Besides, he didn't say anything about the wine. Now all the people with status in the capital want to drink health bar. Even if you can't get it for a special purpose, you have to get a bottle of ordinary version. Can you get a bottle of Wuliangye? Is it high-grade? Sure enough, I came from a small place. I haven't seen much.

Thinking about this, Huang Minghai took up the wine cup, touched it on his lips and put it down. Then he said intentionally or unintentionally, "the Wuliangye is too strong for my stomach, so I'm sorry for you two."

Yu Zhe and Yu Zhe were both stunned. They looked at each other suspiciously. Both of them were officials. Mandarin has always been ambiguous. They have heard it. I dare say that chief Yu is not satisfied with the wine.

Yu Zhe felt a little angry. He had been delayed in the capital for more than ten days for this support fund, but he had not seen a hair at all until now, and the county was in a hurry, so the two people paid their own money, spent more than half of their wages and bonuses, and invited this old thing to Wangfujing for dinner at their own expense. The specification is medium and superior. Moreover, Wuliangye is also a few hundred bottles, and this old thing doesn't like wine?

"Chief Huang, why don't we change to a red bar? This kind of wine is not strong enough to hurt our stomach. I'm really sorry. I didn't know that chief Huang didn't drink." Yu Zhe hurriedly apologized with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what's the meaning of red wine? It tastes sour and astringent. You are from other places. I don't know that there is a kind of wine in the capital, called Sanhua Guilu wine. This wine not only has a strong taste, but also has a health preserving effect. How many bottles?" Seeing that the two boys really didn't know, Huang Minghai woke up.

"Oh, oh, so it is. Waiter, let's have three bottles of three flower osmanthus wine." Yu Zhe shouted to the waiter who was waiting.

After a while, the waiter came over with three bottles of hard packed three flower osmanthus wine, pulled down a wine list and asked Yu Zhe to sign it for confirmation.

Seeing that the price of the three bottles of wine was fivethousand four, Yu Zhe's hand trembled. He turned to the waiter and asked, "Miss, are you wrong about the price of this wine? This wine is more expensive than Wuliangye Moutai?"

"Sir, it seems that you have come from other places. This wine is a health wine produced by Shaw group. It is not intoxicating, does not hurt your stomach, and can also prevent diseases. If you have some headaches and fever, just drink a little. You don't have to go to the hospital. The price is still 30% off from our activities here." The waiter smiled sweetly and explained to Yu Zhe.

Yu Zhe rolled his eyes. He shook his hands and signed the list. The section chief surnamed Huang is not big, and his mother has a big appetite. A bottle of wine costs thousands, which is killing them.

Huang Minghai just laughed at Mimi. He picked up the wine and drank with them one cup at a time.

After Yu Zhe drank the wine, he felt that the money was not wronged, because the wine was really unique. There was no spicy taste in his mouth. The mellow and fragrant taste shocked people. The three drank two bottles and didn't feel any discomfort.

Huang Minghai is a complete drunkard. He drinks faster than anyone else. In a blink of an eye, three bottles of wine have reached the bottom. Huang Minghai still has some unfinished business and cries: "come on, I'll be like old friends at first sight with you two. Have a good drink today. Don't get drunk."

Seeing that Huang Minghai's tone was clear, and his words were sharp, and there was no sense of a wine bug in his head, Yu Zhe and Yu Zhe couldn't help laughing bitterly. When they came to a few bottles, they really wanted to drink from the West and the north. For the money of the County, they didn't pay out of their own pockets.

"Huang ke... Let's talk about business first. You see, we are all fellow townsmen. Needless to say, we are here for a support fund in the county. The approval procedures have been completed. You see... When can we sign it for us?" Yu Zhe said cautiously.

Huangminghai is a little unhappy. He hasn't drunk enough. He has put up with letting him eat in the hall. But now he doesn't even let him drink. Is this to ask someone for help? He put down the wine cup in his hand and said in an official voice, "it's not easy to deal with this matter. You know, there are too many places that need help now, and we are a little short of money. So, I'm sorry. I'll let you know as soon as I have news."

Yu Zhe and Yu Zhe look a little ugly. Both of them are officials. The boy has made it clear. If you want money, you can wait.

"Huang Ke, the two of us are errands. For the sake of our fellow countrymen, help us this time. If we have money now, let us take some first, even if we only take half for the time being." Yu Zhe said with a wry smile.

"Then I'm sorry. The capital can't be turned around."

Huang Minghai sneered. He stood up and said, "that's less than ah. I'm a little too drunk. I'll go back first. Don't worry about the money. Some people have waited here for more than half a year and haven't got it? It's a policy. I can't hurry."

Their faces suddenly changed. If the old boy left like this, things would turn yellow today. Their wages would have been wasted after spending more than half a year. Yu Zhe and his colleagues were a little grumpy, He stood up and shouted, "Huang Minghai, don't fool us with lack of money. After the approval of each fund in the finance department, the fund will be pulled out soon. Besides, our procedures are very complete. You are embarrassing us."

Huang Minghai's face sank with a smile. He said in an official voice, "the approval procedures are down, but I still have to implement them. Go back and wait. I haven't seen you do things like this. You want money? I said, no, what's wrong with you."

As soon as his companions lose their temper, Yu Zhe knows that things are going to be bad. They are now in the capital. Although the officials in the capital are of high quality, they are easy to see hell and difficult to deal with. Now the smaller the officials are, the more trouble they will have. Just like huangminghai in front of him, strictly speaking, his level is not as high as Yu Zhe, but what about it? Everyone performs their own duties. Now you beg him for something and make him unhappy. What can he do with your capital card for half a year?

Yu Zhe hurriedly came forward with a smile on his face and said, "Huang Ke, please don't be angry. My friend is angry. I apologize to you on his behalf. Everyone started from the grass-roots level. You should understand the difficulties of grass-roots cadres. Please huangminghai must help us."

Huangminghai snorted coldly, "you have difficulties. Don't I have difficulties? Now the local people are asking me for money. Where can I give you money? Go back to Yuancheng county. There is a problem with your aid funds this time. I will re approve it after I implement it."

Yu Zhe's heart sank. The county's assistance fund was to subsidize some farmers. For this approval, their county Party committee almost broke their lips and finally implemented it. If the approval process was followed, it would not be long before the monkey years and months. This time, they screwed things up.

Huangminghai was more and more upset when he thought about it. "Also, I haven't seen you two doing things like this. Do you still invite a guest in the hall? I tell you, even if you come from the village, at least you have a box in Wangfujing. Let's go. Your money will be forgotten. Don't come to me in the future."

Huang Minghai shook his sleeve and walked away.

"Huang Ke, Huang Ke, please stay here and have a good talk." Yu Zhe was worried. He hurried forward to catch huangminghai.

"What are you doing? I told you, don't bother me. Don't think you are high in the local level. I told you this is the capital. Believe it or not, I'll skin you and go home tomorrow." Huang Minghai said angrily.

"Chief Huang, I, I don't mean anything else." Yu Zhe was shocked. He was in a hurry just now. It was really rude. He quickly let go of his hand.

"No quality, no insight. Are all the local officials taking your goods as their number?" Huang Ming shouted angrily, "believe it or not, I stripped you of your skin now. Now apologize to me."

"Who's that, talking so loudly?" At this time, yehaoxuan and xutongtong came out of the box together after they were full of wine and food. After coming out, they just saw the very angry section chief Huang and Yu Zhe who was at a loss.

"Who are you? Can you control my tone? Now some ordinary people are becoming more and more powerful. They are not even afraid of officials. They are making trouble for the people." Huang Ming turns around and glares at yehaoxuan angrily.

Ye haoxuan was enraged. He stepped forward and said, "if you are an official, you should understand the duties of an official. You are serving the people, not making the people afraid of you. If the people of a country are afraid of you being an official, something big will happen."

Yehaoxuan turned to Yu Zhe and asked, "Yu Zhe, what's the matter?"

Hearing ye haoxuan's sarcasm, Yu Zhe was startled. He secretly complained. Ye haoxuan didn't understand the situation. He was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire. He hurriedly said, "no, haoxuan, go back first. I'll find you later."

"Are you here on business? It's all right. I'll deal with it." Yehaoxuan said lightly.

"There is no law, there is no law. Now a hairy boy dares to talk to me like this. Is there any law? The security guard, throw him out, throw this guy out." After listening to yehaoxuan's words, huangminghai almost blew his lungs.

"And you two grass-roots officials, can you handle affairs? How can you ask someone to handle affairs without even letting people drink?" Huang Minghai shouted.

"Drinking?" Yehaoxuan was puzzled. He turned around and said, "Yu Zhe, if I am a classmate, tell me what's going on."

Although there was always something wrong with Yu Zhe when he was studying, after all, he was young at that time. Now those who go out should help each other. In the words of adults, they were not sensible when they were young.