Dr. blonde inserted the laryngoscope into the left nasal cavity again. Xie Ning was numb. He hoped that the nightmare would end soon.

To tell you the truth, up to now, Xie Ning still doesn't understand the Swedish logic. Why did the blonde doctor pull out the pipe of the laryngoscope, and then drew a sketch to explain to himself where the fish bone was stuck.

Shouldn't it be "by the way" to pull it out directly.

This is Swedish fishing? Big Liu fished and wrote countless works, but what can a doctor do?

With endless thinking, under the stimulation of laryngoscope, Xie Ning began to feel nausea and vomiting.


"Mr. Xie, please bear with it." Sun Wenyi comforted one side.

Xie Ning also knows to be patient, but it makes sense to stand and talk without backache. People are always unable to get rid of specific physiological reflex, just like laryngoscope stimulating the pharynx.

The blonde doctor didn't seem to have the idea of taking out the fishbone with the tweezers in shaning's imagination. He kept fiddling with the fishbone with a laryngoscope and wanted to remove the fishbone with a laryngoscope.

As for the imaginary tweezers, Xie Ning didn't see it at all.

Xie Ning didn't know what the blonde doctor was doing. He just felt that his physiological reflex was so strong that nausea and retching poured in like a tide.

Maybe this is pharyngeal reflex, Xie Ning thought. This is a human self-protection function to prevent swallowing foreign bodies.

Now Xie Ning hates it very much. He doesn't know whether he hates the pharyngeal reflex or the blonde doctor.

After I don't know how many pharyngeal reflexes, tears slip through the corners of my eyes. Not because of sadness, but just because of simple physiological reflex. Now Xie Ning is numb to this matter, and even vaguely moves the idea of looking for Zheng Ren to have a look.

During the whole process of the doctor's operation, Xie Ning could clearly feel the laryngoscope moving on the fish bone, but the fish bone was very tenacious... No, what would happen if it was broken?

Xie Ning suddenly shivered. He won't cut it under general anesthesia. Take out the remaining fish bones.

Will a small job that is done only by gently clamping it with tweezers become an operation that requires general anesthesia?

"Wait a minute!" As soon as Xie Ning thought of such a big operation, he immediately signaled with his hand that he couldn't go on like this.

Dr. blonde had some doubts. Sun Wenyi immediately said, "Mr. Xie, it's best to listen to the doctor. Otherwise... I'm afraid we can't see it and have to wait for tomorrow."


Xie Ning frowned and said his thoughts to sun Wenyi. He then communicated with the blonde doctor.

After talking for a few minutes, sun Wenyi said with a smile, "Mr. Xie, the doctor agrees to anesthesia, and then try other ways to take out the fishbone."

Xie Ning burst into tears and thought for the nth time that it was just a fishbone, a fishbone!

After spraying anesthetic, Xie Ning kept wiping her saliva. He even suspected that it was not an anesthetic, but a drug that could make the glands in the mouth secrete a lot of liquid.

Xie Ning was very familiar with the following process, which was almost the same as expected.

The blonde doctor holds a stainless steel tongue depressor to press his tongue, and then! Xie Ning finally saw the tweezers.

Why didn't you take out the tweezers earlier! Xie Ning felt that there were countless slots and he couldn't spit. He could only count silently and looked forward to the fish bone being pulled out early.


Because the tweezers were inserted deeper, resulting in a very serious pharyngeal reflex, Xie Ning almost didn't spit out breakfast.



Once again

Then Xie Ning felt a faint smell of blood between his lips and teeth. Because of the effect of anesthetic, he couldn't determine where the bleeding was.

Soon, Dr. blonde saw the blood. Because the stainless steel tongue depressor pressed for too long and exerted too much force, the lower lip was "bitten" by the teeth.

The doctor immediately stopped the operation and began to communicate with sun Wenyi.

The result is back to the past, but this time the laryngoscope is operated by two younger doctors - interns.

While the two girls were laughing, Xie Ning's patience was like the nasal mucosa rubbed by the laryngoscope, and had reached the point of collapse. Like the singularity of the big bang, Xie Ning's mood is brewing to a dangerous level.

At this time, another doctor came in. He smiled and patted Xie Ning on the shoulder, indicating him to go to another consulting room.

Xie Ning followed him suspiciously. After entering the consulting room, the dark figure in a room startled Xie Ning.

In addition to three doctors, including Dr. blonde, there are seven or eight interns.

After communication, Xie Ning learned that the three doctors wanted to output the images collected by the laryngoscope to the electronic display with the help of the laryngoscope imaging system.

In this way, not only the doctor who operates the laryngoscope can observe the inside of the throat, but also other doctors can see it through the display, and then work together to make the last attempt to clip out the fishbone.

It seems too difficult for them to operate while watching the video system.

Xie Ning feels that he is in an extremely absurd plane. Isn't that the most normal operation? It is not only in the live studio that Zheng Ren can do, but also in all kinds of medical dramas, whether American dramas or Japanese dramas, this is the most basic!

However, in the standard country of a high welfare society, the most powerful Karolinska Hospital, and the disease is not Zheng Ren's recent treatment of cancer. It's just a fishbone, a fucking fishbone!

This is simply too mysterious. Xie Ning doesn't believe it.

But he doesn't want people to think he is a giant baby. No one believes such things that are already similar to fantasy. Bear it, bear it, evil capitalism.

Xie Ning nagged in his heart.

"Mr. Xie, this is the superior doctor of the doctor just now. They want to jointly take out the fishbone for you." Sun Wenyi introduced.

Without his introduction, Xie Ning knows what will happen. Slightly numb, he looked at the doctors in front of him, and his three views were broken.

Although Xie Ning has countless complaints in his heart, he has already sat here. Let's do it.

They are all single threaded creatures. I really don't know who created those great physics, engineering and technology.

I don't know how even the medical level of Karolinska Hospital is like this. How can they still have the face to choose the Nobel Prize in biology and medicine.

Another anesthetic was used.

After the anesthetic took effect, the older doctor began to operate the laryngoscope to look for fish bones.

Another doctor held his tongue with gauze in his left hand and more slender tweezers in his right hand. His eyes stared at the display, like a most experienced hunter waiting for his prey to appear.

At the same time, a doctor pressed Xie Ning's shoulder to prevent his pharyngeal reflex from disturbing the "fine" operation process.