After almost searching all over the room, Xia Wei'an and Cheng Lisa are sitting on the chair. Suddenly, Cheng Lisa stares at a palm sized iron owl statue on the desk for a while. Uncertain, she comes forward and takes down the owl, groping for the position of her fingers in its eyes, and then buckles it hard.

"Bang" out of a thing, it is a monitor.

After obtaining Xia Wei'an's consent, Cheng Lisa destroys it on the spot. Then they look for the whole room carefully and make sure there is no monitor before they breathe a sigh of relief.

Xia Wei'an first asked Qian Hongchao, and learned that the owl ornament was not always placed here, but was sent by someone a few days before she was about to take office. At that time, he thought it was very good-looking, so he casually placed it in the office.

So, this is a premeditated eavesdropping, the other party is aimed at her!

A deep sense of crisis once again surrounded themselves, that hiding behind the person can completely control her behavior, but she did not even know whether the other party is male or female!

Xia Weian closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and slowly stroked his way of thinking. After a long time, he opened his eyes and never saw a trace of confusion.


Holding the original fashion design competition is to find Zhou Sihua, so after she went to participate in the competition, Xia Weian accelerated the competition process, but there was no malpractice in the process. Finally, Zhou Sihua won the championship, entered the design department of chuxue company, and officially became a designer.

But she is the only designer in the whole design department who is not controlled by Liu Lian. She is directly managed by Xia Wei'an. In order to make her have a good working environment, the company vacates a separate office for her, and the salary is better than Liu Lian!

The decoration of the store has also been completed, because the clothes designed by Zhou Sihua are still in production, so the first products are those designed before. Due to the improved lighting and the targeted design of some key lighting, the clothes hanging before have no characteristics, and now it doesn't look very ugly.

The shop nearby has also been renovated, and the style is very similar to them. Even the clothing is a kind of unique logo and background with a little antique style. As soon as it opened, it grabbed a large number of customers with ultra-low discounts and prices.

Driving in the center of the city, the rent is as expensive as an astronomical number, selling hundreds of pieces of clothes in the front. The boss is either a fool or a madman. It is obvious that summer is really the latter.

She is to let Xia Weian a clothes are not sold out, in order to achieve this goal, would rather sell at a loss!

Xia Weian is not in a hurry, but Lisa Cheng is as anxious as ants on the hot pot.

"Boss, you have to think of a way quickly. You only have three months. It's been a month. If you don't worry, you'll lose your brother-in-law!"

Lisa Cheng walks around the office, shaking Xia Wei An's eyes!

"What's the rush? Is it hard to fight a price war with summer? Then the two families sold lower and lower, and finally I lost to vomit blood? Unless I'm a fool! Our brand has its own positioning. I know what to do next, so don't worry, and don't disturb Zhou Sihua. Instead of being in a hurry here, you'd better go to the hospital with me. My holiday this month has been postponed for a week. Maybe you'll be an aunt! "

Xia Weian joked, but Lisa Cheng said excitedly: "really? Go for a walk, go for an examination immediately. I feel excited at the thought of being an aunt! "