If it weren't for the middle-aged woman's ferocious appearance, Hua Yingying would almost cry because of her caring words.

A belly of grievances, a belly of difficulties, who to talk to!

A simple sentence touched the softness of her heart. Although the middle-aged woman was a passer-by, although it was just a word, Hua Yingying was moved.

She nodded in silence.

"Child, we are destined. Let me help you once." The middle-aged woman whispered.

Hua Yingying suddenly became vigilant. This can't be a liar.

Although some people have to help themselves when they are lonely, this is what Hua Yingying needs. But this came so coincidentally that it looked like a fake.

It's not like a fake, it's a fake!

It's not an ordinary holiday. It's too fake!

Looking at the change of Hua Yingying's expression, the middle-aged woman smiled, "no matter you ask for money, who makes me see that you are poor. She is as old as my girl. She graduated from college and works in the south. I worry about her being bullied outside every day."

That's right

Like a warm current, it flows in Hua Yingying's heart. Although she was still worried, her defensive psychology was less.

Whose mother doesn't worry about her daughter.

It's easy to do something outside! How hard it is to make money now!

Hua Yingying lowered her head and burst into tears.

Worried that her tears would fall, she spent her makeup and quickly took out a paper towel to gently wipe her eyes.

"Don't worry, child. In this way, I'll calculate your luck." The middle-aged woman whispered.

This is the operating room. There are other patients' families next to it. The woman looked at it and said, "there are many people here. Let's go next to it."

With that, the woman turned and walked to the fire escape whether Hua Yingying believed it or not.

Hua Yingying was stunned.

She thought, opening the bag, seeing the anti wolf spray inside, and thinking of a row of banners crime crackdown.

If ten years ago, Hua Yingying didn't dare to follow her to a deserted place.

But now that social security is in a mess, she is also a little curious and has a little thought - what if God can't see it and let someone help herself? By the way, Lei split the hateful boss Zheng

If only.

Thinking of this, she put the anti wolf spray in her most comfortable pocket, held it in her hands, hesitated for 1 seconds and then went up.

When she came to the fire escape, Hua Yingying saw that the middle-aged woman didn't go far, but stood by the door and waited for herself against the wall.

She looked up and down and didn't see anything unusual, so she was a little relieved.

However, Hua Yingying carefully opened the fire escape door. As long as there was something wrong, she could go back to the operating room in one step.

There are many people there, and Hua Yingying is not afraid.

"Child, I see your face and look. You are a villain in your life. There is robbery at home, but it's really difficult for you." When the middle-aged woman came to the fire escape, the whole person's aura immediately changed, a little gloomy.

Hua Yingying was a little scared, but she was stunned. This sentence suddenly came to her heart.

There must be some villains, either others or the honest boss Zheng!

Although Hua Yingying was a little afraid, she insisted on not leaving.

There is no way to go. What if you can turn around here?

She clasped her hands in her pocket and held the anti wolf spray. She whispered, "Auntie, what shall I do?"

"Child, I asked." The middle-aged woman said, "in a few minutes, I may change a little. Don't be afraid. I'll let you know first."


"Ask someone what you should do. This villain... Life is too hard! And the robbery at home is also a big one. It's difficult." The middle-aged woman tried to make her expression gentle, but under the dark light of the fire passage, the shadow of hengrou looked and felt gloomy.

"Who are you looking for?" Hua Yingying felt a chill behind her, as if something had climbed up.

"Alas, people of your age don't believe it. That is, I think you're pathetic. I'll help you ask." The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "usually I don't want to find them. I have to slow down for a few months."

"..." Hua Yingying really wanted to turn around and leave.

But the young, honest and honest face in front of her always lingered.

Like a mountain that she can't cross, Hua Yingying feels powerless when she thinks of the young boss Zheng.

Maybe she can help herself? Hua Yingying tried to control her idea of running away, but now her legs began to tremble.

"Child, I may change a little later. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." The middle-aged woman said, "if it hurts, it will only hurt me."

"..." Hua Yingying tried to calm herself down and analyzed what she wanted to cheat herself if the other party was a liar.

If you can't, call the police! Hua Yingying glanced at her position and was not afraid of being kidnapped.

In broad daylight, the world is bright. Hua Yingying really doesn't believe it.

She watched quietly, wondering who would come.

Time seemed to pass more and more slowly, and the surroundings were more and more quiet. Hua Yingying could even hear her own heartbeat.

Dong... Dong... Dong

The heartbeat seems to exceed 100 times per minute. Hua Yingying feels too nervous and a little ridiculous.

The middle-aged woman didn't say much. She closed her eyes as if she were waiting for something.

Hua Yingying felt more and more gloomy and terrible, but every time she had to turn around and leave, she felt that she would stick to it again.

A few minutes is like a few days.

Suddenly, Hua Yingying saw a change in the expression of a middle-aged woman.

Her eyes were still closed, but her left face began to twitch. Strangely, only half of the face twitched, but the face on the right did not change at all, still calm.

This is

Have you really met any experts?

Hua Yingying is not sure. She is afraid, but the pressure of life is too great.

The president of the Asia Pacific region clearly told himself that if he could not restart his business, he was ready to pack up and leave.

She tried to contain her idea of running away. After a look, there was no sign of anyone walking up and down the fire escape.

Hua Yingying took another look outside and saw that more than a dozen patients' families were waiting for the end of the operation, and a security guard was patrolling with his hands on his back.

Her heart calmed down a little. Although she was only a security guard, her uniform brought her an unparalleled sense of security.

But when she looked back at the middle-aged woman, she was startled!

The left side of a woman's face is twisted and seems to be like a man. The right half of his face still didn't change, and he closed his eyes calmly.

What's going on?

Hua Yingying began to think about it.

"Boy, you'll be lucky if you hit. I'll help you." A thick man's voice came out of the middle-aged woman's mouth.