"Of course, I was killed from the battlefield." Facing Gongsun Shu's query, Zhang Yu said.

The Gongsun family leader said with a smile, "I also heard that you have a good record, but who did you fight with? It's Huang Jin. Now it's Wuhuan people who are killed. "

"Do the people of Wuhuan know? The yellow scarf is comparable. "

Zhang Yu didn't expect that this Gongsun family would be like this, and they didn't support it. Don't they know that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold?

"No matter who it is, I have the confidence to stop them, but I'm not strong enough. I'm afraid I'll lose too much, so I borrowed from Gongsun." Zhang Yu said again.

"Ha ha, you are arrogant. We all know that you are arrogant. I didn't expect that you were so arrogant. How many people can you resist? How long have you been here? "

The Gongsun family leader laughed at Zhang Yu and refused to lend them troops.

Zhang Yu was furious. After calming down for a breath, he said, "master Gongsun, if I survive this disaster, there will be no more Gongsun family in Liaodong."

In the face of Zhang Yu's threat, it doesn't matter to the Gongsun family leader. In fact, just today, just when Zhang Yu and his family are meeting, the Gongsun family leader has already organized his staff to evacuate into the mountain.

With that, Zhang Yu takes Guo Jia away.

"Lord, this Gongsun family is so. Isn't he really afraid of Lord's revenge?" Guo Jia was also very angry. He thought he could increase his strength, but he didn't expect that.

"After this war, Gongsun family was a great family in Liaodong, but now it is.

If you can't be with Zhang Yu, you can only be destroyed.

Without support, Zhang Yu can only face it alone.

Let Guo Jia go back by himself. He goes directly out of the city to find the big army.

At this time, Zhang Yu's army had chosen the ambush site.

The ambush is more than 30 li away from Xiangping City, with dense forests on one side and hills on the other.

It's not a very ideal place to ambush, but Zhang Yu and they have no better choice.

He and Huang Zhong lie in ambush on one side respectively, and Zhang Yu specially asks them to be equipped with bows and arrows.

Zhao Yun also set out with the team, while Dian Wei was hidden in a dense forest.

Zhao Yun set out with his men and went in the direction of the cavalry of Wuhuan.

Zhao Yun leads people and drives all night.

The next morning, I had a little rest for two hours, and then I was on my way again.

"Most of us are infantry. We can't run, but it doesn't matter. As long as we have a war, we can make Wuhuan people angry. If we can't catch us at that time, they will go to Xiangping City, and our task will be completed."

Zhao Yun is quite familiar with the habits and temperaments of Wuhuan people, and has already made plans on his way.

Zhao Yun, they chose a place with dense forests on both sides to ambush.

"Come on, dig more pitfalls and stumbling ropes to make them stronger."

"Make more stumbling ropes on the way back, or we won't be able to run away."

"The roadside also needs to dig some pitfalls."

Zhao Yun is checking the trap. They are going to ambush Wu Huan forward here.

The soldiers carried out his request quickly.

"What a disciplined army." Zhao Yun thinks as he does.

Along the way, Zhao Yun can feel that this army is very easy to lead.

Now the task is assigned and the soldiers are resolute.

As long as Zhao Yun gives guidance and explains how to do it, the soldiers will implement it immediately.

It took Zhao Yun an hour and a half to get it ready.

"Hide well, no one can move. Follow my orders." Zhao Yun said.

Sure enough, the soldiers ambushed quickly. They only ambushed on one side of the forest, and there was no one on the other side.

Zhao Yun, they are quietly hiding in the woods.

For an hour, no one moved and almost stood still.

The forest gradually quieted down, and from time to time there were brave birds.

The vibration came from the ground and gradually became apparent.

"Here we are." Zhao Yun's secret way, the long gun in the hand grasps more tightly.

As always, Wu Huan's cavalry did not encounter any resistance when they went south, and they did not know what a scouting was.

It's good that they can send forward.

"Hurry up, all of you. Before they came, they broke Xiangping city for me." The commander of Wuhuan cried.

With 5000 men and horses, his confidence swelled.

Usually, Wuhuan's 5000 troops were more than enough to break through a city, because they usually thought that the Han army would fall in the wind.

"Come on, come on." Wan Fu long thought that the city could be plundered, so he urged his men to hurry up.

The cavalry quickened their pace.

Zhao Yun and others lie on the ground, already can feel the huge vibration of the ground.

"Ah ~"

"Slightly ~"

"No ~"

"There's an ambush."

Suddenly, Wu Huan's army ran into Zhao Yun's ambush.

At once, people were turned upside down.

A lot of cavalry in the back couldn't stop and ran into the front.

However, these cavalry were worthy of fighting on horseback all the year round. They soon responded and stopped.


At this time, Zhao Yun suddenly drank and stood up.

"Shoot the arrow." Zhao Yun shouts, the person has already rushed out.

He has arranged that half of them will kill him, and half of them will continue to shoot arrows to cover them.

Zhao Yun moves very fast and kills them very quickly.


The long gun pierced a newly risen Wuhuan soldier. The soldiers behind him were not slow and killed him at the same time.

The two sides are fighting together, Zhao Yun and they are ready to take advantage soon.

The vanguard got up from the ground at this time. Although he rushed in front, he found out the situation ahead of time, jumped to the side and escaped.

"Come on, fight back, fight back." Wan Fu cried as he grew up.

"Whew, whew ~"

Wuhuan's soldiers soon responded and began to attack.

A shower of arrows hit, many Liaodong soldiers were shot down.

"Get out, get out." Zhao Yun side dancer spear away arrows, side with people back.

"Archers cover."

Zhao Yun and they quickly retreated to the back.

For a while, Zhao Yun and his family lost a lot. After two rounds of arrow rain, more than 300 people fell down.

Zhao Yun heartache, what a good soldier, what a good man.

But this is not a time of sadness. This is the battlefield.

Zhao Yun ran into the dense forest with his men and horses.

"Come on, back to Xiangping, back to Xiangping." Zhao Yun and others withdraw while walking.

"Chase, don't let these people run away." Nawanfu became angry and directed the soldiers to rush in.

"Pull." There are also soldiers in Liaodong hidden in the jungle, they are ready to trip.

A shout, a few stumbling rope will rush in front of the Wuhuan soldiers to trip.

The cavalry of Wuhuan fell down a lot, and Wanfu became angry.

"Shoot. Sweep the forest in front of me with your arrows."

There were more than a dozen people, and the commander roared, letting the soldiers shed a shower of arrows.

Arrow rain said that the surrounding jungle had been swept, and none of the soldiers hiding there could be spared.


Commander Wan ordered the pursuit again.