"Is it really a split personality?" Lin Yuan asked in surprise.

This strange condition is usually more rare than almost all rare diseases, but everyone is no stranger.

There are many film and television works that interpret personality division. Even if everyone is poor, he can't really meet even a real patient with personality division in his life.

Zheng Ren is very cautious and is usually unwilling to diagnose mental diseases for patients.

Now facing the situation of Bu ruotan, even Zheng Ren is speechless. Either the legendary personality split, or a strong performance personality, bu ruotan has a strong desire to perform.

But no matter how strong the performance desire is, it always needs some spiritual comfort. In ordinary words, what is it?

The picture is not necessarily money, identity, status, fame and women. Living is the most basic thing in life.

Zheng Ren gave his mobile phone to Bu Li. He sighed in his heart. Maybe Bu ruotan had an illusion in the face of great pressure after he was ill.

He felt that a man who lived in the fringe of urban and rural areas, had a bad temper and did nothing but beat and scold his wife every day seemed to be a good life. At least, it is better than the former chairman of the board who controls hundreds of millions of billions of dollars and lives with pancreatic cancer.

If you don't get sick and don't know the value of health, step ruotan will directly split up another self. Zheng Ren is not sure about this, and he is unwilling to say it directly.

"Step away, your father wasn't weird before?" Su Yun asked.

"No." Bu Li shook her head and said, "if he has to say something, he is suspicious, insecure and thinks too much about everything. But I don't think it's a big deal."

Zheng Ren sighed, "Miss Bu, I can't help it."

Step away was disappointed, but she bowed slightly to express her gratitude.

I've heard about those things in the south, walking around in the mall. Boss Zheng has been said to be very divine. Even several earth masters have become friends of boss Zheng one after another. She also had no idea, so she came to Zheng Ren with the idea of trying.

At the moment, after hearing what boss Zheng said, Bu Li felt that the Liuhuo in July was not so hot. The air conditioner in the room is turned on a little, and the cold seeps into the bone marrow.

"In the last picture, I saw your father taking olanzapine orally." Zheng Ren suddenly said.

"Yes." Bu Li obviously knows that it is a drug for paranoid mental disorder, which has nothing to do with personality division.

She whispered "Hmm".

"Your father came to see me today, you know."

After hesitating for a while, she returned to her seat, sat down quietly and nodded.

"I can't open my eyelids. I need to open them by hand. Now I think it's the side effect of olanzapine, which leads to secondary Meige syndrome."

"Boss, you say this is meaningless. For example, for a patient who is dying of hemorrhagic shock, you tell him that the appendix is inflamed and must be operated on." Su Yun retorted.

"I think it still makes sense." Zheng Rendao, "what happened in the months after the onset of pancreatic cancer is that he has a very strong desire to survive, but he doesn't know what to do to avoid it."

"I'm not good at psychology. I can only guess. If it's right or wrong, it's only for Miss Bu's reference."

Zheng Ren pondered for a long time and finally decided to tell the truth and tell his own judgment.

Su Yun skimmed his lips. He disdained Zheng Ren's tone of explaining his condition to the patient's family.

"It may be that Mr. Bu consulted a lot of data, and Professor Senyu thought that his condition was serious and could not be treated during the operation. Mr. Bu's condition was terminally ill. Although I finally completed the operation, this is still a heart knot of Mr. bu." Zheng Ren said in a deep voice.

"I think it wasn't just Mr. Bu at that time. Maybe you also had this idea. Otherwise, you wouldn't come to me after the operation to consult me about some operation related problems." Zheng Ren smiled and thought of Lian Xiaoliu's recovery of small loans with a baseball bat in his hand at that time.

"Even if the postoperative review shows that the operation effect is very good, as the patient's family, you are relieved. It is very possible to judge that Mr. Bu can live for more than three years. But Mr. Bu, as a patient, doesn't think so."

"He has a very serious pancreatic head cancer. Mr. xiangxinbu already knows the situation after the operation and all kinds of past data. In fact, in his heart, it is unlikely that he can live with reason."

"In order to avoid death, it is possible to split a second personality. It is also possible that he feels that living in a different identity and forgetting everything before will make him a little easier."

"Living in the tangle of life and death every day is a great pressure, and Mr. Bu may not be able to bear it. He doubts the business empire he built before, and feels that it is not as good as an ordinary person living in the fringe of urban and rural areas. Even ordinary people are not as good as ordinary people, but a rotten person who drinks and beats his wife every day."

With that, Zheng Jen paused and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Zheng... Boss, can my father still be saved?" Stepping away, he asked with his head down.

"There is no problem with pancreatic head cancer for the time being. He made a treatment plan according to the review four times a year. No metastatic lesions were found in the first three times. This can be ignored for the time being."

Zheng Ren stared at his fingers and seemed confused about the diagnosis of personality division.

This diagnosis, the pig hoof is not recognized, nor does it give an accurate diagnosis.

After thinking about it, Zheng Ren still believes that it has a very close relationship with Bu ruotan's escape psychology.

He thought for nearly a minute and said, "it's better to find a psychologist for counseling first. It's not a good way to always escape. If you can, Mr. Bu's olanzapine will stop first and replace it with phenylhexol and clonazepam. The symptoms of unable to open your eyes will disappear."

"Take a look at the situation after a period of psychological counseling."

Zheng Ren finally made a simple summary.

She didn't want to stay much. She stood up, bowed her head to express her thanks, and then turned and left.

Finally, when Bu Li left, several people turned their eyes to Zheng Ren.

"Boss, do you really think it's split personality?" Su Yun asked.

"I don't think so. I think it's an instinctive evasive response of patients under the guidance of a strong desire for survival." Zheng Ren remembered that the pig hoof did not give a diagnosis, coupled with the rarity of his own personality split, so he made another judgment.

"Tell me, the operation is well done. I just want to scare myself to death." Su Yun sighed and said.

"Who says not? How many people can see through life and death."



Note: Once upon a time, a patient had a slight escape psychology. I consulted some psychological books. Finally, I was not sure whether it was personality division. This is something I remember deeply, but after the patient had symptoms, he didn't come to the hospital for recheck, changed the phone number, and didn't continue to follow up.