"Or is there a problem with your programmer?" Yehaoxuan asked.

"The seagull system is the most advanced intelligent system. It does not need maintenance, so there is no programmer to say that it will maintain itself. All parts replacement is completed by the intelligent robot, so it should have been firmly controlled in my palm." Shaoqingying said: "when such a problem arises, it can only be said that some people are making trouble behind the scenes, and the people who come are experts."

"Let's go. Leave the company first." Yehaoxuan pulls shaoqingying to leave.

They had just walked out a few steps when there was a sudden bang in front of them. All the doors and windows of the space they were in were closed by transparent bulletproof glass.

"It's very fast." When yehaoxuan grasped it with his right hand, he often appeared in his hand. He mentioned it too often and was about to open the way.

"Someone is coming. Don't worry. See who it is." Shaoqingying stops yehaoxuan.

Yehaoxuan put it away too often and waited patiently for the other end to appear.

As soon as the glass door in front opened, a group of people came in. These people were wearing the clothes of Shao's science and technology guard. The first person took a look at shaoqingying, then pressed the messenger and said, "head, I found it. There is only one guard beside her."

"Copy that. Don't let them leave. I'll be right there." A sound came from the man's earphone.

"Mr. Shao, I'm sorry. You may have to stay here for a while." The leader smiled. The people behind him lined up, raised their weapons and aimed at shaoqingying.

"It's all right. I'll wait here for a while. I want to see who it is." Shaoqingying smiled. She stood there without fear.

A moment later, another group of people rushed over. The leader was an acquaintance of yehaoxuan, long yuan, who was also one of the captains of shaoqingying's David team.

Seeing shaoqingying, he smiled. He waved his hand and asked his people to put away all their weapons. He smiled and said, "president Shao, I didn't expect to see you here. Hehe, the system failure surprised you."

"The system won't fail. I think captain long wrote it all." Shaoqingying smiled.

"Mr. Shao is joking. I'm just a rude man. How can I have such skills?" Long Yuan smiled. He didn't notice yehaoxuan behind shaoqingying. He made an inviting gesture and said, "president Shao, please come with us."

"I can go with you, but you have to tell me where to take me." Shaoqingying said lightly, "and your people don't seem very friendly to me."

"Of course, I took Mr. Shao to a safe place." Long Yuan said, "now the company's system has crashed, and president Shao should know that there are many crisis response devices in it. If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself. So you'd better go with me."

"What if I don't go?" Shaoqingying smiled.

"With all due respect, you can't help it." Long Yuan spread his hands and said, "president Shao, you are a smart man, so you should know what I mean."

"I don't know what you mean. Long yuan, you are from Shao family and can be selected as one of the captains of my escort team. You were selected by your wisdom. I don't know why you did such a thing." Shaoqingying said.

"My loyalty, Mr. Shao, needs no doubt, but don't forget that I am also a dragon scale." Long Yuan smiled: "to tell you the truth, I don't want such a thing to happen, but life is like this. Loyalty and righteousness are difficult to achieve, so please forgive me, Mr. Shao."

"There has always been a force that wants to break into the Shao family. I didn't know which side this force belongs to before, but now it seems that I should know who it is." Shaoqingying smiled and said, "Long Yuan, it's really difficult for you. You've been lurking around me for so long. It turns out that Long Xiang has already arranged the game."

"Yes, it has been set up long ago." Long Yuan smiled and said, "Shao is always a hard man to control, so we must be careful."

"I don't understand one thing. Please let me know." Shaoqingying said.

"Tell me, as long as I can answer, I will certainly answer you." Long Yuan nodded.

"My smart brain comes from 'Haiou' and is impeccable. Smart brain can avoid all risks. You come from the dragon scale. Smart brain should be able to exclude you. Why did you enter the Shaw family and be elected one of my guards?" Shaoqingying asked.

"Hehe, I can tell you that, to be honest, I spent a lot of time trying to get in. First, I changed my identity, and then I found a special person, that is, someone who can control any electronic device, to interfere with the system. It took me a lot of effort to avoid my brain and enter you." Long Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Shao, you are too confident in your system. You should know that any system in this world has loopholes."

"So it is. There are such people in the world. Their powers are very special." Shaoqingying suddenly realized: "even today's system problems are caused by that extraordinary person."

"Yes, his power is really a good thing. Otherwise, I really can't break through the security line and locate you so quickly. Have you asked all your questions? It's time to go now." Long Yuan smiled.

"My question is finished, but I really can't go with you." Shaoqingying said, "as the president of Shao technology, you can let me go with you with one word. You know, how many big people I can't hire."

"That's not up to you." Long Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Shao, seriously, I don't want to hurt you, but the premise is that you can cooperate. It's difficult for me to do so if you don't cooperate." Long Yuan stared at shaoqingying with his head askew.

"It's not that I don't cooperate, but that he doesn't agree to go with you." Shaoqingying smiled and pointed to ye haoxuan.

"Yes, I disagree." Yehaoxuan stepped forward. He stared at Long Yuan and said, "Long Yuan, we've known each other for a long time. Hehe, when you see me, you don't even say hello. It's too much."

"It's you... Yehaoxuan, you're back." Long yuan was shocked. The weapon in his hand was not raised by the Lord. He shouted at ye haoxuan, "it's impossible. How could you come back?"

"Is it strange?" Yehaoxuan said casually, "you know, who I am, just a different space, just want to trap me. You are really naive."

"No one has ever come back from the place of confinement, and now the place of confinement has completely cut off the connection with us. It has disappeared. I think it no longer exists. How can you come back from it?" Long Yuan roared.