"Can you stop beating around the bush? Just tell us what kind of deal you have for us." Silver stated in a cold tone. He was not liking the fact that these two Immortals were aware of Ying Yue's new identity and her actions. And he had a strong feeling that they were even aware of their biggest secrets which definitely was not a good thing.

"We will help you keep your movements private from everyone, especially from people of the Imperial Palace, and in return, you have to stay loyal to us." Wang Shu spoke as he looked straight into Ying Yue's eyes while completely ignoring Silver.

In response, Ying Yue chuckled in a mocking tone as she spoke coldly, "Are you guys for real? I don't think I need your help to keep my actions and identity hidden. Moreover, I don't see any reason to be loyal to any of you."

The two Immortals shared a look between them before the one in the blue robe stood up and headed towards Silver, whispering something in his ear which even her vampire hearing power failed to listen to. 

Silver turned to look at her with a puzzled expression on his face before he slightly nodded his head, agreeing to whatever the Immortal had told him.

"Ah Shu, stay here and take care of her. We will be back soon." The blue-robed man told the one in white robes before both he and Silver teleported away, leaving a confused Jiang Ying Yue behind with the Immortal called Ah Shu.

She was ready to follow them and find out exactly what was going on but before she could make a move, a hand grabbed her from the waist and pulled her against a warm embrace. Her back was flushed against a muscular chest and one of Ah Shu's hands was securely wrapped around her belly, keeping her pressed against him.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a flustered tone as she started chewing on her lower lip to keep herself from getting distracted by his scent that had immediately started to intoxicate her. Also, the body contact between them was not helping her at all. 

"You are not allowed to follow them." Wang Shu whispered next to her ear. His warm breath fanning her earlobe, making her even more fragile against him than she already was.

"Where are they?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation going on in order to stop herself from melting against his body. She no longer had the energy to pull herself out of his arms, not like she tried to get away from him even when she had the energy.

Her body was a traitor. It was more than eager to stay in the arms of this man and had no intentions of separating from his warm embrace.

"I'm sure, brother Qing Shan has taken your friend to the Night Tower to show him the reason for which we need you to work together with us." Ah Shu answered her question in a calm tone as he tried his best to not inhale the fragrance that belonged to her body.

"What do you mean? If I'm the main lead over here then why Silver is the one who gets to understand this matter instead of me?" Jiang Ying Yue questioned as she suddenly found the energy to pull herself out of his arms.

She turned around to stare at the man with a questioning look in her eyes, waiting for him to explain exactly what he and his companion were planning.

Wang Shu sighed and stayed silent for a while, contemplating on how to exactly answer her questions.

"Have you ever thought about what exactly happened five years ago? How did you end up sleeping with all the three princes and why suddenly your life turned upside down?" He asked her after a short while.

"Nothing happened between me and the princes that night." Jiang Ying Yue could not help but defend herself or more likely the original owner of the body.

Wang Shu remained silent as he looked at the side profile of the girl that he had in his arms. A small smile appeared on his lips as he realized how naive she was. She had no idea about the dangers and conspiracies that were going on around her.

"It does not matter whether something happened or not. The truth is that someone plotted that scene, succeeded in it, and ended up taking advantage of it just like they had planned. The Princes were very smartly sent away from the Capital while you were sent to spend the rest of your life in the Cold Palace." 

He became silent for a while as he shifted his hands around her waist, tightening them slightly before he continued, "Whether you believe us or not... but the truth is - someone will find out about your recent activities sooner or later if you keep going on like this. And trust me... you won't like the consequences of going against Empress Dowager. You are not prepared to face her." 

A frown appeared on Jiang Ying Yue's face as she realized that the man was not only referring to the punishment that she would receive for breaking the rules of the Imperial Palace. Rather, his words were implying an even deeper meaning.

She turned around in his arms, facing him so that she could look into his eyes. She was pretty much aware of his hands that were resting on the small of her back and the closeness between their bodies. There was barely any space left between their upper bodies.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down a little bit, making the mistake of inhaling his scent in the process.

"Why do you want me to work for you guys? And why do you want to help me?" She asked him after a while as she looked into his raven-like eyes.

"Because you are the only one who is capable enough to stand against that woman." Wang Shu simply replied with a slight shrug.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Ying Yue was still confused and she was having a hard time understanding the entire situation.

Wang Shu was silent for a while as he stared at the girl, pondering about how much to tell her. 

"What I mean is that... you are sent here as a trial."