After the meeting, the plans began to be carried out simultaneously.

The whole Jiangdong expressway is in operation.

Among the more than a dozen plans, the most urgent one is to raise taxes and fight against the outside world.

Zhang Zhao is mainly responsible for raising taxes.

After the policy was formulated, it was sealed with the seal of Zhangyu Bohai king, then with the seal of zhoumu, and then officially released.

Zhang Zhao asked that the news should be delivered to each village, and then the village head of the village should deliver it to each household.

At the same time, Zhang Yu ordered all intelligence personnel to pay close attention to the developments.

And Zhang Yu began to promote the plan of attacking Yuan Shu.

To attack Yuan Shu, we can't get around two people.

One is sun CE, the other is Cao Cao.

They are too close to Yuan Shu. Zhang Yu wants to attack Yuan Shu, and they will never just look at it.

"Send the letter to sun CE and Cao Cao immediately."

Zhang Yu personally wrote two letters to sun CE and Cao Cao.

While ordering the army to prepare, Zhang Yu waited for the news.

Zhang Yu arranged things in two days, and the rest was waiting.

After a little leisure, Zhang Yu goes to find Zhang Zhao.

"Zibu, does the tax increase have any strong repercussions?"

The tax increase is related to the whole situation of Jiangdong, and Zhang Yu is very concerned about it.

Zhang Zhao has been busy, see is Zhang Yu come in, put down the work in hand, and then let those staff go out first.

"My Lord, most areas have just issued a notice, and they have not received much impact at present, but this tax increase will certainly affect many people."

"At present, the surrounding areas have passed on, and the reaction is also good. Except for a few people who are excited, most people don't have much reaction except for worry."

Zhang Zhao finished, Zhang Yu frowned and said: "what are they worried about?"

"We are worried that as soon as the tax increase is opened, we will continue to increase taxes in the future. If we have no money, we will increase taxes. These people have suffered enough from tax." Zhang Zhao said.

At the end of Han Dynasty, taxes were like ox hair, all kinds of taxes.

Only Zhang Yu's tax is simple. There are not so many kinds of taxes, but this time the tax has been increased.

"Do you want us to issue a notice in my name to promise them that they will not collect taxes indiscriminately?" Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Zhao waved his hand and said, "no, my Lord. Your image is also very important. Although we don't want to increase taxes in the future, we will increase taxes in case of real need. Lord, you don't need to guarantee anything to a group of ordinary people. "

Zhang Yu didn't say much. In fact, he didn't care much about his image, but his authority should be maintained.

"OK, but we have to think of other ways to make the people feel at ease. If the people's hearts float in such a big Jiangdong, it won't be a big deal."

Money is needed, but the situation can't be chaotic, and people can't use it.

Zhang Yu's plan is also very simple. He publicly orders that the palace can only have three dishes and one soup without meals. Except for pregnant women, children can make another dish.

Besides, no one can only make five suits a year.

It's a very simple order. This order is issued immediately and publicly to Jiangdong and Youzhou counties.

What is the function of this decree and why it can calm people's hearts?

Zhang Zhao received orders, and these orders should be conveyed by him.

One of the clerks asked, "Mr. Zhang, you don't have to be so strict with yourself. He is usually frugal."

Zhang Zhao shook his head and said, "my Lord is a man of great wisdom. When the government decrees, the people will be stable."


"The Lord told everyone that he was not a pleasure seeker and would not become a tyrant. When the people thought about it, they knew that the LORD would not raise taxes indiscriminately in the future, and their hearts naturally became stable."

"Brilliant, my Lord is really brilliant." He said.

Zhang Zhao took the decree to the clerk and said, "issue it to each county and send it immediately. The sooner the better. "

One may cause a great fluctuation of people's minds, and it was settled by a light decree.

When people know that Zhang Yu's decree will naturally be moved, they will feel more at ease.

Zhang Yu doesn't collect excessive taxes, and rarely attacks others. He doesn't engage in militarism. In this way, what are the people worried about.

More than 10% of the tax will not have a great impact on their lives. What they worry about is the future.

The effect of this paper order is very good. Some foreign forces also want to stir up the flames, but they find that they can't stir up the hype at all.

People suddenly support Zhang Yu more, so that they have no way to start.

Although they deceived a group of people, they were soon destroyed.

So a potential crisis was solved.

Then, not long after, another news came out of the palace.

"A month later, Zhang Yu wants to marry big Joe and Little Joe."

There was no hot spot. They were engaged long ago, and Zhang Yu agreed to marry them when they came back.

More importantly, the list and menu of banquets came from the palace.

There are more than 200 people on the list, including Jiangdong senior officials and half of them from Jiangdong Academy.

But the menu is very simple. There are twelve dishes. There are no expensive dishes. The wine has been for a long time, but it's Zhang Yu's own wine. It's produced by himself and the cost is small.

"Oh, that's too much for the two ladies."

"Lord Zhang is the Lord now. How can he do that?"

"We don't agree. We should marry the two ladies."

"It's only 12 courses. It's easier than our village's ER Niu marrying his wife."

"Hey, Mr. Zhou married his wife. Twenty dishes, one third of which is meat, and enough wine."

"When the Lord marries his daughter-in-law, it's nothing to set up a water table for three days and three nights."

All kinds of heated discussions among the people are discussing this wedding.

Zhang Yu has held several weddings before, some grand and some simple, but this time the influence is especially big.

Twelve course dishes are not expensive. They are all common dishes. They are available in the market, and the ordinary people can afford them.

Nowadays, the people in Jiangdong are rich, and a small number of people may hold a wedding more than Zhang Yu, not to mention those businessmen and aristocratic families.

After receiving the news, Zhang Zhao said with a smile, "the tax increase will not cause any more big trouble. The people will certainly support it."

Zhang Zhao also worried that the people would resist, and it would be very troublesome to deal with it at that time.

But Zhang Yu sent out two messages one after another, which stopped all the trouble at once.

Zhang Yu asks for the harem and himself. What worries the people.

They are all against Zhang Yu, but they are not against his tax increase, but against the lack of style of his wedding.

"It's said that Yuan Shu spent millions to marry a concubine and invited thousands of people. How can our Lord marry two concubines to be worse than Yuan Shu?"

"Ha ha, don't mention Yuan Shu. Boss Wang of kaimi shop married his concubine. It's also a sensation. The scene is more magnificent than that of a sheriff."