Chapter 824

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
The holy sword soldiers in great panic quickly turned their guns to the corpse soldiers. The two sides fought disorderly for a long time. The mysterious eye recovered its normal mind and restrained the corpse soldiers. After passing through the holy sword command ditch, the two sides stopped attacking each other.

The battlefield was in chaos. Obviously, the sudden attack of mint just now caught them off guard, caused great casualties to the corpse clan and holy sword, and severely hit their morale.

But after this storm, the corpse Legion and the holy sword Legion obviously did not want to retreat, but attacked the galaxy's energy armor more madly.

"You're so strong, why do you do it now?" Liu Qian was shocked and questioned Mint through psionic communication.

"After such an attack, the galaxy's energy armor has decreased by a full percentage point, leaving only 3.0%. If I can't scare them away several times, we can only catch them." Mint shared the relevant data of the galaxy with Liu Gan.

"Then you'd better stop fighting, and don't act without my order!" Liu Qian frowned. Now he has to rely on the energy armor of the galaxy to break through the third phase of the brain as soon as possible in these three days. Mint's unauthorized action wastes the armor energy of the galaxy, which may lead to the galaxy being broken before he can enter the third phase of the brain.

"It's so angry that she tried to take you away!" Peppermint's gray tone, she was very worried about the avatar of the mysterious eye. She really shook Liu Gan for a while, gave up the galaxy and turned to the corpse family, so she had to destroy the avatar of the mysterious eye.

"I know you are not human and may not be good things, but since you are Didi's friend and I temporarily promised to stay here, I will stick to the galaxy until the last minute!" Liu Qian replied angrily.

"Sorry..." Mint had to admit his mistake.

"If you act arbitrarily again and don't obey my instructions, I really want to leave here, regardless of your affairs!" Liu Qian warned Mint again.

"Absolutely not!" Mint assured Liu Gan.

The free spending of mint leads to less time for Liu Gan. But some things are really not urgent, such as breaking through to the third stage of the brain. Liu Qian felt that he was about to break through two days ago, but until now, he just couldn't break through to the third stage of the brain domain.

What is the problem?

Can we break through from the second stage of brain domain to the third stage of brain domain. Different from the breakthrough from the first stage to the second stage, you not only need to empty and fill the brain energy for a certain number of times, but also have to do something else?

There is no previous experience to learn from. Mint and Zhang Mengdi don't have this memory, so they can't help Liu Qian. He can only grope by himself now.


"Liu, take a break. You've tried your best." Peppermint detected that Liu Qian's body was declining due to overuse. He had to persuade him.

"Brother Liu, have a rest! You're tired. What can we do?" Zhang Mengdi also had a worried expression.

"Brother Liu, have a rest! You've been fighting all day and night. If you go on like this, your body will collapse!" Ke Ming, Wang Lujia and others also came to persuade Liu Qian. They all had another round of rest, but Liu Qian still kept rolling the fireball. I haven't stopped yet.

"You don't care about me. Just do your own thing." Liu Qian obviously didn't mean to rest. He rolled the fireball again and again, trying to find out what the problem was. If he could not enter the third stage of the brain before the galaxy was broken, he would have to escape again, and even Zhang Mengdi and the magic cabinet would fall into the hands of the holy sword again.

After Liu Qian arrived in permafrost City, he was still trapped in the snow mountains for many reasons, and lost Jiang Jinyuan, Anna and Guo Tian. Now it's easy to have a new stronghold and slowly expand our strength. Even to find Anna and them, but now the galaxy will be forcibly occupied and destroyed, which is really unacceptable to him.

How can we break through the third stage of brain domain? What are the necessary conditions missing?


"The fireball boy! You look like a man! All right. Come out and fight with me. If you win, we'll withdraw from here! If you lose, let go of the shield and let us in! We've settled our previous dispute peacefully! What do you think?" The commander of the holy sword shouted to Liu Gan with a loudspeaker.

"Single fight! Single fight!"

"Yes! Don't be a shrinking turtle!"

"If you dare not even fight alone, you'd better surrender!"


The infantry of the holy sword immediately shouted. Chinese people have heroic plots, especially the culture of the Three Kingdoms has affected many people. Especially those players who like playing games. The infantry of holy sword are recruited from players in the real world. It's really exciting to witness the two generals fighting alone at close range when the two armies are fighting.

"Liu, don't be fooled by them! After you go out, they may not compete with you alone, and they may beat you in groups! And if they are willing to compete with you alone, if they win alone, they may not withdraw!" Mint reminded Liu Gan.

"You think I'm stupid?" Liu Qian replied angrily.

"Come out and fight alone!"

"Don't hide like an old woman and dare not come out!"

"Are you still not a man?"

"Ha ha... Probably not that thing. It's a eunuch!"

"Yes! I have no backbone! I only dare to hide behind women and let women protect me!"

Seeing that Liu Qian refused to be fooled, the infantry of Shengjian shouted loudly there, and all kinds of words humiliated Liu Qian.

Liu Qian rolled a fireball out again, killed a snow spotted zombie, fell to the ground, and then never got up again.

"The man was so angry!"

"No, he was scared to death when he heard that he was going to fight alone!"

"What a pity! A big man was scared to death!"

"How do you know he's a man? Maybe a human demon!"

"Maybe he's pretending to be dead and afraid to fight alone!"

"You must be pretending to be dead! Otherwise you're too scared to come out. Where does that old face go?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The holy sword infantry became more excited when they saw that Liu Qian, who posed the greatest threat to them, actually fell to the ground. (to be continued.)