34 Terror Struck

The old man had carried out his task thoroughly delivering his counterparts among the other groups of the different Guilds, their fate was the same as his. They had all been turned and as for the Guilders who had been captured they were given the same option whether to be inducted into his forces or become Gladiators to fight for their freedom.

Draig had ordered these old men to rest until he summoned them leaving them in a subterranean floor below the fortress, he was pleased with this outcome. He had taken the hidden powers backing the Guilds causing them to panic, or so Zarra had said.

Draig was curious when he thought of the Dark mage, the man seemed to hold some kind of emphasis on him. He felt that the Dark mage wasn't one to just squander his efforts on anyone and that forced the Vampire to start thinking of what kind of connection did the two share.

"Lord" called Tina looking at Draig with obsessive eyes.

"What is it" asked Draig a bit perturbed at having his thoughts interrupted.

"The Guild Leaders have assembled and wish to meet with you." reported Tina looking down realizing she may have interrupted her Lord.

"Oh really, allow them entry. I am quite interested in what they wish to discuss." said Draig smoothly

"Sylvie arrange seats for our guest and call Goeki and the others here." ordered Draig, he was curious as to why they had taken so long since the failing of their raid on the Forbidden Zone to respond to the issue of their Guilders disappearing.

Sylvie had arranged Chairs obediently and had assembled his inner circle to stand at his side, it was shortly after this that the Guild Masters made their entry.

"Greetings Masters of the Guild Association" welcomed Draig with a patronizing smile.

"Greetings Vampire Draig" responded the Guild Masters

"I assume that this is about your Guilders" stated Draig

"We are not seeking recompense for their death's" stated the Potions Master

"They are not dead" stated Draig with a laugh at the surprised looks of the Guild Masters.

"Then let us get straight to the point. We have come here to request your permission to enter the forbidden zone once again, we are willing to compensate you and your group. With the realization of the Guilders previously sent into the Forbidden Zone being alive, I am sure I can speak for all of uswhen I say we are willing to offer additional compensation for their return." stated a Knight wearing white armor.

"Very well, but I can't agree to the return of the old monsters you had leading these groups." stated Draig

"Why not." asked the Suave man from the meeting hall.

"They were to strong to be kept alive." answered Draig causing looks of shock to appear on the faces of those Guild Masters.

"Then they are dead" asked the Potions master.

"By my own hand, but back to these talks of compensation. I have an interesting proposition for you all." started Draig getting wary looks from the Masters present.

"I assure there is nothing to be worried about, I would like to send a counter offer. Instead of compensating me with wealth, allow me to choose who I want out of the lottery coming up." smiled Draig an alluring light flashing over his eyes.

The Guild Masters looked among themselves seeming to have come to a common consensus.

"Very well Vampire Draig, we agree to these terms" answered the White Knight.

"Excellent to hear you are all getting along now" came the voice Draig had learned to hate during the Training Program.

"What has brought you here Dark Mage" asked Draig curiously.

"Well I was just passing by and figured why not pay a visit to my favorite Leech when I heard a deal being forged. So I figured why not allow me to bare witness to this agreement so there will be no reneging." stated Zarra with a smile.

"An excellent idea Lord Zarra." stated the White Knight along with the other Guild Master who felt they had struck a lucky encounter.

"Very well then, your prisoners for the first picks in the upcoming Lottery. Is this the agreement?" asked Zarra looking at both parties.

Seeing the nods from both sides he smiled before letting out a bit of insider knowledge.

"Shame there were some good classes being handed out... along with another oddity" laughed Zarra upon seeing Draig's ruthless smile.

The Guild Masters faces looked as if they had ate lemons as they exited.

"Goeki go and release everyone not from the Warring Heaven's guild, as for the rest of you go and train we have to set an impressive image for our newcomers." commanded Draig turning his eyes towards Zarra and noticing the odd look in his eyes.

Soon the two were left alone, the Dark Mage and the Vampire neither spoke for a whole moment.

"Dark Mage, I have been thinking upon past events as of late." started Draig looking towards a window.

"What about it leech brat" asked Zarra his breath hitching slightly

"You have taken special interest in me for some reason and I wish to know what it is, what is our connection." asked Draig looking towards Zarra seriously.

Zarra froze for but a brief second but it was noticed by Draig who narrowed his eyes, Zarra recovered quickly and put on a cocky smile.

"How bout this I'll tell you what makes you so special if I die or if you can defeat me. I think that's fair." laughed Zarra as he swatted the sneak attack casually but in his mind he was thanking his lucky stars neither option was possible at the moment.

Draig growled menacingly before charging at the Dark Mage again but was stopped with a hand on his head.

"Listen leech brat, I came here for another reason. I know you gained those attributes from my doppelganger so I came to assist you. Specifically I came to help you open your personal dimension." informed Zarra with a serious look.

"I am sure I can do it myself." stated Draig confidently.

"I am too, but if you mess up it can kill you. It almost killed me." explained Zarra for once being completely serious.

Draig sighed.

"Alright then, please assist me once again." asked Draig gaining a proud look from Zarra that went unnoticed by Draig.