Chapter 920

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
Anna's experience now is obviously the process of Liu Qian rolling the fireball. Because the process is too rapid, the black mucus in her metabolism that should have appeared like Liu Qian is quickly dried by the strong fire energy radiated by Liu Qian's body, so the black film is formed.

The omnipotent attribute point, added to the level of brain energy, directly promoted Liu Qian from the third stage of brain to the fourth stage of brain. The probability of this kind of thing happening is very low. It's hard to say whether it happened except Liu Qian.

During this process, Liu Qian's body has undergone drastic changes. A large amount of energy radiates from her body and flows continuously in the cabin. Anna happens to be around Liu Qian at this time. In order to resist the damage caused by fire energy, she has to forcibly operate the energy in her body to eliminate the strong pressure, Even forcibly absorbed part of the energy, which made the energy in her body get a refinement similar to Liu Qian's continuous rolling fireball.

Anna went to Liu Qian's side and looked at Liu Qian, whose skin was as bright as jade and whose expression was very peaceful. She was still sleeping. Looking at every inch of his new skin, her body suddenly had some strange feelings and some wrong ideas, which made her very ashamed.

"No, he will scold me to death when he knows. Moreover, he may never pay attention to me again." Anna kept struggling. Although she had been with him for more than ten years in the soul cabin, she seemed to have done everything, but it was only virtual. She didn't really happen to him.

Now he really appears in front of her.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter with you?" Anna touched Liu Qian's body and suddenly felt something wrong.

Liu Qian's body did not keep its normal temperature after returning to normal skin color and body temperature, but began to drop rapidly! Soon it became cold where Anna's palm touched.

At the same time, with Liu Qian as the center, the temperature in the cabin also began to drop sharply. Bursts of cold swept towards Anna. When she was not covered with wisps, Anna couldn't stand it and couldn't help holding her body tightly.

The surface of Liu Qian's body quickly formed frost. The ice energy began to flow in the cabin, which quickly reduced the temperature of the previously hot wall and ground. At the same time, it also formed frost like the surface of Liu Qian's body.

"How cold!" Anna couldn't resist the cold feeling like a knife near Liu Qian's body, so she quickly stepped aside, and her teeth trembled and hugged her body.

Feeling that she was going to be frozen and comatose soon, Anna remembered something and quickly mobilized the energy in her body with her mind to make them flow together with the ice energy in the cabin.

When these energies began to flow, Anna felt less cold, at least to the extent that she could bear it. But just when she could barely bear the cold, the energy level of ice outside obviously further strengthened, and the carbon dioxide in the cabin air solidified into dry ice and fell to the ground.

Anna felt the chilling chill again, which made her almost faint, and she couldn't hold on to her teeth. She had to use her mind to forcibly lead the energy in her body to flow faster, so as to resist the ice energy that kept increasing the energy level outside.

Because of this circulation, some ice energy slowly penetrated into Anna's body and circulated with the energy in her body, so that Anna finally reluctantly withstood the bitter cold of the outside world again.

The energy level of ice energy increased again and again. Anna also accelerated the energy flow in her body again and again, reluctantly supporting and resisting this biting cold. She formed white ice cream outside her body, then light blue ice cream, and then blue ice cream, which hung all over her forehead and cheeks, making her whole person look like a crystal person.

In the process, Anna's heartbeat became more and more slow, from more than 70 times in a normal minute, down to more than a dozen times, down to several times, and then one minute, five minutes. Her breathing rate also kept falling. When the energy of ice energy reached the highest, she had completely stopped breathing. Only by the circulation of energy in the body did her body not completely shock.

The ground of the cabin is blue, just like the blue sky. It looks very beautiful. Some air poured in from the gap of the cabin door bulkhead quickly condenses into solid after contacting the ice energy in the cabin, blocking all the gaps, making the cabin form a vacuum like environment.

After the extreme cold, the temperature began to rise slowly, the blue ice crystals began to melt and volatilize, Anna's breathing and heartbeat also slowly recovered, the ice energy weakened layer by layer, and the energy in Anna's body rolled again and again. She felt suffocated and frozen again. With amazing perseverance, she also insisted again until the normal temperature was restored in the cabin.

Anna stood up. The whole person was like washed with water. The skin forged by ice energy was no different from the previous one in appearance, but it was significantly tighter and stronger. After the test and baptism of ice and fire, Anna felt that the energy in her body was more abundant than before, giving her a feeling that the second stage of brain domain was ready to break through to the third stage at any time.

However, there is still a lack of opportunity.

Just like Liu Qian was trapped in the bottleneck of promotion in the second stage of brain domain and couldn't break through until a black ball of death Tianlei finally broke out and successfully entered the third stage of brain domain, what Anna lacks now is such a wedge machine.

Just after Anna thought that Liu Qian's fire and ice could be quantified, she should have successfully entered the fourth stage of the brain and woke up, but Liu Qian still couldn't wake up. Under Anna's gaze and touch, Liu Qian's body skin began to harden and feel like a hard stone.

"It was fire energy and ice energy just now. Is it earth energy now?" Anna seemed to understand something. Soon she could feel the earth energy flowing in the cabin, and even her skin began to dry and harden.

This kind of dry knot and hardening makes Anna very uncomfortable, but with her previous experience of fire energy and ice energy, she is familiar with this situation. She quickly runs the energy that has become extremely thick in her body, operates in accordance with the soil energy flowing in the cabin, and frantically absorbs those soil energy, so that they can be assimilated by the energy in her body and become her own energy, Maybe you really have a chance to enter the third stage of the brain! (to be continued.)