Director Mao lay on the hospital bed, looking at the white ceiling, in a daze.

After a large dose of corticosteroid shock therapy, her Sjogren's syndrome and other diseases have improved.

It's just that I can't see my teeth because of the rampant caries.

She was very careful about her figure until she was ill. Although he is in his forties, he still looks like a young woman in her early thirties.

Now... I can't see it at all.

Corticosteroid shock therapy has obvious side effects. In addition, he has been lying down and moving all the time, and he has gained a circle of weight.

Her life has changed from colorful to gray.

What wealth and glory, what king's ambition, will end up in vain.

"Honey, have a drink." Her lover whispered.

Director Mao didn't move. She had given up all her ideas. She was on the verge of... And began to collapse because of the frequent blows during this period.


"Don't call me honey. Whose is the wechat you received yesterday without a prompt tone?" Director Mao lay in bed and said in a dumb voice.

She's just saying a fact, no joys and sorrows. If it weren't for the eyes, they would move from time to time, just like talking zombies.

"..." Director Mao's lover was stunned.

"I'm in poor health. Go out and look for Xiaolang hooves." Director Mao said, "do you especially want me to die directly now, so as not to drag you down?"


Her lover doesn't know how to answer this. Even if you want to, you can't say no.

After a few seconds, he immediately explained, "I didn't receive any wechat. It may be the students who turned off the prompt tone. You misunderstood."

"Misunderstood?!" Director Mao's depressed mood suddenly reached the other extreme, "I'm sick like this. You shave and wear a tie every day! What would you do if there were no small waves of hooves outside!"

Her lover was stunned and smiled bitterly, "I always have to go to work. I don't see customers..."

"Customer!" Director Mao angrily said, "it's a female customer. Are you still flirting!"

Director Mao's lover was speechless, just like a person who could never wake up and pretended to sleep. He would never be able to reason with her.

It used to be like this. Now she is ill and has a hotter temper. It's hard to get in a word by herself.

Reasonable? Director Mao's lover never had such extravagant hopes.

If you can be reasonable... Forget it. Just bear it and it will pass. Maybe she's better and her temper can be better.

"Drink some water." He made his voice as gentle as possible and didn't irritate the hair.

"You want to choke me." Director Mao looked at his lover with a mouth full of decayed teeth, which made her look so ferocious.


I really can't live this day.

Director Mao's lover sighed and was oppressed. An old mouth of blood was contained in his mouth, so he was about to spray it out.

But he really didn't flirt with others. Hearing what Director Mao said, he was angry in his heart.

Sick people are anxious. Director Mao's lover comforts himself. Maybe it will be fine in a few days, soon, soon.

Although he knew it was impossible.

He knew exactly what his lover was like. For so many years, I seldom give myself a good face.

When I didn't mention it, I said I disliked her. When she mentioned it, her expression was full of all kinds of disdain. She thought she was incompetent and dragged her back.

Alas, who made him feel better at the beginning.

At that time, I was still too young to think that the coveted face could make me tolerate her temper all my life.

But this life is really oppressive. I want to die. If there is a next life, I must not be like this.

When Director Mao saw that her lover didn't say a word, he trembled with anger, pointed to her lover and angrily scolded, "you don't speak! I was right, and you really dare to have someone outside!"


"Nothing! Dare to talk back! No, why don't you talk!" Director Mao quickly converted the logic of his speech to his familiar rhythm, and instantly defeated her lover with rich experience.

There's really nothing to say. It's wrong to say anything.

Director Mao's lover lowered his head and looked at the water cup in his hand. The water in the cup rippled gently. I don't know whether it was because her hands were shaking or because her voice was a little loud.

"You're talking!" Director Mao's voice gradually sharpened.

She had just recovered from Sjogren's syndrome. She talked a lot and her mouth dried up again, like a stone with a mouth.

"You... Don't be angry, drink water, drink water." Director Mao's lover has no good way, so he has to say something to ease the embarrassment.

She pointed to her nose and scolded her all her life. Director Mao's lover was also very helpless.

"Drink water! Is there medicine in the water!" Director Mao screamed, "I'll drink it. You'll be relieved if you die. Go find your little wave hoof."

With that, Director Mao grabbed the water cup.

Half a glass of water spilled on the bed, and she was even more angry. "You dare to pour water on me!"


Director Mao's lover has a bitter heart. It's all with what and what.

He looked at the bright decayed teeth in front of him, and suddenly felt sick.

Director Mao said more and more angrily, and his hand holding the water cup trembled. She tried to control it, but she found that the harder she tried, the more she trembled.

His right hand seemed to be disobedient, shaking like a sieve.

"Ah ~ ~" the hair chief screamed!

Director Mao's lover was stunned. What was she going to do? Even if you pour it on her, you won't spill all the water.

That's good. I have to toss the nurse to change the sheets.

No nanny or nurse is willing to come. Even if it is mandatory in the hospital, people would rather resign after half a day than continue to suffer here.

I can't help it.

Thinking, Director Mao's lover was distracted.

Director Mao's hand trembled more and more in front of him. Soon he was unconscious, turned his eyes up and fainted.


Director Mao's lover was stunned first. His first consciousness was not to call for rescue, but what did she do?

Does she want to prove that the water is poisonous?

At the thought of this, Director Mao's lover's heart trembled fiercely.

He almost cried. Even if the couple scolded each other, they couldn't say they poisoned themselves!

It's a crime.

But after only a few seconds, Director Mao's lover reacted that he was wrong.

"Maomao!" Director Mao's lover shouted softly.

He didn't dare to speak loudly, otherwise Director Mao would point at his nose and say, "how dare you yell at me!"