"She's not!" The words were out of Wu Xie's mouth even before he realized but the good thing was that he didn't regret saying these words at all.

"Are you sure, Your Highness? Can't you see that she needs blood of others to stay alive? If someone like her isn't a demon then who is?" Silver wasn't ready to give up yet. 

"Monster would have been a better term. That's how mortals used to call us vampires... or maybe blood-suckers..." Jiang Ying Yue spoke in a low voice, pulling everyone's attention at her.

While her words made Silver chuckle softly, the three Princes didn't seem to like her joke at all.

"You are calling yourself a monster. What made you think that you are one? You don't go around hurting others even if you need blood to survive." Wang Shu was the first one to spoke as he looked at the girl with an unbelievable expression decorating his face. 

"I'm just stating the facts. And what made you think that I won't hate people? My kind is known for draining humans of their blood and killing them without a second thought. I'm no Saint." Jiang Ying Yue responded with a smirk as she recalled the memories of the time when she was a newly turned vampire.

Though her sire did a great of teaching her the rules of the vampire world and made sure that she won't end up hurting the mortals while feeding, there were still some incidents where she almost ended up losing her control. It took her more than a few decades to get a grip on her feeding instincts but thankfully, she never killed a human while feeding.

But that didn't make her innocent in any way. She had spilled enough blood to spend the afterlife in the depths of hell with Hades and his minions. 

"So, you are saying that you will kill innocent people to keep yourself alive, right?" Qing Shan asked as he stepped closer to where she was sitting on the steps inside the huge study.

"Good that you know." Jiang Ying Yue muttered in response but kept her eyes fixed on her feet. Did these men really think that she was someone who won't hurt others for her own benefit? How childish!

"Fine! Then do it. You badly need blood right now. Go out of this manor and find someone to satiate your hunger. I want to see with my eyes exactly how dark and evil your heart is." Qing Shan seemed to be challenging her as if he did not believe at all that she could be a bad guy if the situation demanded.

Jiang Ying Yue stood up as soon as he finished speaking. The sudden movement made her feel dizzy for a few seconds as darkness appeared in front of her eyes, making her lose focus on the world around her.

She felt a hand on her right elbow but she shrugged it off as the dizziness had already disappeared. She fixed her fiery gaze on the First Prince of the Hyuang Empire before she started speaking. "Don't you dare challenge me. I don't know why you have this misconception about me that I won't hurt others for my advantage but let me make this very clear, I won't even blunk before taking someone's life if it meant that I can be saved by doing it." 

Though every single word that she just said was true, the First Prince seemed to not believe her even a little bit, and the other two Princes also had the same expression on their faces. What did she do to make these men see her like the buddha with the purest and kindest soul?

"I'm still waiting, Miss Jiang." Qing Shan moved closer to her, only leaving a little space between the two of them. If he stretched out his hand, he could easily pull her into his arms, something that he had been struggling not to do.


Jiang Ying Yue wanted to make that challenging smirk disappear from his face and all that she needed to do was to go out and find a random man to feed. Then why her legs refused to do so? Why she was unable to walk out and do exactly what these men thought that she could not do?

"Enough! Can't you see that her health is getting worse with every passing minute?" Silver decided to intervene when he noticed that Qing Shan was only making her situation worsen.

It was like hearing Silver's words made her finally realize the poor condition of her body too because the very next second she started feeling like her body was no longer able to stay upright.

The world around her started spinning and her legs finally decided to give up, making her lose her balance. She was ready to feel pain consume her body after hitting the floor but to her surprise, instead of the hard cold floor, her body landed into the soft and warm embrace of Wang Shu.

"Do you want to...?" She heard the Second Prince asking someone a question that he didn't finish for some reason. Her eyes were closed so she was unable to see what was happening around her and her head was throbbing too much to pay attention to their movements.

"I can't. You should go ahead. It won't be a good thing if she ended up losing her control because of hunger." It was Silver who responded in a worried tone. She felt his fingers brushing against her temples softly before she felt him walking away.

"It would be good if you let her feed either from your wrist or neck. The latter one is definitely better but it's up to you. We all will be waiting in the other room." Silver gave last-minute advice to Wang Shu before he made the other two Princes leave the study along with him.

- - -

Wang Shu watched as the door of the study closed after Silver and his brothers left. He returned his attention to the girl who was laying in his arms.

She seemed so cute and peaceful whenever she was unconscious or just sleeping because it was the only time when she was not trying to put on a facade of being strong and merciless. 

Though he didn't want to admit it, she was definitely the only woman in the world who had grabbed his attention from their very first encounter. She was strong without any doubt but not in the way she showed. She was definitely brave, braver than anyone he had seen before and she was also foolish but it only made her seem adorable. 

He shook his head when he realized that his mind was getting filled with unwanted thoughts that were making him smile for a weird reason. What was wrong with him? 

Recalling Silver's advice, he contemplated whether to let her feed on his neck or his wrist. The memory of her lips against the sensitive skin of his neck made him shudder as he tried to push back the memories of their first encounter. Letting her feed from his neck would be like a suicide mission for him.

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted the girl in his arms in such a way that her back came to rest against his chest while her head rested on his shoulder. He wrapped one of his hands around her waist to keep her from falling while he cut his left wrist slightly before placing it against her soft lips.

Jiang Ying Yue was almost on the verge of losing her consciousness as the dark world kept pulling her into the never-ending abyss when her nostril smelled the sweet and mouth-watering scent of blood. Not just any normal blood but the blood of one of her soulmates.

Her soul was suddenly fully awake as it urged her to open her lips and let her tongue taste the sweetness of her mate's blood and without wasting another second, she did exactly that.

She parted her lips before letting her tongue come out to lick the tender skin, tasting the richness of the blood that made her insides flutter with desire and a hunger that only her mate could satiate. 

After a second or two of savoring the taste, she again let her tongue slip out and lick his skin, hearing a hiss from him but it sure was not one from pain. His reaction made a small smile appear on her face as her eyes slowly fluttered open.

She saw the wrist that was offered to her and she gladly accepted it. Her hands raised to hold his hand before she placed a soft kiss on his wrist, right where he had cut his skin. She heard him inhale deeply at her action which only made her smile more. 

Finally deciding to not torture herself and her mate any longer, she let her fangs came out before she let them sink into his wrist.