912 at night, the lights are bright.

The flow of people is not as much as during the day, but there is also an endless stream of people and busy.

Xie Yiren's car drove very slowly. When she came to the underground parking lot, she looked at Zheng Ren nervously. Countless words of concern were silent.

Zheng Ren's hands were still so cold and his eyebrows were frowning. It seemed that it was difficult to choose something. He didn't see the eyes of the Xie people, but subconsciously held the Xie people's small hand with his hand, ten ring buckle, so tight, so hard.

It's like he holds the world. Once he let go, he will be abandoned.

"Yi Ren, wait a minute. I'll go and have a look with my boss and come back." After su Yun and Chang Yue said something, they talked to Xie Yi.

Xie Yi nodded, patted Zheng Ren's hand with his left hand and said, "I'll wait for you here."

Zheng Ren was in a trance. He didn't know how many things to think about in his mind. He just nodded subconsciously.

"Let's go, boss." Su Yun sighed and went to Mayo. It looked beautiful. Dr. Charles's words buried a nail in Zheng Ren's heart.

Unfortunately, I came back to meet director Miao. A series of coincidental events coincided and became what they are now.

Alas, where to reason?

The boss has a bit of an axial character. He recognizes a truth and moves forward bravely and diligently all the way. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that once he accepts the Nobel Prize project, he is firm and indomitable. Even Su Yun is frightened when he looks at it. As in the operation at the epicenter of the Chengdu earthquake, he turned a blind eye to the dangers and impossibilities.

But there are bad places, like now.

Su Yun feels a little headache. It's a big thing to change the three outlooks. Zheng Ren's goods... He doesn't talk casually. He is likely to say that he is engaged in basic research and will go tomorrow.

912 no, he dares to fly directly to Mayo.

Of course, the reason why not, Su Yun judged that there were Xie Yi people. There is also a concern and fetters.

"Boss, what do you think of director Miao?" They climbed the stairs from the underground garage. The echoes in the stairwell were constant. If they sang a song, it would be very beautiful.

"After the first pass, you have to face the correction process after severe hemorrhagic shock. You are more professional than me." Zheng Ren said indifferently.

"I said, is there any missed diagnosis in other parts? Up to now, it seems that only one bedside X-ray has been done."

"I went to have a look. The head is a big deal. As long as neurosurgery thinks it's okay, I think the probability can still survive." Zheng Rendao.

Listening to Zheng Ren's words, Su Yun felt a little more secure.

Su Yun knows how evil his boss is. As long as Zheng Ren says no problem, it's really no problem. Neurosurgery...... 912 neurosurgery is quite good, and its technical level is no less than that of Tiantan Hospital or sanbo hospital.

Take the elevator and arrive at the ICU. Su Yun rings the doorbell.

After changing their clothes, they walked in side by side.

Su Yun is a little nervous. The smell from Zheng Ren around him is definitely not the usual kind.

When I went to ICU with him in the first hospital of Haicheng City, Zheng Ren exuded a fresh emotion.

Hope, expectation and uneasiness are not what a mature doctor should have. Su Yun also had an affair with Zheng Ren at that time. As a mature doctor, he should remain indifferent all the time.

But now, Zheng Ren's breath became indifferent, and Su Yun thought something was wrong.

Man, really... Su Yun sighed in his heart. He didn't want to suppress the overall atmosphere again. That's enough, boss. It's good. I'd better get better as soon as possible.

Into the ICU, several busy little nurses' eyes "brush" suddenly lit up!

The air bangs move without wind, filled with a breath of spring.

"Brother Yun, why are you here?" A brave little nurse summoned up her courage, blushed and whispered.

"Accompany my boss to see director Miao." Su yundao.

Zheng Ren was in a trance, but he was not confused. When did Su Yun get so familiar with the little nurse in ICU?

A cloud elder brother's son, that call is a crisp and pleasant, like a oriole, moving heart.

"Boss Zheng?" A voice came, with a little excitement at a loss.

In front of a hospital bed, Mr. Yu raised his head, his eyes red and haggard to his bones.

"How's it going?" Zheng Ren asked and looked at the system panel.

The background color of the system panel is no longer a little red in pale, but a dazzling red.

It's good to see red, it's good

The red, which usually means that the patient is seriously ill, has now become the hope of life. Zheng Ren is a little relieved.

Although it is still in danger, the remaining hope is greater than disappointment.

He came to director Miao and took a look. The ventilator assisted breathing and ECG monitoring indicators were not very stable, but it proved that director Miao was still alive.

Just live.

Zheng Ren believes that the overall technical level of 912 is possible as long as it is alive. And with the passage of time, the possibility of recovery and discharge is increasing.

Recovery is just a relative saying. It's good to be discharged from the hospital.

Asked about some postoperative conditions, looked at dozens of laboratory values urgently checked after the operation, and looked at the medication. Zheng Ren nodded.

"Mr. Yu, have a cigarette?" Zheng Ren asked.

President Yu looked at director Miao and nodded.

The three went out to smoke and talk in the corner. Watching the three backs disappear, there was a voice of discussion in the ICU.

"Brother Yun is so handsome. I think my heart is captured by him."

"Don't dream. I've heard that Brother Yun is a famous person who has been among the flowers and doesn't touch his body. It's perfect to be romantic but not obscene."

"Look at the way you are crazy about flowers. When Brother Yun smiles, does his soul fly?"

"I also said that your eyes were straight at that time."

The little nurses were talking and laughing as they hurriedly changed drops, sucked sputum, turned over and buckled their backs.

Su Yun's arrival added a touch of beauty to the pale color of ICU.

"Who's with Brother Yun? I heard Brother Yun call him boss."

"Who knows, I guess it's a joke. Is there such a young boss?"

"No, president Yu also said so. He also looked at the results of various emergency examinations. I think his posture is really similar to the chief director's ward round."

The doctor on duty in ICU held the glasses and corrected, "it's boss Zheng of the intervention department. His level is very high."

"So young, no matter how high the level is." The little nurse scolded.

"Look at what you said. Su Yun's level is also high. He doesn't call the boss the same. Do you think everyone dares to promise the boss?" The doctor on duty in ICU said with a smile, "if you change me, I don't dare to respond."