Chapter 1052

Iranians are crazy!

Iranian commandos are fearless. They used to be defensive operations, but now they have launched a counter charge!

The street fighting in recent days has made the spirit of the Soviet Army highly nervous. After seeing the Iranians rush over, the Soviet soldiers also shot one after another. Almost at the same time, some people screamed and fell down on both sides. At every moment, fresh lives were disappearing.

Relying on the spirit of fearing death, the Iranian soldiers rushed to the Soviets and had no time to load new bullets with their rifles. Therefore, the Iranian soldiers picked up their guns and poked directly at each other!

The bayonet hit the other side's body. When the bayonet was pulled out, the blood splashed all over the Iranian soldier opposite. He wiped his face with his sleeve and continued to move towards the next target with a bloody bayonet.

Zaif's hand is also unstoppable with a machine gun. He can't get a bayonet on the machine gun. Now, he holds the machine gun upside down and directly swings it on the other party's forehead with a wooden butt!

The five big and three thick Soviet soldiers were also angered. Therefore, the two sides fought with their hands on this place that had been destroyed. They red their eyes and ignored everything. Then they had nothing. They had to bite each other's neck and bleed with their teeth!

At this moment, everyone became a beast.

Finally, the Soviets failed. They left bodies all over the ground. The defeated Iranian commandos continued to charge forward!

From here, there was no Soviet defense line. They immediately drilled behind the Soviets, then moved quickly in the city and ran towards the Soviet rear on the central defense line.

For them, fighting to the last minute is their only task!

This night, the city of Ghazvin was full of blood and bodies. Both sides were completely red eyed. The casualties of this night exceeded the sum of the past few days!

However, the biggest battle did not break out in Ghazvin, but in another city that has calmed down!


The fall of the enemy here is quite fast, and at the same time, the establishment of a new government here is even faster.

At this time, a group of people were celebrating in the government building in Tabriz.

"We, the Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, have been established. From now on, we will unite around Moscow and work hard for the future of Azerbaijan!" Sitting at the top of the table is a Soviet, Jafar bisewari, who is in his 40s. Now, after election, he is already the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan!

Now, he is also the chairman of the Azerbaijani people's party. Everything in Azerbaijan is completely under the control of the Soviet!

With the control of the whole Azerbaijani region, the Soviets finally did not have to worry about their own Baku oil field. At least they could deploy a large number of fighters in Azerbaijan. If the Germans dared to take off from the Middle East to bomb their own side, at least they had enough interception airspace.

"Prime minister Jaafar, we will unite around Moscow and work hard." Several people present are loyal puppets of the Soviet Union. During the Iranian rule, they were nothing and have been fighting for the independence of Azerbaijan. Now that the Soviet has come and Azerbaijan has become independent, they are very encouraged. At the same time, they have also become the heads of various organs of the Azerbaijani government and want to do a big job.

"Well, now let's raise our glasses!" Said Jaafar, raising his glass.

The people present are not so devout believers. They will secretly drink some Persian wine on weekdays, not to mention this occasion. They hold up their wine glasses and a pungent smell stimulates their nostrils.

Is this wine?

Into the mouth, hot, and then into the stomach, all of a sudden, the whole stomach burned up, like a fire!

"Cough, cough." Suddenly, two people coughed.

Seeing that Jaafar was happy, he said with a straight face, "drinking is to drink all at once, just like me."

As soon as he looked up, a glass of wine went into his stomach. This feeling was very comfortable. As an old hairy, he liked to drink and wanted others to drink with him.

A glass of wine entered the stomach. The puppets of Azerbaijan present had a feeling of dizziness in their minds. At this time, their eardrums seemed to be stimulated by something and made a roaring sound.

It seems that the ground is shaking with it? Drunk, I must be drunk!

Adder was not drunk. He heard a loud noise outside and was stunned in his heart. What happened?

"Prime minister, prime minister, not good!" Just then, a subordinate staggered in: "the Iraqi army is coming in! Iraqi tank troops have entered our urban area! "

Iraqi army? When he heard this, gafalton understood that the Iraqi army must be the German army. I didn't expect that the German army was no longer sneaking, but directly looking for trouble on its own side!

What should I do?

Lead the army to resist? Don't be kidding, there are less than 300 Soviet troops in Tabriz!

Because the battle on the front line of Ghazvin is urgent, almost all the Soviet troops entering Iranian territory have moved to Ghazvin. In Tabriz, only the Azerbaijani people's army has been recruited, with a total number of 8000 people, but what kind of 8000 people are they? Jafar knows very well that they are all goods like local ruffians and hooligans in the past!

Rely on them to resist the German invasion? In Ghazvin, only a small number of Germans drove the Iranian army, which broke out terrible combat effectiveness. Now, in Azerbaijan, there is no possibility of self resistance!

Looking at the fools who fainted after a glass of wine, Jaafar quickly gave an order: "retreat, let's retreat!"

"Boom, boom, boom." The streets of Tabriz echoed with the roar of the "nafield freedom" V-type 12 cylinder aeroengine. On the diamond shaped small turret, 57 mm tank guns kept searching for suspicious targets.

In fact, when they took down the garrison camp on the outskirts of Tabriz and fired a few shots, they could no longer find the target, which made the independent mechanized brigade of Iraq quite proud.

Yes, they are Iraq's tank troops, newly equipped with imported Yishui new equipment, Crusader tanks.