I can't think of it. Maybe it's the destiny. No matter how grand the love between him and Xia Wei'an is, it's over, and Su's only future is his future.

After thinking about this, he really wanted to fly to Su Weiyi immediately and reveal his mind. But at this time, the news came that his mother was critically ill. He rushed over at the first time. When he saw Qin Shanshan take out the so-called letter, his first feeling was that he didn't believe it. Even if it was true, he couldn't follow blindly for his mother's last wish.

So he said coldly, "no way."

Qin Shanshan's heart sank into the ice pool. She reached for the sleeve of emperor Xingchen and said with tears in her eyes, "brother, I know you have a beloved woman now, and you won't accept such an arrangement, but I don't mean to break you up. We can get married and take our mother to the church at that time, Just act for her so that she doesn't have any regrets, OK? "

Emperor star didn't speak, coldly pulled back his sleeve.

"Brother, I beg you!"

Qin Shanshan went out of her way and knelt down in front of emperor Xingchen in the corridor of the hospital. She pulled his trouser legs and burst into tears. "My mother has done so many good things in her life. Now she knows that she can't get through this dilemma. She only has such a wish. Do you want to let her go with regret? I said that I didn't really want to marry you, just to satisfy my mother's wishes, please

Qin Shanshan put her posture very low and knelt down beside emperor Xingchen, begging. She wanted emperor Xingchen to know that she was not only for herself, but for their mother!

Emperor star is not moved, only coldly said: "let go!"

Qin Shanshan not only does not let go, but comes forward a little bit, his hands tightly embracing emperor Xingchen's leg. Emperor Xingchen frowns slightly, and tries to pull back his leg. If Qin Shanshan does not treat Qin Shuang sincerely, he will not be so gentle. He must kick away.

After pulling back his leg, he turned and left mercilessly.

Life, old age, disease, death, human nature, the living sorrow, but not lost themselves.

Looking at the shadow of emperor Xingchen disappearing at the end of the corridor, Qin Shanshan slowly sat up straight, and her expression became colder. Compared with just now, she felt like a different person. She knew that emperor Xingchen would not agree so soon, so she had a back move, a back move that emperor Xingchen had to agree with.

Standing up from the ground, the mobile phone rings. It's Qin Yong. She connects.

"Miss, after the failure of the previous two plans, Emperor Shao seems to be aware that he has arranged a more powerful dark guard to protect Su Wei. I can't find any chance."

"No chance, no chance? I have more important things to do. Wait for my notice. "


Hang up the phone, Qin Shanshan slowly walked back to the ward, these days is the key moment for her to force Di Xingchen to marry herself, can't let Su Wei out of any fault, otherwise Di Xingchen run to find that bitch, then she is nothing?

She stood in front of the sick room, looked through the glass at the lifeless Qin Shuang lying on the hospital bed, and said to herself, "Mom, you'd better pray that emperor Xingchen can marry me, or you'll have to suffer from the pain of the illness, and your body won't get any better."