"That's great." Yehaoxuan looked at the lizard man. If this guy didn't have the uniform of the soldiers of the magnesium state, he couldn't believe that it was transformed from human.

The lizard man didn't have any independent consciousness at all. He stared at Lin Yu with a pair of blood red eyes. It seemed that he also knew that the guy in front of him was difficult to deal with.

As a mutant, it has extremely strong scales, which can not be penetrated even by sniper shells, and its bones have reached an amazing strength.

More importantly, it has a strong self-healing ability. Even in this jungle, it is basically invincible. He killed all the way, and he doesn't know how many mutant creatures have suffered. If he hadn't met ye haoxuan, he could still kill all the way.

Looking at Lin Yu with his head askew for a long time, the lizard man finally reacted. With a hiss, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a scarlet tongue from his mouth. The mucus on the tongue was highly corrosive.

When the mucus drops to the ground, white smoke rises from the hard granite, and its tongue is very fast, almost like a sharp arrow from its mouth.

One side of yehaoxuan's head was so fierce that his tongue was heavily nailed to a big tree behind yehaoxuan, which was almost pierced by his tongue.

The guy didn't hit, his tongue closed, and he continued to stare at yehaoxuan with blood red eyes. It seemed that he wanted to find some weaknesses from yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan looked at the big tree behind him with some surprise. The tree was also a mutant plant after radiation, but it had no lethality, but its bark was almost as hard as steel.

But the lizard man's tongue can actually penetrate the bark of this tree, which shows that this guy's combat power is very ferocious.

He stared at ye haoxuan for a long time. It seemed that he didn't find anything special from ye haoxuan. This guy launched an attack. He suddenly fell to the ground on all fours, and his huge body rushed at ye haoxuan like a huge lizard.

At the same time, its front paw was lifted forward and grabbed it at yehaoxuan's chest. If it really caught it, yehaoxuan would inevitably end up being ripped open.

But yehaoxuan's figure flashed and suddenly disappeared in front of the lizard man.

The lizard man jumped on the big tree behind yehaoxuan. It quickly turned around, stood up and looked around warily.

After this thing mutated, it was actually a cold-blooded animal, so the image it captured was similar to a kind of heat sensing.

It stared with blood red eyes, trying to find ye haoxuan from the woods, but it found no trace of Ye haoxuan after looking for a long time.

In fact, yehaoxuan has been standing beside him, but he has lost his own breath, so this guy can't feel the existence of yehaoxuan at all. His eyes are almost useless. He uses his senses to sense the enemy.

Yehaoxuan shook his head. Maybe this was the weakness of this guy. He suddenly stepped forward, shouted loudly, and hit the lizard man's back heart.

His fist condensed the mighty Qi. The pure power twisted the air around his fist. When it was hit, the lizard man's body was shocked violently. Then it seemed to be hit by a high-speed car, and his body hit an iron tree heavily.

With a plop, the hard iron tree bounced back its huge body. It fell heavily on the ground and fell into a big pit on the ground.

However, its hard leather armor protected its body. Even though yehaoxuan's fist was powerful, its damage was limited. After landing, it bounced violently.

At the moment when yehaoxuan just punched, it had locked the place where yehaoxuan was. It gave a hiss, turned around and rushed in the direction of yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan grabbed his right hand and appeared too often. He took his sword and cut it forward. After cutting it out, the too often in his hand slowly disappeared.

The fierce lizard man was frozen on the spot just now. His hard leather armor was almost cut off by yehaoxuan. He stood stunned on the spot and fell to the ground with a plop a moment later. His body was divided into two parts.

A stream of smelly blood gushed out of its body like a fountain. Its blood was very corrosive and fell to the ground, emitting a stream of white smoke.

Yehaoxuan looked at the scene with some surprise. He did not understand what kind of existence these mutant lizards were. Infected with their unique genes, even people would become such a monster, which really made people feel strange.

Thinking about Li Yan in his heart, yehaoxuan had no time to think about it here. He identified a way, took a deep breath, tried to spread his consciousness, and then he walked forward quickly.

In this jungle, everyone's abilities are heavily suppressed. Even the spiritual power as strong as yehaoxuan is controlled by an invisible force. Therefore, yehaoxuan's current spiritual power can't be visited for long. But now he is looking for someone, so he can only try to let his spiritual power out.

Li Yan walked forward with some indifference. Her eyes were a little dull. Her life seemed to be playing movies in her mind.

From the death of her parents when she was a child, to her efforts to enter the military school, to her secret love for a classmate in her class, she was lost, and then joined the army. The hardships and tiredness she had suffered in the army were like acting in a movie in her mind.

I don't know why, there is always a sad mood in her heart. She doesn't know what the reason is. This mood makes her very depressed.

She wants to escape, escape from her destiny, even from the world.

Suddenly, Li Yan was stopped by a river in front of her. The river was clear and wide. Li Yan stood by the river and watched her own shadow reflected in the river.

Suddenly, a voice rang out in her heart: "everyone is dead. Is it meaningful for you to live in this world?"

Li Yan's chest shook. She tasted the meaning of this sentence, and her mood became more and more uneasy.

Suddenly, the clear water in front of her changed, and the color of the water became very dark red. Then there were some corpses in the river. She was very familiar with the appearance of these corpses.

There are both her teammates and her relatives. There is a body in front of her. It is the body of her brother Lihu. Li Yan's face turns pale. She covers her mouth and looks at what she sees in front of her.