Oxygen and tiredness are very valuable. Its biggest feature is fast speed.

In torpedo attack, fast speed is of great significance, because in this era, the technology is still quite backward. Specifically, there is no self guidance function of torpedo. Whether it is acoustic guidance or wake self guidance, it can be far away. Most of the ways of torpedo are self navigation.

The target is calibrated before launch. It is completely in accordance with the personal judgment of the submarine captain, the course and speed of the other party, and the launch should be in advance. In short, it is no different from launching a bullet.

If the target finds it, the target will maneuver. For example, decelerate immediately, it may let the torpedo swim in front of him, accelerate, let the torpedo fall behind him, and so on.

Therefore, torpedo attacks in this era are attacked from the side of the other party's ship's side and the side of the channel.

In this way, the faster the torpedo travels, the less time is left for the other party to react.

When dealing with important targets, oxygen torpedoes can reach a high speed of 50 knots. When dealing with ordinary targets, electric torpedoes are enough.

Especially now, in order to rescue the drowning crew, the target actually abandoned his martial arts and stopped!

All kinds of maneuvers of a ship need speed. It can be said that everything can be achieved only with speed. When it is stationary, it wants to turn, only with the help of a tugboat.

Now, when hearing the alarm of two torpedoes, Captain Chloe realized that he had made a serious mistake. When there were enemy submarines, he didn't search the enemy submarines first, but rescued the drowning people first!

This mistake is unforgivable. Now it is a state of war. In a state of war, attacking the enemy is the primary goal!

When the sonar gave the alarm, Chloe had regretted it. At this time, he also wanted to do his best to save his warship: "give up the rescue, accelerate immediately and move forward three!"

Speed up! The steam pressure in the boiler was still full. When the engineers operated according to the command, the steam turbine immediately turned to drive the propeller at the tail and turned quickly.

However, the propeller turns easily, while the ship accelerates, it is not so fast. It takes time!

"No!" On the sea, a drowning crew member who was struggling to swim towards the warship shouted. The warship rushed straight towards him. The bow split the waves and could split him in half at any time!

He was exhausted. Looking at the outline of the warship getting closer and closer, he gave up his efforts. Maybe this was his destiny.

"Boom!" Just as he had closed his eyes, there was a huge explosion in front of him. The warship suddenly shook, followed and stopped moving forward.

The waves on the bow disappeared, and the warship began to tilt slowly to one side. At the last moment, the captain was still trying his best to save the warship.

Why use two torpedoes? That's because the other party has locked his movements. One aims at the stationary position and the other aims at the front of his route. In this way, one will always hit!

For such a warship of more than 2000 tons, as long as it hits one, it will hurt the muscles and bones.

Although the personnel on the warship were struggling to rescue, the ship was slowly tilting, tilting, and it was about to sink.

Just then, the slow Allen ward came at last!

"Come on, search the submarine first and kill it!" Chloe was so angry that just before the radio stopped working, he shouted to the Allen ward.

Kill it first!

The underwater world is silent and silent. Only those who can stand loneliness can become a qualified submarine soldier.

Otto is such a person. At ordinary times, he doesn't talk much, but every word he says is useful. For example, now, he issued a new order: "dive to 200 meters deep, keep silent, and the sonar is on high alert."

Two hundred meters deep! For the XXI submarine under his command, it is still easy. After all, its design depth is more than 240 meters, and Otto also knows that the American anti submarine deep bomb has not exceeded 150 meters, because no submarine that can dive more than 200 meters has appeared in this world.

Just now, he has destroyed two ships. For him, this is just a trivial record, just like eating and sleeping.

The diesel engine at the tail has not started. The whole submarine is quite quiet. Every sailor walks carefully for fear of making any sound.

The sonar is listening attentively.

"They are releasing anti submarine depth bombs." The sonar reported.

Dozens of seconds later, a sound of explosion was transmitted through the sea, and the crew still looked at ease.

"Explosion depth, 50 meters." The sonar continued to report.

Their explosion is far from here! There was no fluctuation of water flow on the hull. It can be imagined that it was tossing blindly.

Yes, just fooling around.

When searching for underwater submarines, surface ships mainly rely on sonar to determine the target location. Now, when they can't hear the sound, surface ships can only use stupid methods.

Put deep bombs and explode at a certain depth of the sea. If you can blow the other party out, it's best. If not, it's just a waste of some deep bombs. The cost of this kind of thing is very low.

The Allen ward put a circle of deep bombs at a depth of 50 meters, and then waited for half an hour.

No oil pollution, nothing floating up, it's quiet below.

Set a depth of 100 and keep playing!

On the second lap, the Allen ward released the deep bomb again. This time, it was adjusted to 100 meters. The sound of the explosion was very lively. However, it waited for another half an hour and found nothing.

150 meters, release all the remaining deep shells!

The sound of explosion continued to appear, with great movement and noise. Pieces of dead fish kept floating upward, but no underwater sound was found.

What does this mean?

Is the submarine gone, or is it still waiting below? The Allen ward did not dare to make a judgment. After all, the tragedy of the Bagley was right in front of her. However, she had no other way, because she ran out of anti submarine deep shells!

The sky has gradually darkened. The Bagley is sinking into the sea. When it is completely in the water, all the sailors will fall into the water!

Allen ward, slowed down and began to release the lifeboat. It didn't dare to stop directly, which would make it suffer a terrible attack.

A few hours have passed.