Quan Xiaocao was busy all night.

I just lay down in the morning and wanted to sleep for a while. My mind is still full of various details of enteroscopy, as well as what Brother Yun said recently to summarize the case report and operation of intestinal malformation and send it to New England magazine.

Although I didn't enter boss Zheng's medical group, I also got two world-class SCI articles. If I can pass this, it will be the third one.

Quan Xiaocao certainly knows the weight, so she works harder than usual. It's just that I'm a little sleepy today. It's already light outside. I'll sleep for a while. I have something to do during the day.

But tonight she didn't get the blessing of the night shift God. As soon as she lay down, the phone rang.

The nurse knocked on the door and said outside: "ICU emergency consultation, President Yang has diarrhea. Let you go and have a look first."

Quan Xiaocao is a first-line class. This kind of consultation should be the general thing of second-line hospitalization.

President Yang said he had diarrhea. He'd better go up and have a look.

Wearing isolation clothes and white clothes, Quan Xiaocao came to ICU bleary eyed.

"What's the matter?" Quan Xiaocao asked in a low voice.

The atmosphere in the ICU was somewhat stagnant, as if something big had happened.

"The urine of the patient you sent the other day turned green." A little nurse knew Quan Xiaocao and whispered to her, "you can't find the general manager in hospital."

Quan Xiaocao nodded quickly and flashed out cautiously to avoid being scolded by the first and second lines in the ICU.

When he came to the corridor, Quan Xiaocao immediately called President Yang.

"Mr. Yang, the urine of the patient who had the operation a few days ago turned green." Quan Xiaocao lowered his voice and said.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes..."

Quan Xiaocao escaped a training, but helplessly ushered in another reprimand.

But Mr. Yang didn't say a few words. Finally, he said he would come as soon as possible.

Waiting in the corridor of ICU, Quan Xiaocao felt a little cold and lonely.

It's almost dawn. I haven't slept all night. I don't know how many cosmetics can make up the wrinkles on my face. Although she is still young, Quan Xiaocao feels that she has begun to look older than her high school classmates.

If you have a choice, you must not engage in medical treatment. No pressure, no pressure, just working the night shift can't stand it.

If the night shift plus one or two rescues, you can't think about it. When you think about it, the whole person feels bad.

In his wild thoughts, President Yang came in.

"Grass, what's going on?" Mr. Yang asked.

Quan Xiaocao immediately counselled. He just counseled himself. Now... Life is just counselled.

Yang always saw her and knew something on the phone. He had his own guess.

The grass must have been kicked out.

Shaking his head slightly, President Yang strode into the ICU.

"President Yang, does green urine from your patient's urine bag have anything to do with the operation?" ICU inpatients always ask directly.

President Yang came to the patient quickly, and his heart had shrunk into a ball.

Urine, green, his first thought was bilirubin urine!

Bilirubin can be divided into unconjugated bilirubin without liver treatment and conjugated bilirubin formed by liver and glucuronic acid.

Unconjugated bilirubin is insoluble in water, binds to protein in blood and cannot pass through glomerular filtration membrane. Conjugated bilirubin has small molecular weight and high solubility. It can be discharged from urine through glomerular filtration membrane, which is called urinary bilirubin.

And the presence of this urine means liver failure!

Although it is unlikely to appear, Yang has seen it once before. The patient finally didn't survive. He was rescued for three days and three nights and died.

When he came to the patient's bed, President Yang squatted down and looked at the urine bag carefully.

There is about 300ml urine in the urine bag, light green, looking gloomy and strange. The green inside glows faintly, like the beautiful world of avatar.

But in the movie, I can feel a wonderful feeling. And in the urine bag in front of me... President Yang's head buzzed.

This patient is dying!

"How long has it been?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Just appeared 20 minutes ago." The general manager of ICU said, "it was normal before. Suddenly the urine color changed. I just checked the liver function. It's not supposed to."

Obviously, she also considered bilirubinuria.

Just check the liver function early in the morning. There is no problem. The patient's condition is constantly improving. If it weren't for old age and respiratory problems, they would have gone offline and returned to gastrointestinal surgery.

The hospitalization of ICU is also very incomprehensible.

A good man, how can he urinate bilirubin.

"Is liver function urgently checked?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Well, it's urgent." The general manager of ICU said, "I should be back soon. I'll have a look."

With that, she went back to the workstation and took a look at the computer.

"President Yang!" The chief inpatient in ICU shouted.

President Yang stood up suspiciously. He looked at it nervously, like a criminal waiting to be tried.

"Normal liver function!" The hospitalization in ICU is not appetizing. Playing these in ICU is easy to kill.


Normal liver function?!

What's the matter with the green urine!

Mr. Yang began to think.

"What anti-inflammatory drugs does the patient use?"

"24 hours after the operation, the anti-inflammatory drugs had been stopped." ICU inpatients always say.

The ICU of 912 is very sterile. After normal operation, there is no need for anti-inflammatory drugs at all. This is the operation of gastrointestinal surgery. It only took 24 hours to "save face".

This is completely different from the ICU of Haicheng first hospital.

In Haicheng, if the patient doesn't use antibiotics for 3-5 days after stepping down, no one will rest assured from top to bottom.

The difference in technical strength is reflected in all aspects.

It's not just a good operation.

President Yang knew that antibiotics were no longer used, but green urine would also appear when using high doses of some antibiotics.

But now, the road is blocked.

"Does it have anything to do with the operation?" ICU inpatients always ask.

"It should be all right... Ah..." President Yang began to be uncertain.

The operation was quite successful, but the green urine in front of me was like a mocking soldier, mocking myself there.

"Did you check the blood calcium?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Blood calcium and vitamin D have been checked. The return is slower. It is estimated that it will take another hour or two."

"Did you use aminophenanthroline?"


"What about methylene blue, indigo carmine, creosote, salicylic acid?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Mr. Yang, it's not that you didn't see the doctor's advice. Why do you use these things for your patients?" ICU inpatients are always unhappy.

It has nothing to do with the operation. The probability will not be bilirubinuria. Let's wait.

Yang Zong and Quan Xiaocao observed for an hour. The patient was breathing with the aid of a ventilator in a calm state. His vital signs were stable and could not see anything.

Subsequently, blood calcium and vitamin D returned without abnormality.

Both of them are always stupid.

No way, report it layer by layer and find a second-line professor to see it.