"You have too much bullshit. You can do it if you want. If it's irrelevant, get out!" The woman did not explain why it was to do good and accumulate virtue, but said sharply.

"What title do you have in public hospitals and how much do you get in a month?" Asked the woman.

"Attending, 6 a month... No, it's 8000." The man with glasses said, biting his back teeth.

Director Zhou smiled. He even couldn't bear it. The income of 6-8000 a month can barely live, plus some gray income, which can be regarded as good. But what I just talked about with women is terrible.

"The basic salary of 8000 is not as much as the nurses here. We are money in the sun and have to pay taxes! Let me tell you, don't evade taxes. The income of 950000 a year has to pay taxes."

This figure startled director Zhou.

"We are legal enterprises. Don't touch tax evasion. Americans say that death and tax payment are inevitable in life. Now let you experience the happiness of the rich, if you like.

Anyway, how much money can you earn from working hard in public hospitals? In our hospital, with your appearance and professional knowledge, as long as you can sink down, you won't earn more than 500000 a month. I'm still talking about after tax. Don't think I'm bragging. "

"Mordor, there is the General Hospital of our hospital. Ordinary doctors earn more than one million a month. Some are. We are private hospitals. Don't be jealous when people earn money. That's all skills! If you can't earn money, you should ask yourself why you can't earn money."

"You can't pick up your parents to Jinhai because you can't afford a house."

"You can't buy famous brand bags for your wife because you earn less."

"You can only look forward to your child's success every day, because you know that your life is over and there is no hope. You are so tired that you can't leave anything even if you die suddenly in the hospital one day."

"Incompetence! Coward!"

"A bunch of fools!"

The woman's words shocked the deaf and made a fool of the man with glasses who was just about to stand up and leave. Those swearing words didn't make him angry at all. Instead, the man with glasses collapsed like a punctured balloon.

Incompetent... Coward

If everything she just said was true, it would stick in his heart like a small knife.

The most cruel is the last hypothesis, which urges the children to work hard, because the glasses man really can only place his hope on the children.

"You can't do what you do and eat nothing. I'm sorry for the parents who gave birth to you and raised you. I'm sorry for giving my life to your wife and trying to squeeze your children. Why should he bear these? He lost from the starting line. People are driving Lamborghini at the top track. What about you? Throw the children into the basement, which has 18 floors.

That doesn't count. You're so lame. "

The voice stirred in the conference room, and even Zhao Chengyin, who was standing on one side, listened to the complex expression on his face.

"You look down on your colleagues and your brothers and sisters."

"How many patients do public hospitals see and how much work they do in a day? We haven't developed, but even if we work to the top, the workload is limited. Take our largest chain hospital in China as an example. Compared with 912 and Xiehe, the workload is 1:15."

"What about your income? At least multiply it by ten. If you work hard, it's possible to multiply it by a hundred."

"The company has created a working environment for you to live less and pay more. You not only don't know how to be grateful, but also think it's an immoral thing. You say yourself, how can you have the face to think!"

The man with glasses lowered his head in shame.

"Paralyzed, you still have a smile. The manager of the marketing department says you!" As soon as the woman's conversation changed, she began to scold the manager of the marketing department.

"Just now you saw me play the hospital. How did you feel?" Asked the woman.

"Er... Your performance is so good that the doctors in public hospitals are fools." Said the marketing manager.

"You're a fool! I've fed my words to the dog? Look at you. Do you wipe your eye droppings and see who's talking?"

"Your ultra modern face has made my stomach secrete vomit for three days to show excitement."

"..." the suit man was scolded and stunned. He looked at the woman blankly.

"Your marketing department should pay attention to two places! Hospitals and schools are really special. You can't understand what I'm talking about, can you?"

"Send two people who can talk to the hospital. Those who are told by the doctor that they are all right and have a worried face send them a list. These are customers, customers! This is accurate positioning. You don't want it in public hospitals. Why don't you pull it back for me!"

The marketing manager suddenly realized.

The woman also said that she was tired. She glanced at the people sitting in the conference room with contempt and said, "smile, serve and smile! Don't make it like a public hospital. They fool around, you can't! You don't have a career establishment, and you have to earn every penny by yourself. You can't even do the most basic minimum sales every month, that's waste!

I'll give you three months at most. If you can't do it again, go away. "

"All right, Dean Zhao, I'll go back now." The woman turned around and looked at Zhao Chengyin with considerable dissatisfaction. "I'll pass on the index scheme of performance appraisal to you, and you should hurry up to issue it. The starting point is in the marketing department, and you must conduct the appraisal once a week, and you personally preside over it."

"Yes, yes." Zhao Chengyin, who had been admired, bent 45 °, said humbly.

"The business Dean should have the model of the business Dean. Obstetrics should pay close attention to when they can earn the money back and open a bonus."

Director Zhou sighed gently when he saw Zhao Chengyin and the woman leave.

Although he was old, he was shocked by the woman's words just now.

Today's liars are really collectivized.

The swindlers who cheat the elderly in the community have become the brand of the times. Is this kind of private hospital the same?

Director Zhou was a little confused. He could feel the uncontrollable emotions of the "colleagues" around him.

Wealth moves people, does not break the law, and does not cause trouble. The real difficult and miscellaneous diseases are left to the third class hospital to do. Just treat cervical erosion and circumcision. What can happen!

Director Zhou was a little bored. In addition, he was old and couldn't stand it. He was ready to leave and go home to sleep.

Fortunately, I signed a short-term contract and left when the time came. This kind of place is too scary.

Just about to leave, director Zhou saw the man with glasses staggering out.

He was curious and caught up.

The man is young and has been scolded again. He is broken in three views. Don't be unhappy.