Mao was sent to the special needs ward. With the passage of time, the situation gradually stabilized.

Boss Zheng told him what he saw through the gastroscope again. After talking carefully for a long time, Mao was relieved.

The days of fasting and water are also difficult, and the lips are dry. Water, which is usually unimportant, has become more and more expensive.

But the large hematoma in the picture left by the gastroscope made Mao hold a lingering fear. Where dare he drink water casually. As for his lover's expression, it was wonderful. I didn't expect to eat some fish bones and hold the hair in hospital.

Zheng Ren comforted a few words and went back to see the patient. Zhao Wenhua did the rest of the surgery. He has been doing it and hasn't finished it yet.

As soon as Fuguier left, there began to be a shortage of manpower. Zheng Ren missed Liu zewei very much.

When will Lao Gao come? Zheng Ren thought silently.



It is early June, and the weather is getting hot, as is Dibei province.

The rising temperature added a trace of impatience. Gao Shaojie finished the operation and sat in the dressing room thinking.

With the college entrance examination approaching, children's pressure is increasing, and parents' pressure is also increasing. Gao Shaojie feels that his hair loss has accelerated significantly in recent days. If he goes on like this, he will have to be similar to Lao Liu.

Alas, he sighed.

Pressure, but can not show it, so as not to bring more pressure to children. It's still a few days away. Hold on.

Gao Shaojie thinks the child is very poor. Many times he wants the child to give up. I work hard and earn enough money for my children to live a lifetime. Why take the college entrance examination and face 996 after graduation.

But that's not what I said.

The pros and cons in the middle can't be said for three days and three nights. This can only be done without the essence of etc like Su Yun.

But Gao Shaojie loves his children and is vaguely worried.

From a physiological point of view, a person under stress secretes a large number of stress hormones, of which adrenaline, dopamine and cortisol are the most important.

I feel it personally and often.

After a long operation, his body was in a state of excitement. After the operation, Gao Shaojie felt that he could smell the smell of adrenaline and cortisol diffused from his body.

Although it is not as recognizable as the taste of corn syrup emitted by platelets, Gao Shaojie knows that he is in a state of stress.

At this time, it is necessary to recover quickly. Otherwise, over time, all kinds of hormones will cause extremely serious damage to the body.

From the second year of senior high school, Gao Shaojie felt that great pressure had begun to appear on his son.

I was still ignorant and didn't feel this great pressure. I just read books every day. But now some children are sensible early. They pressurize themselves and have to cross the single wooden bridge with thousands of troops.

Gao Shaojie didn't know whether it was psychological. He always felt that he could feel the elevated hormone levels in his son's body.

Adrenaline makes the sympathetic nervous system active, alert and ready to deal with threats; The role of cortisol is to quickly decompose proteins in the body to supplement the energy consumption required for combat.

Clinically, these are also called stress states. The most typical example is stress ulcer, which should be explained to the patient's family members as postoperative complications.

I hope the boy is not too fragile, Gao Shaojie thought in his heart.

After a good college entrance examination, haikuo jumped by fish... At the thought of this, Gao Shaojie's heart flickered, like taking a roller coaster, so uncomfortable.

The human body produces a lot of adrenaline and cortisol for a long time, which is very harmful to the body.

For example, salmon swim back to the origin of the river to spawn. It requires great energy to swim against the current and jump constantly, so as to overcome the resistance caused by river faults and turbulence.

Going upstream is easy to say, but it's quite difficult to do it.

In order to overcome all obstacles, salmon produce a large amount of cortisol to decompose protein and produce energy. High concentration of cortisol will cause salmon to rot and eventually die within a few days after spawning.

The migration of salmon has gone through a lot of hard work. Gao Shaojie feels that people and salmon are like. In order to reproduce, you have to work hard and bear the stimulation of hormones with your body.

After leaving the ocean, salmon will no longer eat. In the process of migration, they have to resist the impact of water flow and leap over ladder obstacles. Many ladders are half a meter high. They have to use their whole body to "jump".

Because the water above the stairs is turbulent, even if you cross it, many fish are still washed down the steps again by the turbulent water. What's more, they are directly stuck on the stones or wooden forks at the steps and can't advance or retreat.

Wolves, bears and eagles, which are coveted by natural enemies, will die after laying eggs. All these are like people, walking an adverse journey.

No matter how to change, how hard, the final welcome must be death.

Thinking about it, Gao Shaojie involuntarily began his literature and art.

Under too much pressure, there will always be the idea of sad spring and autumn in my heart. Just when Gao Shaojie was sad, the phone rang.

"Just had an operation."

"What clever medicine? Don't give children those things."

"Just buy it. It doesn't matter. I'll go back and have a look at the ingredients."

Gao Shaojie hung up and sighed.

Your lover is in a restless state and is on the verge of collapse. I don't know who said it. I bought "smart medicine" for my children.

Fortunately, she has been strong for so many years. She will ask herself before taking medicine for her child.

That thing can be eaten freely!

Gao Shaojie is a little angry. Everything is in a mess. He also has smart medicine. It sounds bullshit.

Gao Shaojie doesn't know much about this. After hearing the words "smart medicine", his first thought was the movie called "endless" starring Bradley Cooper.

In the film, a new nzt-48 drug was developed. After taking it, the potential of the brain was fully developed, and life was like hanging on.

If you don't eat, you will soon become a fool and even die. That thing also has withdrawal symptoms. It looks scary.

If there is such a thing, Gao Shaojie doesn't think he can eat it. This is pure fishing in dry waters and hunting in burning forests.

It's really annoying. The busier you are, the more chaos you get. It's also that smart drugs are out of stock. Isn't this bullshit.

He sighed, but suddenly thought of someone.

Not boss Zheng, but Su Yun, his assistant.

He is completely like taking smart medicine. He has all kinds of problems in life. Forget it, it seems that boss Zheng drives bigger if he hangs up.



PS: ask for comparison and monthly ticket.