Chapter 50 - Fate Playing Tricks

"What do you think this is?" Wang Shu asked as he examined the fan. He could sense the high level of spiritual energy that belonged to the mysterious fan but at the moment, it appeared as normal as possible.

"Feng Wu said that Wu Xie found it during his visit to the wasteland. But only today was he able to open it and see the hidden message inside. He was within the perimeters of the royal palace when it happened." Qing Shan told his second brother all that he got to know from Feng Wu.

"A hidden message? Did he tell what this hidden message was?" Wang Shu questioned as he opened the fan with a single flick of his hand and started observing the patterns drawn on it.

Qing Shan let out a small sigh as he turned his attention to his Snow Dragon who was building a snow fort around the dead two-horned tiger as a goodbye gift to him.

The poor beast was weak after giving birth to its two little babies and got attacked by a pack of wolf beasts who killed it within no time. A single weak tiger beast against nearly four dozen or so beast wolves, the ending was already clear even before the fight began. 

The two of them, Qing Shan and Wang Shu, were flying over the forest when they noticed the battle. When they landed on the ground, the tiger beast was already taking its last breath.

Normally, they would not have even cared about such matters. It was the rule of the jungle - only the strongest deserved to live. It was not their place to interfere with something that was actually natural but it was their spirit beasts who became agitated when they realized that after killing the mother, the wolf beasts were about to kill her babies.

That was how they ended up in the middle of a dense forest with a dead two-horned tiger beast and her two babies whom Xiang Lin was feeding her spiritual power to help them cope up with the pain of losing their mother just a few days after their birth.

"He did not mention anything about the hidden secret in this fan. We will sort it out after returning to the capital city. We still have more important matters to handle." 

It was clear that the important matter he was talking about was none other than Jiang Ying Yue. The last time they had to suddenly leave because of an emergency and it led to the failure of their plan of finalizing a deal with the girl.

Since Wu Xie was back in the Palace to keep the Empress Dowager busy for the time being, it was the right moment for them to take action which meant coming clear with Jiang Ying Yue and telling her the reason for which she was sent to their world.

It was still hard for them to believe that the soul living inside Jiang Ying Yue was not the real her. Instead, it was a soul that belonged to a world located in a different universe.

When the three of them, Qing Shan, Wang Shu, and Wu Xie, were first sent to the mortal realm to undergo the trial, they were only informed that their biggest supporter would be the person who would become the biggest thorn in their so-called mother's path of joining the five galaxy stars together to form a new realm.

Just like the three of them, Empress Dowager was also going through her trial but unfortunately, she kept failing again and again which led her to repeat the cycle all over again.

At this point, she had become not only super frustrated but also desperate which had led to an imbalance in her demonic powers. Her initial task was to keep the five galaxy stars separate till the rise of the Blue Moon and Silver Star that happened once every ten thousand years. 

However, somehow she found out that if the five galaxy stars could be joined on the day of the rise of Blue Moon and Silver Star, they would form a new realm.

That small information was all she needed to deviate from her path to gain the title of a deity in the God Realm. Instead, she had a new plan of creating a realm for the demons.

There was actually nothing wrong about creating a realm for the demon race. They had been living in the depths of the demon realm for ages and probably they too deserved a realm full of light and nature. Yet, the plan of Empress Dowager about creating a new realm was a danger for the rest of the realms.

The merging of the five galaxy stars would cause a great suction of energy from the rest of the six realms, leading to an apocalypse. And a new realm could not be created by sacrificing the lives of people living in the other realms. 

Since their timing of trial coincided, the Gods gave the task of stopping the Empress Dowager to the three of them. If they succeeded, they would be able to finish their trial, and the Cloud Realm would be officially under their possession, and the three of them would get an equal standing as the High Gods living in the God Realm.

But if they failed... well, there won't be a Cloud or God realm after that. So no equal standing or getting the ownership.

What no one expected to happen, not even the Gods, was for the three of them to be born as the sons of the Empress Dowager and for the fate of their entire universe to get attached with a girl who was not even a part of their world.

Maybe her separation from their world was the reason why she ended up becoming the person who carried their fate in her hand. She was the only one who neither belonged with the Gods nor with the demons and according to fate, she was the perfect person to make the choice.

No matter whom she would choose to support, she would be the winner. But then why did fate again played a game and ended up creating a divine connection between the Princes and the girl? 

Was fate picking sides?