But it has to be said that this is the best thing in the local area. These people also know how to be grateful. The team stationed here for two days and cured a large number of them.

In addition, the epidemic situation has been controlled, so these people are very grateful to the Chinese peacekeeping forces and medical teams. Today, they volunteered to send some food to the Chinese peacekeeping forces to do their best.

Although their starting point is good, what they have to vomit is that the food they give is really terrible.

Because this place is quite backward, unlike China, which has a cultural heritage of thousands of years, most of the food they eat is just baked by fire.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rough meat, and then looking at a roasted black thing that didn't know what it was, Li Qian grabbed one in some silence.

"Yehaoxuan, do you think you can eat this?" Li Qian asked ye haoxuan, holding her hand.

"As long as it's delivered, of course you can eat it. It's just that the taste is a little poor." Yehaoxuan smiled and said, "you're content. They haven't sent anything for the next life. It's very polite."

"Well, it seems that I overestimate the quality of life here." Li Qian said without a word. She tore the things in her hand and put them into her mouth.

"How does it taste?" Yehaoxuan looked at Li Xi with some expectation.

"No... not much." Li Qian frowned and said, "there is a strange smell. What is this?"

"Oh, this is their unique big bat here." Yehaoxuan said with a smile: "usually they are taken as high protein."

Li Qian's eyes stared, and her chewing stopped immediately. Then in yehaoxuan's malicious smile, she rushed to one side with her mouth covered. A moment later, yehaoxuan obviously heard a retching sound coming from there.

"It's still familiar. You haven't seen some people who eat it raw. You should go to see more programs like field survival records, which will greatly help you improve the probability of field survival." Yehaoxuan said.

"You, you shut up, you stop talking." Li Xi vomited in a mess. The more ye haoxuan chattered, the more she felt sick.

"Well, I won't say it. I really won't say it." Yehaoxuan smiled. He thought he couldn't bear it. What would you do if you were allowed to live in the tropical rain forest for a week and eat raw food?

There are enough drugs. In fact, the plague here is not a serious disease. Disinfect it. After a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine specially prescribed by Ye haoxuan, it will be almost all right. The next time is to recuperate. Generally, it can be completely cured in a week.

It's just that this place is too poor and backward, and they think that as long as they are ill, they are ominous people, so they usually invite those messy wizards to cure them.

And those witches, except for some messy witchcraft, do not understand any medical theory at all. Therefore, in such places, they are generally ill, so they are resigned to fate.

Therefore, the arrival of Ye haoxuan was almost worshipped as a God by these aborigines. They thought that ye haoxuan was sent by Kadeer to drive away their diseases. For a time, the popularity of China spread completely in this area.

At dusk, yehaoxuan and Yunxiao saw the only water source here.

This is a riverbed. Because it is in the dry season, the riverbed looks bare. There is not much water in it, except a pool of green water in the deep pit at the center of the river.

This is the only water source for more than a dozen nearby villages. Because of the problem of water, conflicts and even large-scale bloodshed often break out in nearby villages and tribes.

Moreover, this poor little water is not only for people to drink, but also for some wild animals to drink. At the river, ye haoxuan found many footprints of wild animals.

Because wild animals come to drink water, they don't care about the things on one side at all, so the scarce water seems a little muddy, and there is a dead antelope floating in the water.

"If you don't drink the water, it's strange." Ye haoxuan frowned and said, "the people here really don't have any sanitary measures."

"Not only here, but also in many poor places in Feizhou." Yunxiao sighed and said, "they are all living a primitive life. It is not that other countries ignore them, but that they refuse to go out and make progress. There is no way."

"Just last year, Chinese peacekeepers wanted to build a reservoir here. Originally, the equipment was brought here, but people nearby refused to communicate. They forcibly smashed the equipment. What can we do?"

"And if they didn't believe in the so-called will of God, I think even if you could cure them here, they would refuse you to treat them." Cloud path.

"Education still can't keep up." Ye haoxuan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the current situation here will continue in the future."

"There's nothing anyone can do, but now they are much more civilized than before. I think if they try hard, they can accept the help of outsiders like us." Cloud path.

"Go down and have a look." Yehaoxuan and Yunxiao go to the bottom of the riverbed together. Liu Qing also takes several members of the medical team here for sampling and testing.

"Doctor ye, here you are." Seeing yehaoxuan, Liu Qing said hello warmly.

"Sister Liu, have you sampled the water here? Have you got the test results?" Yehaoxuan asked.

"The samples were taken, but the results haven't come out yet, but." Liu Qing pointed to the muddy water and the bodies floating inside. "I think there must be something wrong with the water. I can see it at a glance."

"Do you use water purification agent?" "I'm afraid we need a lot of water purifiers for such a large pool of water," yehaoxuan said

"Yes, we have prepared a lot of these things." Liu Qing said, "it's just a little water. It's said that all nearby villages need it. How can it be enough?"

"The rainy season is coming." Yehaoxuan said with a smile, "the river will soon be full. Sister Liu, please deal with the Chinese herbal medicine brought back by the army today. Then you can put it in gunny bags and sink it to the bottom with stones. This will help them with several epidemic diseases here. As long as the medicine sinks to the bottom, the river will have medicinal properties. Drinking the water in the river will play a preventive role."

"Well, I thought we had to wait until the domestic medicine arrived here, but now it seems that we don't need it." Liu Qing said with a smile, "but you can use local materials and quickly limit the situation here. It seems that it is only when you are on the horse that you are reliable at the critical moment."