Compared with submachine guns and AK assault rifles, of course, assault rifles are more suitable. In particular, among AK series rifles, in addition to 30 round arc magazines, there are 75 round drum series!

That's a drum! It's almost like a small machine gun. Think about the existence of a machine gun for each of the most grass-roots infantry classes!

However, since the last tank development, Chirac has learned a lesson, that is, he can't go too fast! There is no golden finger, only your own brain. Everything should be done step by step. You can't be too anxious.

Therefore, first use the existing industrial technology to beat the mp38 series submachine guns. At the same time, the military workers in the rear continue to select models and determine the appropriate intermediate caliber ammunition, so as to finalize the design of the intermediate power assault rifle before the start of World War II!

This is Shrek's plan.

Submachine guns, in addition to armored grenadiers, there are tank hands, or one hand! After folding the butt of the mp38 series, it is very short and suitable for tank soldiers!

Generally speaking, tank soldiers use tanks to fight, but when tanks fail, tank soldiers will become infantry at any time! The plan of later generations is that the machine guns equipped on the tank can be quickly disassembled. In this way, the tank hands will have weapons. However, for the tank team of five people, two machine guns are not enough. At this time, if one person has a submachine gun, the firepower will be sufficient!

"Submachine gun? That's great! " Everyone was excited to hear what sirik said. Of course, they are not satisfied with the Mauser rifle in their hands. Although the range of the submachine gun is close, the single shot bolt rifle can never be compared with the continuous firing submachine gun!

Moreover, Chirac also said that it is a new submachine gun, which must be more advanced than the existing submachine gun. Trust general Chirac!

The meeting was not held for a long time. Xierik took over the army for the first time and did not put forward any more opinions. After all, goodrian and others are already experienced in organizing the army!

"Our first armored division, do you have a military song?" At the end of the meeting, Shrek suddenly asked.

Military song! Even a school will have a school song. An army must have a military song to boost morale and increase cohesion.

Everyone shook his head. They are all big and rough masters. They are already busy with the equipment and training of the army. After all, this is a newly established army, and everything should start from scratch!

No one really thought about the military song.

Standing at the window, looking at the tanks outside, Shrek was in a heroic mood and couldn't help singing out of his mouth.

"Whether in the face of storms or snowflakes, or the sun smiles at us; Hot days, cold nights, dust on our faces, but we enjoy this fun, we enjoy this fun. "

"Our tanks roared forward, accompanied by bursts of dust. When the enemy's tanks show up, we increase the accelerator and move forward at full speed! The value of our life is to fight for our glorious army! It is a great honor to die for Germany! "

"With the thunderous engine, we rushed to the enemy like lightning behind the solid armor plate. Move forward and fight side by side with our comrades, which is why we can go deep into the enemy's queue. In the face of the enemy's so-called barrier, we give contempt and ridicule, and then simply bypass it; If the threat of gunfire is hidden in the yellow sand ahead, we will find our own way and jump on the path to victory! "

"If we are abandoned by the goddess of destiny, if we can't return to our hometown from now on, if the bullet ends our lives, if we are doomed, at least our loyal tank will give us a metal grave."

In later generations, as a senior World War II military fan, Shrek will sing many songs, including this military song!

Although it is not so exciting and the sense of rhythm is not very strong, this song deeply moved everyone present.

They were immersed in the atmosphere of sirik singing. In front of them, there seemed to be fierce battles. Their tanks bravely charged forward, charged and broke the enemy's line of defense!

Even if some tanks are hit by the other party, the soldiers will not be afraid! At least, your tank will give you a metal grave!

"General Shrek, you sing really well!" For a long time, goodrian said to Shrek, with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, this is our best military song! Belong to our glorious first Armored Division! " Others echoed.

"Then you have to ask a musician to compose the music." Said Shrek.

It's a shame that Shrek can only sing, but he doesn't know music. He can't even sing simple music. If he wants to fix this song, the best solution is to find someone to compose music!

This is not shameful. In later generations, people all over the street can sing pop songs. How many can sing songs?

"Well, I'll send for futwengler right away. He's the most famous musician in Berlin!" Said Dietrich.

Although xierik has been serving the German army, it is only the first day that xierik really enters the army life after crossing here until now. Listening to the lights out outside, xierik has a new feeling.

Military life is a necessary experience for a person! Organization and discipline are the reasons why the German army is strong!

The next day, futwengler hurried from Berlin to the barracks.

"Welcome very much, Mr. futwengler. You are the spiritual food of Germany." Said Shrek.

Shirek is familiar with this musician. During World War II, a large number of Jews fled, including many musicians, while futwengler chose to stay in Germany.

The famous musician, the German conductor emperor and the best spokesman of the German Austrian conductor school, was accused by many Jewish musicians of being "Hitler's running dog" for directing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at Hitler's birthday concert in 1942.

After the war, futwengler was censored and banned from performing. The Americans investigated tried to find out his sins in the Nazis, but in the end, they found nothing.

Music knows no borders. He at least wants to study music! Moreover, as a leading German conductor, futwengler has helped many Jewish musicians openly and secretly. As mentioned earlier, Walter, Klemperer and others successfully fled to the United States with the help of futwengler. Sometimes, persistence is more important and valuable than escape. If no one sticks to it, more people will lose help.

Now, in front of hilrick, it is futwengler. He looks thin and in good spirit.