"Blind?" Zheng Ren frowned.

"Well, I have a medical record. At first, my brother took it seriously. He thought it was just a patient who came to see a doctor, so he asked you. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so." Song Ying felt a little tricky.

"Just have a medical record." Zheng Ren asked with a smile, "take a look. If you can see it, you can't even see it. It's nothing to admit advice."

Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren with disdain and disdain.

Song Ying also praised Zheng Renping's state of mind. He took out the medical record from his bag and handed it to Zheng Ren with both hands.

The medical record is in pure English, and a sign appears in front of us - Johns Hopkins Hospital.

"Oh, what did you say about the physical examination at Hopkins?" Su Yun glanced and asked.

Zheng turned to the end and looked at the conclusion, "diabetic eye disease."

Retinopathy is the most common severe diabetic eye disease, which often causes vision loss or blindness.

According to statistics, 50% diabetic eye disease can occur in 10 years or so. Over 15 years, the data will climb to 80%.

The more serious the diabetes is, the greater the age, the higher the risk of onset.

Diabetic ophthalmopathy is a consequence of diabetic microangiopathy. Due to diabetes, retinal capillary wall injury and hypercoagulability of blood lead to thrombosis and blood stasis, and even rupture of blood vessels.

Diabetic retinopathy has become one of the four leading causes of blindness after senile retinal degeneration.

"How much blood sugar?" Su Yun asked anxiously.

Zheng Ren was not in a hurry. He looked through the test sheet little by little and started from the beginning.

The physical examination report indicates that master Yan is 84 years old.

The test index, except that the blood glucose is 9.8mmol/l, is almost the standard of a healthy person.

Even healthier than many people in their 30s and 40s.

Blood lipid, blood pressure and various imaging reports all show this.

Zheng Ren looked through it little by little, and there was a report of ophthalmoscopy in the back.

Master Yan has no sense of light in his right eye, and his right eye abduction is limited. He can move flexibly in other directions.

The pupil diameter of the right eye was 4 mm, the direct response to light disappeared, and the indirect response to light existed; The pupil diameter of the left eye was 3 mm, and there were both direct and indirect responses to light.

The visual acuity of the left eye is 10cm. Fundus vision * * edge is clear, the color is slightly light, the arteriovenous ratio is 1:2, and no bleeding point is found.

Microvessels also have corresponding changes.

What seems to be no doubt is the diabetic eye disease.

"What?" After reading all the reports, Su Yun said, "is this not diabetic eye disease? To do vitreous body surgery, we are not doing eye surgery."

"The body is well maintained." Zheng Ren's concern is in other ways. "84, what's wrong with it?"

"Are you going?" Song Ying asked.

"Go and have a look. If you come to see a doctor, you have promised to stand up for others temporarily. I'm afraid it's difficult for you to do it." Zheng Ren smiled.

"Thanks, boss Zheng." Song Ying had planned for the worst, but Zheng Ren didn't care at all.

"Boss, do you want to call old fan?" Su Yun asked.

"Why do you call Lao Fan to see a doctor?" Zheng Ren said, "even if we can't understand it, we're not general practitioners. We're not ashamed."

"Boss, you simply moved me." Su Yun sprayed it directly.

Zheng Ren smiled and ignored him. Instead, he asked Song Ying, "do you know the patient's medical history?"

"Know a little." Song Ying said, "it's said that two months ago, I opened my eyes to see the past and future of song division. After being punished by heaven, my eyes couldn't see anything.

Going to John Hopkins for diagnosis is a diabetic eye disease. It is effective to control blood sugar, improve microcirculation and anticoagulation.

He paused.

"Master Yan may not cooperate."

"What medicine to take to control blood sugar?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The Chinese herbal medicine he collected has been controlled for decades and the effect is good."

"It's really useful for traditional Chinese medicine to control blood sugar?" Su Yun was surprised and then said with a smile: "it's less than 10. If it has been controlled for many years, the effect is really good."

At ordinary times, many patients take oral Chinese medicine to control blood glucose, but most of the effects are not good. Finally, they change to subcutaneous injection of insulin.

What can control blood sugar well is to cooperate with exercise and improve the internal environment of the machine.

There is a joke that a person has high blood sugar and runs every day. Later, the blood sugar dropped, but he got lung cancer.

This is the fog and haze of Tucao emperor's capital, but make complaints about it.

"Look at the patients. Ophthalmoscopy shows that it is indeed vascular disease, but there is no picture of ophthalmoscopy. Hopkins's work is not very meticulous." Zheng Ren seldom make complaints about it.

"It's like showing you the picture and you can understand it." Su yundao.

"Although I'm not an ophthalmologist, I'm still sensitive to blood vessels." Zheng Rendao.

"I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon." Su Yun said coldly.

The goods never forget that they are thoughtful people. Zheng Ren smiled and continued to look through the cases from the beginning.

Song Ying looked at Zheng Ren and sighed.

In the eyes of boss Zheng, the famous master Yan is just a patient.

When it comes to insightful teachers, many people flock to them, but boss Zheng is not interested.

When it comes to patients, boss Zheng began to care.

There is absolutely no chance that this person can succeed, especially in technology.

Soon, the car drove to a small manor near Xiangshan and stopped at the door.

"Nice place." Su Yun gave a comment.

The house here is more than good. Song Ying smiled and led Zheng Ren and Su Yun into the yard.

There are several furnishings in the yard, which are scattered and pleasant.

Although Zheng Ren can't understand it, he also thinks it's very good, but it doesn't give people a simple feeling.

Chu Huainan stood in the yard to meet Zheng Ren.

I haven't seen her for some time. Chu Huainan seems to be in a good mood. She is still so thin, but she looks good. Her face is red.

"Boss Zheng, here you are." Chu Huainan held out his hand.

They shook hands. Zheng Ren just smiled and said nothing.

"This time, I was careless. Boss Zheng, don't blame me." Chu Huainan said frankly.

"It's all right. Just see a patient. Don't be so polite." Zheng Ren smiled.

"Inside, please." Chu Huainan let Zheng Ren into the house.

The living room is very big, with several chairs inside, which seems a little empty.

An old man was sitting in the guest seat, holding a transparent purple clay pot in his hand, drinking tea leisurely.

"Master Yan, boss Zheng is here." Chu Huainan introduced.

Master Yan looked up. Zheng Ren saw that his eyes were numb. He was indeed blind. The system panel is slightly red, and several diagnoses appear in front of you.

After looking at the diagnosis, Zheng Ren was stunned.

Not diabetic eye disease?