"Kain, I don't intend on waking back up. I need to let life go. My husband is lost in the realm of shadows and Our mother's people need me to die. I must become a guide for those who seek the nectar of the Vitality Tree." Kyera explained to her elder brother, but he did not seem overly willing to listen.
"No, your going back. You have to go back." Kain's tone almost seemed like a direct order, something she had never heard from her middle brother. He had always been the one to get angry, and be irrational but never one to order her. That was always Keenan's place in the family. The fact he was so against her coming home was a bit of a shock. Kyera frowned and tilted her head to the side. She felt a odd pain in her chest as he turned his determined eyes on her.
"Kain, I can't. I am so tired… and our people need me to go home. I never belonged there anyway." Kyera pointed out, knowing he had felt the same. Earth had never been their home, not really. It was were they were born, but it was not where either of them were made.
You don't get it. We don't have a home. Kyera, a God's child has no place among the mortals, your right. However we also have no place among gods. Our blood is a tainted swirl of both. Why do you think our sister chose to become the guardian of a forest? It was a blend between being a goddess and being of the earth. Whether you are alive on earth or you are dead, that feeling of not belonging will always be there. You might as well enjoy the time you get to spend alive." Kain ran a hand through his hair, pulling on the ends in frustration. There was so much pent up emotion in his eyes that his sister didn't understand. She had survived that night, though there were so many nights she wished she hadn't. He couldn't understand how she could give it up like this.
"Kyera…" Kain began, his own heart was beating erratically as he stared at her. The beautiful woman before him suddenly looked so lonely. The way she stood, trying desperately to hold herself together reminded him of a golden eyed woman from their childhood. The tears in her eyes were like daggers poised over his heart. They would fall, and end him if he was not careful.
"I'm sorry. We never wanted to leave you there alone. All of us wanted to be reborn and come back to you, but we couldn't. We had to help dad, here in the land of shadows. What I would give to be human with you again, to share a meal… to dance in the moonlight… but that isn't possible. Not for me, but you can go back." Kain reached out and took her hand gently, he tugged on it just enough to get him to look back at her. "You have to live for all of us. As far as your husband goes, Keenan, Kendrick, and Konnor lead him to the Portal days ago. He's probably back by your side now, worried sick you won't wake up."
Kyera stared at her brother in disbelief. They had taken care of her husband, even without her asking them to. He was okay… Everything was okay. She… it took several moments for Kyera to realize the truth of the situation. "I don't have to die."
"No, you don't. Keenan and I plan to escourt your champion to the tree every year. No one will dye and this means that you can live. You can experience all those things I wish we had. Keep us in your memories, Ky, but understand that we are memories. Clovis and that child are your future. Don't throw away one to drown in the past. Your smarter than that." Kain reached out, cupping his little sister's cheek. He offered her a sad smile. "I couldn't protect you then, and honestly I can't do much now. However, I want you to go out there and live the life you were meant to have. You need to live for all of us."
Kyera turned and hugged her brother, forcing back the tears that threatened to overflow again. She could feel the sensations coming back to her skin. Even as she felt the gentle hand stroking her hair, the leaves of the tree began to blur to black. She could smell the fire, but with that scent the illusion of limbow faded, and only her brother remained. Kain smiled and Kissed her forehead gently.
"I love you, Little sister. Be safe, and come home when your hair is white and your old… much older than even Grandest Mother is now with lots of little ones to tell me about. Goodbye, Kyera." Kain let go and the pain hit her in the chest like a runaway stallion. Her body ached… there was pain. Actual, physical pain. She was alive and someone was petting her hair.
Dear Readers,