"My lady, you are looking so pretty!" Li Qi exclaimed in amazement as soon as she noticed Jiang Ying Yue appearing at the entrance of the store where all the servants were waiting for her. 

As soon as the others heard Li Qi, they also turned to look in the same direction, only to be left shocked when they noticed Lady Yue. Unlike her usual light-colored simple clothes, now she was wearing a dark purple dress with silver designs on the cuffs and hem. Her long black hair was styled beautifully with silver hairpins adorning it and while a veil was still covering half of her face, the smoky makeup of her eyes was enough to attract anyone's attention.

Seeing the looks of awe on everyone's faces, Jiang Ying Yue felt relieved. After all, she was opening a salon, a place known as the heaven of fashion and beauty. It's a must for her, as the boss, and all the workers of the store to look their best.

"Are you guys done with all the preparation?" She asked as she approached the group of servants who hurriedly nodded their heads in a positive reply.

"Good. Let's head out for the opening ceremony." She told them before asking one of the man attendants to bring out the display board..

As they stepped out of the store, Jiang Ying Yue noticed the red lanterns and curtains that were draped over the front door. A red flower ribbon was pulled across the door and one of the servants was ready with firecrackers in his hands. 

As the sound of crackers interrupted the people hurrying across the busy market streets, some of them started approaching the store as their interest was picked.

"Today, Blessed Silk is reopening as 'Glamour and Fashion'. From today onwards, this shop will not only sell clothes and cosmetics but we will start our special service. At the purchase of every single dress from our shop, we will provide a free makeup service to the buyer. This service will be free of all costs for the next two weeks, as long as you will buy at least one dress from our shop." Jiang Ying Yue took a break as she gave some time to the crowd to adjust.

Everyone was whispering as they pointed at the servants who were now standing next to Jiang Ying Yue, showcasing both their dresses and light touches of makeup. 

"From now on, 'Glamour and Fashion' is open for customers. I hope that you all will take some time to visit our store and give us the chance to earn your trust." Jiang Ying Yue finished her speech and smiled when a round of applause followed next.

Giving a last glance at the crowd, she returned inside the shop with the servants who immediately dispersed to work in their assigned wings.

"Am I late?" A soft voice that sounded so musical to ears, pulled everyone's attention to the young man who just entered the shop. 

He was beyond good-looking, his every single feature was perfectly carved by the gods. He was tall, probably over six feet tall. His long silk light blue robe gave him the aura of a Young Master from some rich family. A white jade hairpin was visible in his long silky hair that was left loose. 

Jiang Ying Yue noticed that the young man had successfully grasped the attention of not only her servants but also the people present in the crowd outside the shop. His good looks and noble aura had pulled everyone's interest towards him.

"Not too late. Come, let me introduce you to our dear customers." She told the young man and then pulled him out of the shop where several people were still standing as if they were contemplating whether to enter or not.

"I forgot to introduce the new manager of our store. This is Childe Jun from the Jun family of Xialong County. He will be the one taking care of the shop." Jiang Ying Yue politely showcased the young man who seemed a little flustered when he suddenly became the focus of attention of all the young and old ladies that were present in the crowd.

Saying that Childe Jun was a very good-looking man would be an understatement. He was beyond good-looking, even Jiang Ying Yue could not help but appreciate his beauty but still, the man was nowhere near the ethereal beauty of her four mates. Her soulmates were definitely the most handsome living beings in the entire universe.

"Master Jun, I would like to look at the dresses in your shop." A young lady suddenly spoke up as she came forward with her maidservant. 

"Sure. Please this way, Miss." Young Master Jun welcomed their first customer and led her to the reception area.

"Li Qi, she's our first customer. No matter what, treat her with the utmost respect and warmth." Jiang Ying Yue told her maid who nodded her head in acknowledgment before leaving along with two other maids.

During the next few hours, around five to six people came to their store to buy some clothes but only three of them actually bought something. And just like she promised, Jiang Ying Yue gave light makeup to all three of the ladies. She made sure to keep both Li sisters by her side so that the two of them could learn the skills.

During lunchtime, Jiang Ying Yue was resting as she massaged her wrists when Young Master Jun appeared in the room. The young man still looked as energetic as before.

"Miss Yue..." He greeted her politely before taking a seat opposite her.

The Jun family of Xialong County was also famous for their garment business but their unique talent in needlework was what made them popular across the nearby cities and towns. Around a year ago, a fire broke out in Jun's residence, killing both Master Jun and his wife along with their eldest daughter who was supposed to get married in less than a week.

The only survivor of the Jun family was two illegitimate sons of Master Jun who were staying at the old house of the Jun family. Young Master Jun was one of those two sons who survived the calamity.

"Don't tell me that you are already regretting your decision of working here with me." Jiang Ying Yue commented when she noticed the troubled look on his face.

A small smile broke out of Young Master Jun's lips as he slightly shook his head. "This is far better than the works that I've been doing for the past year. You are allowing me to earn through legal and reputable means. Now I have a place to stay, food to eat and... you have also promised to take care of my younger brother. This is more than I could have asked for. I won't regret the choice that I made last evening." 

Jiang Ying Yue could clearly see the sincerity in his eyes and it made her smirk as she realized that man was already treating her as his and his brother's savior. Was he blind? Could not he see that she was clearly using him? What if she gave him a place to sleep and food to eat? In the end, she would use him and his looks to attract more customers to her store. What if she had promised to take care of his brother? Once that kid would be healed, she would also make sure you find a way to use him for her profit.

She was amazed to see how foolish these people were. Every one of them believed that she was a good person but none of them had any idea about how wrong they were. She was not good, not at all.

"It's good to know that. You don't have to worry too much. I'll make sure that none of the customers will be able to harass you in any way possible. Feel free to take your time to get used to the environment here. You need to use all the knowledge that you gained during your stay at the Jun manor. I'm sure you will do a great job once you found your balance." She encouraged the man and watched as her words made him relax.

"Don't worry, Miss Yue. Though I didn't get to learn the real skills of the Jun family because of my identity, I know how to manage accounts and a little bit about the textile industry. I'll do my best to learn more during this period and I will prove my worth to you." Young Master Jun promised as he stood up to bow to her. 

Jiang Ying Yue watched as the young man left the room, returning to his work as the lunch break was almost over. She still could not believe that the one who helped her in finding this pitiful but talented manager for her shop, was none other than the Third Prince. He was the last person she was expecting to get any help from but it looked she was wrong in her judgment.