"Dead pervert, hooligan." The woman is more vicious, she could not help scolding.

"You are trying to scold me. Believe it or not, I slapped you in the face." The man was furious. He pointed at the woman and said, "shut up."

"I want to call the police..." the woman said as she took out her mobile phone to make a phone call.

"Tell your mother to call." The man was so angry that he would slap someone.

But his hand was tight, and he couldn't wave any more. He looked back and saw yehaoxuan grasp his wrist.

"That's not good for you." Yehaoxuan said with a smile, "women are used to respect. Do you beat women?"

"Whatever your business, boy, let go." The man shouted, "do you believe I stabbed you with a knife?"

At this time, the driver pulled the car aside, but the man was so fierce that no one dared to come forward and get involved in this matter for a while.

"I don't believe it. Your knife must be made of plastic." Ye haoxuan shook his head.

"Do you really think I dare not." The man was so angry that he took a knife and greeted yehaoxuan.

But yehaoxuan grabbed the fruit knife in his hand. Yehaoxuan took the knife in his hand, looked over and over and said, "this knife is really plastic."

Yehaoxuan said, slowly breaking the blade into pieces in the man's dumbfounded expression, and then threw it onto the bus.

The man was a little confused. If he didn't look at the underground knife and the real iron, he really thought he took a plastic toy knife when he went out. Although it was a fruit knife, it was a knife after all. When he took it out, it was still very deterrent.

"Now all you have to do is apologize. Can you do it?" Ye haoxuan said, "just kneel down and call grandma a few times. I don't ask much."

"You numb you want to die, don't you?" The man finally recovered. He felt that he could not lose to yehaoxuan in his momentum. He rushed out and hit yehaoxuan with his fist.

Before his fist just came out, ye haoxuan quickly punched him right in the stomach. The guy screamed, and his whole body flew back like a shell.

With a crash, he smashed the glass on the bus and flew towards the green belt. Then he fell on the ground with a plop and couldn't get up.


Yehaoxuan's punch brightened the eyes of all the people on the bus. The gesture just now was really handsome. The punch was so ecstatic.

Seeing the wretched man lying down, the man's sense of justice burst out. They shouted not to let the boy run away. Then they ran down from the car one by one, controlled the man and called the police.

"Is it all right?" Yehaoxuan smiled.

"No, it's OK. Thank you." The woman recovered from the shock and said, "sorry, I just..."

"Ha, it's OK. I wish I hadn't scared you." Yehaoxuan said with a smile: "this kind of scum is not happy when he sees it. He owes me a good temper today. Otherwise, I will make him kneel every minute."

"Do we know each other? How can I look at you familiar?" The woman stared at yehaoxuan and asked in some doubt.

"Well, I think you look familiar." Yehaoxuan also stared at the woman. He smiled and said, "I have a public face. Everyone thinks my face is familiar when they see me."

"No, we must know each other." The woman thought hard, but she couldn't remember where she had met yehaoxuan.

"Is your surname Feng?" Yehaoxuan had a flash in his mind. He finally remembered who this woman was.

"Yes, my name is Feng Pei. How did you know that?" The woman asked in surprise.

"Ha ha, from Qingyuan, your hometown?" Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Yes, you too?" Feng Pei looked at yehaoxuan with surprise and joy. She thought hard for a moment, and then said in surprise: "I remember, you are yehaoxuan, yes, yes, you are yehaoxuan."

"Haha, junior high school students, it's really not easy to meet here." Yehaoxuan smiled: "it's rare that you can remember me."

"I said, we must know each other." Feng Pei patted ye haoxuan on the shoulder and said, "I remember you were sitting behind me when I was reading. Haha, I remember."

"Yes, yes, it's been more than ten years." Yehaoxuan smiled.

Feng Pei is yehaoxuan's classmate, but her family is average, and she dropped out of school very early. After dropping out, she borrowed someone else's ID card and went south to work. In a flash, she has been working for more than ten years.

"Haha, why did you come here?" Feng Pei smiled.

"I have something to do here. How about you? Have you been here since you dropped out?" Yehaoxuan asked.

"Yes, I haven't graduated from junior high school. I have no education here. I can only do something on the assembly line in the factory. I have been doing it for more than ten years. The year before last, I found a local man here to marry." Fengpeidao.

"Ha ha, congratulations." Yehaoxuan smiled.

"Alas, you are no better than those excellent students. You must be doing well now." Feng Pei smiled.

"If I really do well, I will come to squeeze the bus?" Yehaoxuan smiled and said, "it's all about working outside to make a living."

Yehaoxuan knows that Feng Pei and he are not the same people in the world. Although her life is not poor, the working-class family is no better. Her life is just daily necessities.

Every day she thinks about how to save money and how to work more shifts on the assembly line. Especially after she gets married, the pressure will be greater. Therefore, it is normal for her not to pay attention to the news and not to know herself.

But yehaoxuan doesn't want to say his identity in front of people he used to know, because in that case, others will think he is showing superiority, but he swears that he thinks superiority really has nothing to show.

The female classmate in front of me is pretty good. Although she is not very familiar with her, she is upright, so yehaoxuan has a good impression on her.

"What's the matter? Who is the party?" The police rushed to the scene and looked at the wretched man who had been arrested.

"Let's go." Yehaoxuan pulls Feng Pei and quickly leaves the scene.

"Oh, that's not good. We have to go back and take a statement, or the police will come to the door." Vonpei said with some uneasiness.

"It's OK. Just have witnesses. The police don't have much time to deal with these small things." Yehaoxuan smiled. He pulled Feng Pei away and sent a text message. Such a small thing is not a big deal for yehaoxuan.