"In your dreams!" Jiang Ying Yue spat in a cold tone as she tried to once again leave the room, this time by walking around him.

However, the stubborn Prince was looking forward to messing with her. He once again appeared in front of her, blocking her way and making her stop in her tracks.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Jiang Ying Yue could hardly control her temper anymore. The man was really starting to make her go crazy with his antics. He was probably the last person she wanted to deal with in the current circumstance.

It was probably because the original owner of her body despised the three Princes and their mother for what they made her suffer through, that's why she kept feeling a kind of weird anger towards the man from the very moment she heard his name. 

That was why while he was trying to talk to her, she just wanted him to disappear from her sight.

"I just want you to follow me as my servant till the end of the banquet. Let's just say that I'm giving you the chance for which you took the risk of coming out of the Cold Palace even though you knew that the consequences of getting caught would not be pleasant. I'm the only one here at the moment who can keep you hidden from the Empress Mother. You should think twice before refusing my offer." 

He sounded too calm and confident for her liking but for once, Jiang Ying Yue decided to stay calm and think properly before walking out of the courtyard.

To be fair, if she could make a deal with the Prince then it would be better for her. She was really not looking forward to fleeing from the Cold Palace with Silver after spending almost an entire week making that place feel alive once again. But if she ended up crossing the Third Prince, he would easily make her life a living hell along with his mother.

However, she did not know him at all and she did not want to end up getting stuck in a deal or promise that would strike back on her in the future. She needed time and patience to think about the situation and whatever the Third Prince had to say.

So after making up her mind, she folded her arms over her chest as she questioned, "Can I ask why are you so eager to help me?" Her tone clearly stated that she did not trust him even a bit.

The Prince smiled faintly as he silently observed her for a few seconds before answering, "Because you are the person whom my Empress Mother hates the most."

His words made Jiang Ying Yue raise her eyebrows as she stared at him in surprise. What did he mean by those words? Why would Empress Dowager hate her? Because of what happened all those years ago? 

Looked like the Prince was able to read her thoughts because he decided to provide some hints. "Don't think that the old woman is as simple as everyone thinks. The truth behind her hate towards you and the three of us brothers is way deeper than anyone could ever imagine."

"She hates you too? Even her sons?" Jiang Ying Yue could not help but ask. She was really having a hard time processing the revelations. How could the woman hate all three of her sons? Her own sons!

Her question made the Prince chuckle as he slightly shook his head while replying, "Trust me, you will be surprised to know exactly how much she despises the three of us... and you too. To be very honest, she hates you the most. After all, you are her biggest fear. One that she is unable to take care of no matter how hard she tries." 

Jiang Ying Yue remained silent as she tried to observe the man standing in front of her. She wanted to use her mind-reading abilities to see if he was speaking the truth or just trying to play with her. But something kept telling her to not use her powers when she was unable to control them properly.

A sigh eventually escaped her lips as she chewed on her lower lip, pondering on what to do next. She wanted to ask him the reason for which his mother hated her but she had a high doubt that he would be willing to tell her anything so easily. The man reeked of trickery and selfishness.

"I actually have no plans of joining the banquet. I just came out to take a look around. That's all. I appreciate your offer but you don't have to help me. Just forget this encounter and it will be enough." She finally spoke, looking into his raven eyes that were as sharp as a blade.

She watched as his lips twitched with an almost unnoticeable smile. She was having a hard time deciding if she hated that smile or kind of liked it. It did make him look even more cool than usual.

"Since you have the opportunity, why not accept it. You won't have such good luck seeing the woman personally who made you suffer for over half a decade while wishing every single day for your demise." The Prince spoke as he looked at her with a soft glow in his eyes.

Jiang Ying Yue could hardly understand anything anymore. She just wanted to know whether he was telling her the truth or not and if the so-called Empress Dowager really hated her so much.

"Why? Why are you so desperate to show me the real colors of your mother? It's not like I can do anything even if I know how much she really hates me. After all, she's the most powerful person in this Empire at the moment. Compared to her, I'm nothing and I will rather avoid someone like her instead of coming in front of her." 

She meant every single word that she just spoke. Even if Empress Dowager hated her and was trying to get rid of her, she would rather avoid that woman in her current powerless situation than facing her. Once her powers would be back to their full potential, them she would take care of this so-called Empress Dowager and her sons.