!

Red blood splashed out and feliza was cut in two.

"The king's body was cut open!"

Feliza looked blankly, followed by severe pain from the nerve endings. "Ah ah!" Feliza screamed and couldn't hide her figure any more. The energy wave in her hand was scattered everywhere to vent her pain.

"Hey, hey, I found you!" The cold and indifferent voice came, and Xia Ya appeared in front of Frisa without expression.

He raised his hand and shot out with the power of destroying heaven and earth. He directly destroyed Felisa's lower body from a distance of thousands of meters without leaving a cell.

"Feliza, it's time for you to die."

With a cold sentence, Xia Ya took a look at the villain who was very bright in the original work of Longzhu. It can be said that the existence of Felisa really added a lot to Longzhu. What impression would Longzhu Z leave without Felisa?

Xia Ya doesn't know, but he knows that the role of feliza is a more vivid character among the villains! He is heinous, but a considerable number of readers and viewers follow him, but such a person is now running away in his own hands, and he will end his life!

Immediately, Xia Ya's hands met and took on a triangular shape. At this moment, a dense and terrible breath suddenly began to converge in his hands, and soon generated a bright white and transparent brilliance. Under the action of strong energy, the surrounding space began to become distorted.

"Ben... How could King Ben die in your hands!" Frisa's head was full of blue veins, his eyes were covered with blood, and a mouthful of blood splashed from the corners of his mouth, trying to resist the person in front of him.

"Qigong gun!"

This Qigong gun is not a fake version he used in the sixth universe, but a real hexianliu Qigong gun spread to Wu taidou.

With Xia Ya's loud drink, he pushed his hands forward, and the bright white Qigong gun suddenly shot out, turning into a cube with a side length of more than 100 meters. The color changed from white to dark, and then went head-on with a terrible momentum.

"The king cannot die!" Exclaimed feliza, twisted and loud.

"Death thrower!"

The blood red energy is sprayed out unexpectedly. A large amount of dazzling energy is like a pot of boiling water. With Felisa as the center, the central pressure begins to surge, and a huge energy ball rises in the air and rushes forward with a turbulent trend.