"Arsenic or something can't even see the shadow of aflatoxin."

Arsenic, Chang Yue or Xie Yi really don't understand. Arsenic is very rare now. Only the figure of arsenic in ancient costume plays will appear faintly.

Arsenic and hedonghong are highly toxic in consciousness.

"For another example, aflatoxin is more toxic than the venom of Cobra and golden ring snake, and 28-33 times more toxic than highly toxic pesticides 1605 and 1059. A seriously moldy grain contains aflatoxin 40 μ G of corn can poison and kill two ducklings. "

"Where are the peanuts?"

"Don't worry, although peanuts are stored in the refrigerator, aflatoxin may appear, but the probability is much smaller than that outside." Su Yun said, "I'm not afraid. Don't worry."

"Don't think about it. It's no problem. If you drink without peanuts, the best wine tastes much lighter." Su Yun said lazily.

"Stab ~"

When the vegetables are cooked in an oil pan, a fragrance spreads out. Although Zheng Ren has no obsession with eating, he has an extremely profound instinctive understanding of the taste of cooking.

This is the taste of home.

However, as soon as the matter was stirred up, Zheng Ren thought that aflatoxin could also be produced in edible oil

If you think so much every day, you simply don't have to live. He immediately dissipated aflatoxin from his mind, carefully leaned against the wall and watched the little Iraqi cook.

Eat, walk around with sunspots, and walk hand in hand with Iraqis in the night of the imperial capital. When I get home, I will watch TV series with Yi Ren. Although those plays have no logic for Zheng Ren, Zheng Ren is not su Yun, and he will not be picky.

Wash and sleep, and a new day begins.

After the operation, it was noon. Zheng ren'an sat steadily in front of the console and did the cutting work.

"Boss, President Zhou's article has been written, but the format is still wrong. I'll talk to him face to face. Will you go?" Su Yun said leisurely on the sofa in the back.

"Oh, wait for me." Zheng Ren cut the film calmly and uploaded it to the hospital's network.

This film is to explain with Lin Yuan and Gu Xiaoran.

"Boss, I took back a 3D printed model of portal hypertension for Gu Xiaoran." Su Yun suddenly remembered something and said mysteriously.

"Oh, it's good to go back and practice." Zheng Rendao.

"Can you show some respect to the people who talk about the story?" Su Yun said unhappily, "respect! Respect!"

"Oh, and then?" Zheng Ren is still absent-minded.

"The goods got up in the middle of the night and fell asleep. They were almost scared to death when they saw half of the model next to them. It is said that they cried in the bedroom for a long time. Didn't you find that his eyes were red when he went to work today?" Su yundao.

"You are so timid." Zheng Ren said, "when we went to school, the broken bones in the teaching and research room were taken back to the bedroom and put by the pillow. When we woke up, we thought about what bones they were."

"But you can't think about it. What if there were a wronged soul? What would you think if a beautiful female ghost appeared in the middle of the night?"

"Don't be a ghost, God, it's not to scare children. There are really high-dimensional or low-dimensional creatures, and their thoughts should be different from our dimensions. I think those are made up by the brain." Zheng Ren's hand operated the mouse, not fast, but accurate, clicking.

"Ghosts can't scare people, people can really scare people." Su Yun said, "when I was at school, a female classmate didn't do well in the exam. She was under great pressure and had some mental symptoms. She got up in the middle of the night and squatted in the washroom outside the bathroom, burning textbooks and wearing white sheets."

"...." Zheng Ren clicked on his hand, then stopped and looked back at Su Yun. "Is it a mental symptom or a performance personality?"

"Who knows. Anyway, the female students who went to the bathroom were scared to death. It's said that many people in the whole building heard it." Su Yun said the gossip with a smile.

Zheng Ren thought, it's really scary.

If you change yourself, maybe kick it. Fortunately, I haven't met such a classmate who plays tricks, otherwise it would be bad to kick him into the hospital.

"We didn't, but some students went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and were bitten by mice. This often happens."

"Go, go, Mr. Zhou is on fire!" Su Yun urged, "it's no use telling them more. You don't have to practice one operation by one. It's good to be like me. Just look at it."

"Well, if only they were all like you." Zheng Ren did not deny this, but he was not in a hurry and expressed his real thoughts with actions.

After cutting the film, Zheng Rencai stood up, said hello to Xie Yi and said he was going to the emergency department. Then he changed his clothes and left the operating room.

Zhou Litao had been waiting for him for a long time, standing in the corridor, looking like a monkey in a hurry.

"Boss Zheng, Brother Yun, you're here." He saw the two figures from a distance and quickly stepped up.

"Your format is wrong. That's the mode of submission of domestic documents. The sentences you speak are not the habit of foreigners. How many times can you understand it?" Su Yun directly began to nag.

Zhou Litao listened humbly.

In fact, Zheng Ren didn't think so. In his opinion, Su Yun directly helped to change it. Not everyone can continuously publish top SCI articles. Su Yun's idea of teaching people to fish is very unnecessary.

When he came to Zhou Litao's duty room, Su Yun sat down and began to revise Zhou Litao's manuscript line by line.

While changing, Zheng Ren nagged. Zheng Ren didn't know why he had so many words.

After taking a look, Zheng Ren felt no interest, so he walked out of Zhou Litao's duty room with his hands on his back. Su Yun said he imitated director Pan. Maybe he had this impression in his heart. Zheng Ren thought carelessly.

If you are old and carry out ward rounds behind your back, do you look like old directors?

At noon, there are not many patients in the emergency department. Doctors take time to eat. It's too late to taste the food.

Many people get fat involuntarily after taking part in work. This has something to do with age, but it is more because of stress and eating habits.

There is a saying that this is called work fat and glory fat.

Zheng Ren looked around the observation room one by one. There were no special patients. In the observation room, patients and their families chatted and passed the boring time in the hospital.

It is said that the hospital needs wireless coverage recently. In the future, every drop in the hospital also has a mobile phone. No one will chat. Zheng Ren thought.

"It's all right. You just pretend to be ill! It's not easy for me to arrange the lightest work for you, but I still can't do it. Can you be more serious?" A voice came from the corner.