"Wow, I have never seen anything like this before. Look at my nails, they are looking so pretty." The young lady could not help herself from expressing her amazement as she observed her freshly painted nails.

"I'm happy to know that you like my work." Jiang Ying Yue humbly replied as she started packing the little bottles of nail polish.

"Miss Yue, you are too humble. Though it's only been a couple of days since you opened your shop, almost everyone on this street knows that you have very unique skills for applying makeup. All you need is to keep working hard and I can guarantee that soon you will be receiving invitations from the noble ladies of the Capital to dress them up.." 

Listening to the young lady's words, Jiang Ying Yue just smiled softly and nodded her head.

As she was finally done with her work for the day, after wrapping up, she finally stepped out of the store. For a couple of minutes, she just stood there in front of the store as she watched people passing by.

She still did not know what was wrong with Empress Dowager or what kind of harm she could bring. But looking at the general citizens of the Capital, all that she could see was happiness, prosperity, and peace. Was Empress Dowager really the bad guy in the picture?

Realizing that her list of questions was getting longer than the list of answers, she decided to not ponder on the topic any longer. As she was looking around, her gaze landed on the restaurant that was standing on the other side of the street. But what caught her attention was not the building, instead, it was the man sitting in one of the private rooms on the second floor.

A smile appeared on her face as she hurried towards the restaurant. She shoved a silver into the manager's hands as soon as she entered the shop before she immediately made her way to the upper floor.

She found the right room and just as she opened the room, a hand pulled her inside before shutting the door and pinning her against it. She didn't even get the chance to process everything before she got another shock when the man pecked her lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Silver asked in a slightly teasing tone as he brushed some loose strands of hair away from her temples. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked him before she slightly tilted her head to look at the man sitting next to the window as he sipped the refreshing tea. 

Silver immediately blocked her view as he noticed her gaze diverting from him. "He asked me out on a date. I didn't want to come across as an impolite person so I accepted his offer." He answered with a slight shrug of his left shoulder.

Jiang Ying Yue raised her eyebrows at his words but then she once again turned her attention to the First Prince who was completely ignoring the two of them.

"Alright, let me go. I wanna talk to this man." She told Silver as she tried to walk past him. A foolish move because just in a blink of her eyes, she was once again plastered against the door as Silver caged her there with his body and arms that were resting against the door on either side of her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" She asked while looking at her handsome mate with questioning eyes. This time, he was dressed in black trousers and a white silk shirt. As the top two buttons were once again left open, she could clearly see his collarbone that made her fingers itch to feel the smooth skin against them. 

Her eyes moved to the diamond earring that was dangling from his left ear. His silver-red hair was pulled into a loose bun and his beautiful emerald eyes just completed his look. No matter how many times she would already have said this but Silver was beyond handsome. He was the real decision of ethereal beauty and she was lucky enough to have him as her mate.

Before she knew what she was doing, her hands were already moving to surround his shoulders as she planted her lips against his and kissed him softly. She felt the familiar electric tingles of pleasure erupting in her body as their lips came in contact, making her sigh as she let herself enjoy the beautiful sensation.

And when she pulled away after a couple of seconds, she found Silver's intense gaze focused on her. His eyes were filled with desire and she could see the struggle that he was having to control himself from giving under the temptation. 

For a moment, she thought about completing the kiss but thankfully, reality hit her at the right moment and she decided to not create trouble that neither the two of them could handle.

"Do you know what I want most right now?" Silver asked after a few seconds as he finally succeeded to calm down a little bit. However, his voice came out hoarse, clearly stating that he was still under the impact of their closeness and the desire that was burning their bonds and souls.

"What?" Jiang Ying Yue asked as she moved her hands to fix his collar. She just wanted to do something to distract herself.

Silver remained silent for a long time, not answering her question even though he was the one who initiated it in the first place. On the other hand, Jiang Ying Yue tried to remain as calm and undisturbed as she could, though the allure of repeating her question was really deep. 

Who knew how many minutes passed when Silver finally reacted but instead of answering her question, he merely stepped back and gave her some space.

He moved to sit opposite the First Prince as he poured himself a cup of hot tea and finally answered, "I wanna eat some delicious food. That's what I want to do the most at the moment." 

There was no doubt that he was lying to her. She could see it in his eyes that his actual answer was related to their kiss instead of food. But she didn't try to destroy the moment as just nodded her head as she also took a seat with them.

"Then why don't you order those delicious foods? I skipped my lunch today, so I want to eat too. Would you mind if I join you?" She asked as she looked at both the men.

"It's been five days, of course, you are feeling hungry now. I'm heading downstairs to eat. Don't take too long. After you are done, come and find me." Silver told as he finished the tea in his cup and stood up to leave the room.

At first, Jiang Ying Yue was ready to call him back to ask exactly what he meant by his words but before she could speak, the realization dawned over her. The First Prince was there to feed her.

The door and the previously open window, both closed at the same time as soon as Silver stepped out of the room. Jiang Ying Yue felt the tremors of a powerful spell as its energy took over the air inside the room. If she was not wrong then the First Prince had placed a protective and concealing ward around the room. 

"I didn't get the chance to ask this before... Are you and your brothers Immortals? I mean... I heard that it's not easy for humans to reach immortality. You and the other two Princes are clearly so young, so... I'm just curious." She asked while looking at the Prince who still hadn't soared her a single glance ever since she entered the room.

What was wrong with him exactly? Was he worried because he had to feed her? But it wasn't his first time. Then what was the deal with him? 

Jiang Ying Yue struggled to grasp the situation as the Prince continued to ignore her. He just refilled his cup with hot tea and continued to sip it in silence. 

"If you are that reluctant then why are you even here?" She asked him but didn't wait for him to reply. Not like she was expecting him to reply at all. The man was clearly not interested in talking to her. 

She stood up from the seat as she prepared to leave the room. The good thing was that she was not in the dire need of blood, or she would have to bear with his cold mood.

"It's hard to answer your question without giving out too much information. I just don't know what to tell you and how." He finally spoke, making her stop in her tracks. 

"Why can't you just tell me everything then? At this point, is it really necessary to keep things from me?" She asked him and watched as a small twitch appeared on his lips before he stretched one of his hands out towards her.