Chapter 869

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Noon is the most intolerable time in the rainforest.

In the hot and humid environment, I feel uncomfortable even breathing.

Lin Fan didn't want to go out for a walk, so he lay in the small tree house provided by the tribe to take advantage of the cool and recuperate, quietly waiting for the temperature to drop after sunset.

These primitive people have a lot of ideas.

This kind of rattan woven tree house, hanging on a tree several meters above the ground, will not be affected by the ground transpiration heat.

There are also dense leaves on top of the shelter, which makes the environment inside the hut much better than that outside.

It's like using a natural air conditioner, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Lin Fan was lying inside, ready to sleep for an afternoon. As soon as he narrowed his eyes, he heard the sound coming from outside.

After a while, the door made of leaves opened.

A small head with a bamboo dragonfly on its head came in, looking at Lin Fan's smirk.

This is the little girl who gave back the chocolate to Lin Fan before. Later, Lin Fan knew that the man who went hunting that day was the little girl's father.

In a sense of compassion, Lin Fan began to care about the child.

After all, it was thanks to other people. In addition to her father's hunting, part of the food she got was also given to Lin fan.

Lin fan can't treat the child coldly because of his affection and reason.

These two days, seeing that she was depressed because of her father's death, Lin fan made some small wooden toys for her.

The little girl, who had never seen such a novel toy, gradually became happy, and became intimate with Lin fan.

This meeting can't find Lin fan outside, so I went into the small tree house to play with him.

Like a treasure, he took out the toys Lin fan made for him, and pulled Lin fan to play together.

Lin Fan laughs, takes out the spinning top and puts it on the smooth wooden tray. They fight happily.

"Xiaomu, you lost!" Lin Fan looked at his top knocked down the other side's, then laughed at her little head above the bounce.

The little girl holds her head and stares at Lin fan. She seems to be unconvinced.

After a few days of contact, Lin Fan also figured out what the child's name was. People in the tribe called her "Mu".

Because the name of one word is not very close, Lin Fan calls her Xiaomu according to his own rules.

And Xiaomu is obviously very smart. Through the communication with Lin fan, he has gradually learned some of Lin Fan's language.

Although two people can't communicate completely without obstacles, some simple everyday words are OK.

For example, eating, walking, up and down, left and right and so on.

After a few days of contact, Lin Fan gradually fell in love with the little girl. It's not that men and women like her. After all, the child is only seven or eight years old, and Lin fan doesn't have that kind of hobby.

I just think the child is cute, lively and sensible, and always likable.

"Xiaomu, brother, I can't stay here long. Would you like to follow me to live outside when I leave?" Lin Fan inquired.

He felt that Xiaomu had lost her father when she was so young, and her mother had never seen her before. Instead of letting her live in this primitive tribe, he would rather go back with her.

But Xiao Mu obviously said a long string of words to Lin fan, and he couldn't understand them. He tilted his head with a blank face.

Lin Fan repeated with his hand: "follow me, go, go out, leave here."

Xiaomu was confused for a while, and finally understood the meaning of Linfan, as if he was frightened or afraid of something.

Hard to put a small hand way: "outside, dangerous, terrible!"

Lin fan is stunned. Is it dangerous outside? There's nothing dangerous out there.

Considering that Xiaomu has never been away from the tribe, it is understandable that he has a strange fear of the outside world.

He comforted: "I will not be in danger, I will take good care of you."

However, Xiaomu still shook his head and waved his hand: "dangerous, terrible!"

Lin Fan tried to explain it again several times. Seeing that Xiao Mu didn't understand, he had to give up.

At this time, the leaves at the door moved again, and Zhou caichen came in.

"I found something unusual," she said

Seeing her solemn appearance, Lin Fan sat up straight and asked, "what's the matter?"


During this period of time, Zhou caichen did not patronize learning their language from primitive people, but also studied the environment and landform here.

After a period of continuous observation, Zhou caichen found that the tribe they were in was located in a terrain surrounded by mountains.

The climate in the valley is good, but in the distance the mountains are always foggy.

What's more worrying is that the compass is basically useless here. The specific reason is not clear, it is very likely that there is a natural magnetic anomaly here, it should be a naturally formed high magnetic vein. In this case, it's almost impossible for two people to leave here. Judging from the fact that Xiaomu's father was killed by wild animals, it can be said that there are many dangers outside the tribe. Plus the dense rain forest and fog, and the abnormal magnetic field. As long as Lin Fan and Zhou caichen go out, they will lose their way in this strange environment. Only if they can go out can they have ghosts! After hearing Zhou caichen's words, Lin Fan was also confused. Although he was satisfied with the life in this tribe, he didn't want to stay here for a lifetime. I have to go out sooner or later, but I can't do it just by him and Zhou caichen. There is only one consequence of being lost in the rainforest, that is, death“ Can't we go back along the river where we drifted? " Lin fan asked. Zhou caichen shook his head: "I've thought about it, but it won't work."“ Why? " Lin fan asked. Zhou caichen explained: "when you were in a coma before, I went out with the hunting team several times and found the river we drifted over. But when I arrived, I found that there were countless distributary channels along the river! I don't know which way to follow... "" this... "Lin fan is speechless. I've thought of all the ways, but none of them can get them out of here. Now that they are trapped here, the only hope is for people from outside to help. But this idea is not an easy thing, let alone Xia Xuan can't locate the exact location of Lin fan. Even if you bring people in to search, the rainforest is vast, like a labyrinth, it doesn't mean you can find it.