In the intervention doctor's office, several people are still chatting. Su Yun saw that Chang Yue didn't understand. He smiled and comforted Chang Yue and said, "stop talking. How about I drink with you at night?"

"Just you?" The disdain in Chang Yue's eyes hurt Su Yun.

"I'm picky to drink with you." Su Yun said angrily.

Zheng Ren quickly stopped them. If they choke, Su Yun's goods are much more special.

Dr. mehar will be operated on tomorrow. Although he has trained many times in the system operating room, he is still a little more confident with Su Yun.

If anything happens, the rising star of cardiothoracic surgery may come in handy.

Although this opportunity is not big, there are many world-famous experts in cardiology accompanying Dr. mehar. Su Yun's level and they have no obvious advantages.

But it's better not to drink too much.

"Drink, yes. Drink some beer. Don't drink with high precision." Zheng Rendao.

"Boss, you are such a babe. You take care of everything." Su Yun nagged.

"This time you are in a hurry. Go down to our corner and buy you Munich beer. It's always good." Professor Rudolph Wagner said.

"Beer is like water." Su Yun is not happy.

Zheng Ren thought about the time Su Yun was brought back after drinking a big green stick.

Drinking too much water is also intoxicating.

"I'm hungry about what to eat." Chang Yue asked.

"Barbecue, beer." Su Yun obviously has no spirit. He still loves Tiegai Maotai in his heart, especially after drinking several times recently.

"What's good about beer?" Chang Yue and Su Yun share a common view on this point.

But under Zheng Ren's repeated insistence, they agreed to drink beer bitterly.

Liu zewei could drink less. He had never seen Chang Yue and Su Yun drinking. He thought he was talking about fun.

After dropping a car, several people came to a nearby barbecue shop called winter cow.

Xie Yi and Chang Yue have come here to eat this noodles. It is said that the meat quality is quite good. This is an old shop. Su Yun came here a few years ago and agreed with them very much.

After entering the store, Zheng Ren saw that the cash desk was only palm sized and could barely stand alone. It was very strange.

"Su Yun, why is the counter so small? Do you know?" Zheng Ren asked.

"It is said that the business was very bad in the past. I changed three or five places and lost money everywhere." Su Yun knew it and explained with a smile: "later, someone looked at it and said that there was a problem with the boss's life style and the cash desk. Let's narrow the cash desk. The smaller it is, the richer it will be."

"Er..." Zheng Ren didn't understand the truth.

"The boss couldn't help it. At that time, he was at a dead end and had to try for the last time." Su Yun said, "so his family's cash desk became like this."

"As a result, business is better?" Zheng Ren still doesn't believe it.

"Of course." Su Yun said, "this is the head office. Later, more than a dozen branches were opened. No one can stop the money."

Zheng Ren is speechless. This mysterious thing is really not in his logic.

"There is also a restaurant in the provincial capital, which is similar to the saying of winter cattle." Liu zewei began to gossip. "The boss is made up of migrant workers. He has suffered a lot, but every time his assets reach more than 2 million, he will lose money."

"Lao Liu, 2 million, not much. You can't buy a house in the imperial capital." Su yundao.

"That's the old yellow calendar twenty years ago." Liu zewei said with a smile: "later, the boss thought that he would lose all his money anyway, so after reaching 2 million, he took the money to Xiangjiang to find a master to tell his fortune."

Zheng Ren knew that most of these things were spread falsely, and finally he couldn't listen. Just like yesterday, the beard said he was in the crowd.

Although he doesn't believe it, it's also good to sit together and gossip when eating and drinking.

"Mr. Feng Shui may be interested in money or for other reasons. He flew from Xiangjiang to the provincial capital to see feng shui in person." Liu zewei said, "later, it was said that Feng Shui in the office building where he opened his shop was a fierce pattern."

"Oh? What's the big deal? D cup or F?" Su Yun asked lazily.

"Ha ha." Liu zewei smiled. He often said such dirty jokes on the operating table, but Su Yun said it in front of Chang Yue and Xie Yi, but he couldn't.

"The top floor of that office building is a bath center. According to Feng Shui, wood fire is under and water is on. It's really fierce."

"Then moved?" Su Yun asked.

"No, Mr. Feng Shui went to the provincial capital and began to stir the wind and rain. Finally, Sheng Sheng dug out the bath center and forced several girls to die. Later, the provincial department intervened to find clues and evidence, arrested the boss who deliberately designed the five evil spirits pattern, and the bath center was closed."

"After that, the boss's business is inexplicably better. 2 million is no longer an obstacle." Liu zewei said.

"Do you know him?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Well, he was often injured in those years. I was a doctor in the radiology department. I remember when I came here frequently."

"It's nothing to let you remember. It's called diligence to let the boss remember." Su Yun laughed, looked at the menu and ordered the food all the way.

"I heard from my father that they have to say something before they build a house." Xie Yi looked at the sizzling barbecue in front of the surrounding diners. He was greedy, so he had to divert his attention and then said.

"Your family doesn't count." Su Yun said: "big life can change Feng Shui. When KFC and McDonald's first came in a few decades ago, whenever large shopping malls opened, they had to find these two stores to gather Feng Shui and popularity."

"That's what my father said. Anyway, when it comes to the end, it's all about doing good deeds. Don't ask about your future." The Sheikh kept swallowing.

"Waiter, what beer do you have?" Su Yun turned the menu to the end and didn't see a satisfactory beer.

"Do you want Baijiu or beer?"

Just then, a Beer girl came over wearing red propaganda clothes.

"Sir, Wusu Beer is on sale. Would you like to try it?"

Zheng Ren didn't understand beer, had little contact and didn't speak. But Su Yun's eyes lit up, "killing big Wusu?"

"Yes, sir. It seems that you really know beer!" Beer sister smiled and said, "our family sells the purest Wusu Beer."

"Green or red?"

"Yes, what would you like to drink?"

"It must be a red bottle, first..." said Oh, Su Yun glanced at Chang Yue, and the professor didn't know what he was talking about. Only Liu zewei seemed to know, so he asked, "old Liu, Wusu, how much can you drink?"