"Thank you. I'll think about it." Alice hesitated for a moment. She took yehaoxuan's business card.

"You want to win this woman over?" On the way back, Li Yan said, "are they useful to you?"

"Useful." Yehaoxuan nodded and said, "in fact, they are not easy to see in western countries. We call them powers in China. Some people are born with some extraordinary abilities."

"Generally speaking, their ability is not too strong and will not have a great impact on the society. However, because of their existence, some people in the relevant departments of magnesium are nervous. They do not believe that these people will live in harmony with others, so they want to suppress them."

"Human nature is distorted." Li Yan said in his heart: "the more you suppress them, the more powerful they will rebound in the end. The people of magnesium are making a wrong move. If they make good use of these people, it will be better than suppressing them."

"Yes, very easy to understand." Yehaoxuan nodded and said, "in fact, we Chinese people have a good control over the people in Qimen Jianghu and inner Jianghu. These people belong to the six departments of Tiangong. This is why our special department in China is the most powerful special department in the world, because our senior management can make use of it."

"Such a simple truth, I don't think the people of magnesium will be surprised." Li Yan thought to himself, "there must be a reason why they would rather suppress these people than make good use of their abilities."

"The reason is very simple. The authorities are afraid of these people because of their special abilities. They are afraid that these people will eventually do something out of line because they are under control." Yehaoxuan said: "so they suppressed them and tried not to let them contact other people, but this is always a problem. Over time, this problem will break out."

"You are the trigger of these problems." Liyanxin smiled and said, "I think you will have a team of powerful talents, which will be the most important force for you to deal with the 515."

"Well, it's hard to say now. It depends on whether Alice can see it." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"She will be open-minded, because everyone wants dignity, everyone wants to live like normal people, and they don't want to be the mice of others." Li Yan thought.

"I hope so." Yehaoxuan nodded.

The next day, there were posts about traditional Chinese medicine on major social networking sites in magnesium country. These posts pointed out sharply that there were some confidential departments and individuals who slandered traditional Chinese medicine because of their own interests.

These posts quickly flooded the major websites. Under the momentum of several Internet pushers invited by yehaoxuan from China, the posts that were originally bad for traditional Chinese medicine quickly reversed.

The fact that a seriously injured pregnant woman was treated by traditional Chinese medicine last night and the pregnant woman was safe soon became popular on the Internet. The people of magnesium expressed their anger and felt that their feelings had been bullied.

A few days ago, isn't there a bald man with great energy still saying that traditional Chinese medicine is superstition? They said that the theory of traditional Chinese medicine did not conform to scientific knowledge at all.

However, doctors have given up treatment. They can't protect adults or children. In this case, traditional Chinese medicine can reverse the disease. Is this the traditional Chinese medicine that can't cure the disease in the mouth of those grandchildren?

The masses are not fools. Sometimes they are just blinded by some things for a while. Now they calm down and think about what happened before. There is a great possibility that rumors could cause trouble.

Some people have even started to organize demonstrations. They point out that some government officials have failed to act for their own interests.

They asked relevant departments to introduce traditional Chinese medicine, and stressed that the certificate of traditional Chinese medicine is a valid certificate for them to practice medicine.

In a luxurious office in the city center, an old man angrily swept all the things on his desk. This guy is frank, the boss of the famous social network nutnet in magnesium.

Nutnet is well-known. It is the largest forum and the largest social networking site in China. Nutnet, which is issued by its companies, is the social software with the largest number of users.

Moreover, a very fashionable nut magazine under his name is also a well-known magazine in China. The old man started his business in his later years and made great breakthroughs in his career. He was originally full of hesitation and ambition.

But now, he angrily smashed the things in the office, and shouted to a group of employees standing in front of him: "waste, scum, FAK, you useless scum, aren't you the most famous online marketer in China? Don't you claim to be the most invincible marketing team in the world?"

"But in just a few days, you can see for yourself that the public opinion that was originally in favor of us is now forcefully one-sided. What I asked you to do is to blacken the traditional Chinese medicine, but did you do it?"

"Boss, we have tried our best. At the beginning, the situation was developing in a direction that was beneficial to us." A foreigner opened his mouth.

This guy is the head of the marketing team. In fact, the Internet in magnesium is far less powerful than that in China. Such models as online marketing are far from mature in China.

In fact, these teams are similar to some network promoters in China. They have powerful network resources. As long as they want to make something popular, they can do it in general after a few days of operation.

However, their playing methods are far worse than those of Chinese Internet pushers. Even though several Internet pushers invited by yehaoxuan from China have just come to magnesium, their Internet resources have expanded to a fantastic level in a few days.

So during the battle, these guys lost without exception.

"Have you tried your best? Dare you tell me that you have tried your best? Now you look at the magnesium times and the major social networking sites, which are full of statements against us. You are trying your best, you bastard." Frank was furious.

"Boss, these Chinese people are really insidious. They are very calculating. We... Can't play with them." The leading foreigner bowed his head in shame.

It's true that he hated those Chinese people, because they were so insidious and cunning. They calculated every step they took. Even if you were careful, you would fall into the pit they dug. These days, they were almost mutilated.