Chapter 1728

In history, Lieutenant Colonel Emil Lange is not famous. After all, it is easy to find a lot of Ace Pilots with hundreds of achievements from German pilot trumps. Those like Lange shot down less than 200, so they can't be ranked at all.

However, he also has his glory. In history, he once set a record of shooting down 18 aircraft in a single day, which is the highest record holder of German fighter pilots.

As in history, Lieutenant Colonel Emil Langer was only an excellent track and field athlete and a pilot of Lufthansa last year. He flew a junker-52 three engine transport plane called aunt Junker and engaged in civil transportation.

Like others, Lieutenant Colonel Langer was eager to join the fighter force. After repeatedly failing to apply for fighter pilots in the air force, he turned to the Navy.

After all, the air force has saved a large number of pilots, and Lieutenant Colonel Langer is too old. Last year, he was over 30 years old. For pilots, before the age of 30 should be regarded as the golden age.

Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Langer was not absorbed by the air force, but successfully entered the Navy. Compared with the air force, the Navy needs the largest number of pilots with the construction of aircraft carriers.

Although he used to fly a transport plane, but now he changes to a fighter plane, Lieutenant Colonel Lange soon mastered all his flying skills. Although he is old, he is not inferior to others at all. Lieutenant Colonel Lange efficiently completed the training program and officially became a carrier plane pilot at the end of last year.

Later, after several missions, his rank was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and there have been more than ten shooting down results.

Now, the most glorious day for Lieutenant Colonel Langer has finally come.

"The sand dog report, the sand dog report, found a group of American fighter planes, with a number of more than 100. Request to attack, request to attack." Colonel Langer shouted on the radio.

He and his wingman were supposed to carry out patrol flight missions. Now they flew near the target and were immediately excited. So many planes simply sent them war results.

Lieutenant Colonel Langer's Radio nickname is called Shapi dog. You can see from his photos.

The empire is rich in handsome men, especially soldiers. The top ten flying trumps are handsome men one by one.

The appearance of Lieutenant Colonel Lange is really not related to the handsome man. Years have left traces on his face and turned him into the face of Shapi dog. After being called, he is not angry and simply takes Shapi dog as his radio code.

In terms of age, he is already a veteran, but Lieutenant Colonel Lange's heart is still young passion.

He was not afraid. In his eyes, those planes were his own prey.

More and more close, more and more close. When he saw those planes flying at ultra-low altitude on the sea level, Lieutenant Colonel Langer was very excited. It was F2a buffalo that came. It was to send him the results!

This aircraft looks like it has been pinched. It is thick and short. It is very similar to the fuselage of the yi-15. Although various performance indicators are very strong in the design, in fact, due to the subsequent overweight, this aircraft has become the worst model and belongs to the model at the bottom of the marine food chain.

These planes came to brush their own achievements. While being happy, Lieutenant Colonel Langer greeted the wingman and dived down from an altitude of 3000 meters.

In the Arctic, it is very inconvenient to observe. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere, and you can't see it clearly many times.

At this time, the two flying fw190 fighters approached almost unprepared.

"Bang, bang!" When he dived down, Lieutenant Colonel Langer had easily aimed at an aircraft. The axle gun on the nose roared. Only four shells hit the front fighter and exploded in the air.

At this time, the American fleet found that the situation was not good. More than 100 nautical miles away from the target, they were attacked by German carrier aircraft!

"Attention, climb, climb now!" The commander of the formation shouted on the radio, F2a, ready to climb up from the sea level.

Although there is no so-called energy mobility theory, the altitude of aircraft is very important. They are definitely beaten at sea level.

There were curses on the radio, some against the Germans and some against the guy who made the battle.

Why choose ultra-low altitude flight?

Before taking off, they received the task of ultra-low altitude flight. It is said that because the German fleet has perfect shipborne radar, it can search for flying objects at an altitude of more than 100 kilometers around. They want to approach the German fleet, ultra-low altitude flight is the most appropriate.

However, this plan has been proved to be infeasible. They were attacked by each other's fighters far away from the German fleet. This is just a slap in the face. How stupid an ultra-low altitude raid is!

A pilot piloted F2a and began to climb up. The engine in front rumbled and burst out the maximum power. The propeller turned at full speed and the whole aircraft crawled up hard.

"Bang, bang!" Suddenly, behind him came the sound of gunfire. Then, he felt his tail shaking and the operating lever didn't listen. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the tail had begun to emit black smoke.

It's horrible! When he climbed, he was attacked from the tail.

He pushed open the hatch and jumped down hard. The sea below was cold and he had no choice.


This day is the time for Lieutenant Colonel Langer to create miracles. At the same time, this day is also the largest conflict between the fighter forces of the German Navy and the United States Navy.

Lieutenant Colonel Langer's achievements were mainly restricted by the number of enemy planes. He wanted to shoot down the enemy planes, but the surrounding airspace was clean, and he could not find the target at all, so he could not establish the war results.

Now, surrounded by American fighters, Lieutenant Colonel Langer jumped up and down in each other's fleet.

"Dada dada." The machine gun on the wing opened fire, and dense bullets were shot into the other party's cabin. The other party lay on the operating rod, motionless, and fresh blood splashed all over the cockpit.


"Shapi dog, you're great!" Following Lieutenant Colonel Langer, his wingman let out a loud exclamation.

The German fighter formation is mainly a two plane formation tactic. The wingman behind Lieutenant Colonel Langer follows him in the American fleet to protect him. Lieutenant Colonel Langer can safely and boldly kill the enemy among the enemy aircraft.