Chapter 75 - Someone's In Her Bed

"Miss Yue, the Madam and Second Daughter of the Fang family are waiting inside for you." Bai Xia, one of the maids working at the 'Glamour and Fashion' informed Jiang Ying Yue when the latter returned after spending her lunch break with Silver at the other side of the market.

The two of them mostly spend their time walking through the streets and checking out different stalls that were selling large varieties of products. She bought a couple of hairpins before returning to the store.

As for her guests, Master Fang was a fifth rank official working under General Gu and it was the first time when someone from the noble family had come to visit her personally.

Jiang Ying Yue entered the shop and made her way straight towards the sitting area where her guests were waiting for her as they enjoyed the fresh herbal tea served to them by one of the servants.

"Madam, Miss..." She greeted both her guests as she came to stand right in front of them. Both Madam Fang and her daughter stood up hurriedly to greet the owner of the store..

"Miss Yue, we have heard a lot about your shop and your unique skills with makeup. Today, we are here with a special request." The Madam immediately stated the reason behind her sudden visit without beating around the bush.

"Madam, I can't promise you anything before hearing the request. But I can assure you, as long as it's something within my capability, I will do my best." Jiang Ying Yue responded with a slight bow of her head.

Her polite but calm and sincere attitude made both the Madam and Young Miss of Fang Manor feel more positive about Miss Yue's character.

"Please take your seats before we discuss further." Jiang Ying Yue politely offered and all three of them settled down on the seats arranged around one of the tables.

"Actually, my Ming'er is getting married soon and we are currently looking for someone to prepare her wedding dress. We heard that your shop has recently started accepting requests for custom-made dresses and we have long heard about your makeup skills. Miss Yue, would you like to accept this request?" Madam Fang asked as she and her daughter looked at Ying Yue with hopeful eyes.

Jiang Ying Yue remained silent for a couple of seconds before she turned her attention towards the Young Miss Ming as she asked, "Miss, is there something particular that you want in your wedding dress?" 

A smile appeared on the lips of both the old and young lady as they heard Ying Yue's question. Since she had not directly rejected them already, there were chances that she would accept their order of the wedding dress and bridal makeup. 

"To be honest, I have not thought about the dress too much. I just want to wear something really beautiful at my wedding." The young lady answered sincerely.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded her head as she thought about the situation some more. Even though it sounded tempting, she could not immediately accept the order since it had been barely forty or so days since she started her business and so far her shop had only completed one special request of dress but that too was for the thirteenth birthday of the daughter of Elder Hao who owned the third biggest Inn of the Capital City. 

"How many days are left before the wedding day?" She asked after thinking for a while.

"There's still over a month left. There's ample time for you to prepare the dress, jewelry, and cosmetics." Madam Fang hurriedly replied. She seemed too eager to make Ying Yue accept her request.

A small twitch appeared on Ying Yue's lips but it was hidden beneath the veil that she was wearing. "I can't say that I'm the best candidate for this job..." 

She watched as the smiles disappeared from the faces of both the women as they heard her words. "... But let's do it in this way. Give me a week, I'll prepare some designs for the dress and jewelry. I'll come to meet you on the first day of the coming week. If you liked the designs then we will settle the deal." 

After she finished, she stood up from her seat and watched as both the women hurried to follow her. They seemed a little flustered but at least their faces were no longer looking as pale as if they had seen a ghost.

"We don't have any problem. We will do as you want. We will be waiting for your visit, Miss Yue." The madam hurriedly spoke, giving Ying Yue a huge but clearly forced smile.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded her head politely and watched as both the woman and her daughter left the shop along with their maids.

"Lady Yue, these two sounds fishy and I'm sure you realized that too. Then why did you accept their request?" Manager Jun asked as he came to stand next to her as he also stared at the carriage of the Fang family standing in front of their shop.

"They are giving us such a big chance for free advertisement. Why should I let go of such a chance?" She asked the young man who seemed a little bit confused by her words.

Jiang Ying Yue shook her head slightly as she let out a small sigh. "The more attention our store will get, the better it is for our business. Even if these two came here today with bad intentions, all that we need is to play by ear, for now, let them think that everything is under their control. Once I have all the information that I need, we will show them our cards." 

"Cards?" Manager Jun asked as he looked at the lady to see if he could grasp the meaning behind her words through her expressions.

"Manager Jun, let's not pay too much attention to unimportant things. I'm heading upstairs to start with the work." Jiang Ying Yue stated with a polite tone before she turned around and headed upstairs.

The rest of the afternoon, she spent her time teaching the girls in her department how to apply eye makeup. She was planning to teach Li sisters the formulas of making cosmetics while she had chosen three girls to teach them her makeup skills. 


After dinner, Jiang Ying Yue retired to her bed-chamber to finally give her body some much-needed rest.

She settled in the bed under the covers after blowing the candles as she prepared to sleep. It didn't take her eyes long to adjust to the darkness of the room, especially when the bright moonlight filtering inside her bed-chamber through the open window was providing enough light for her to see every corner of the room clearly, not like her vampire eyes really needed the help.

Within a few minutes, her body started relaxing as her brain became calm and before she knew it, Jiang Ying Yue was losing herself in the world of dreams.

It was probably past midnight when she was pulled out of her sleepy world. As she slowly opened her eyes to look around, it took her a couple of seconds to realize that the bed-chamber was filled with darkness. The window was closed and there was no longer any moonlight filtering inside the room.

As her senses started waking up, Jiang Ying Yue finally realized that someone was there in the room. Scratch that, someone was actually sleeping in her bed. Since she was sleeping on her side facing the window, she couldn't see who it was.

She tried to not make any sound as she let her long and sharp nails come out and as soon as her weapon was ready to slay the intruder, she made her move. 

She made a quick leap towards the person lying beside her as she rolled her body and then jumped to straddle him/her and before that person could even get the chance to react, her sharp nails were positioned against his neck.

Maybe she was too harsh in her moves because one of her nails ended up scrapping his skin which made blood ooze out from his throat, instantly filling the air with its sweet and tempting smell.

Jiang Ying Yue let out a deep breath before she pulled her hand away, letting her nails disappear as she flicked the fingers of her other hand and made both the cut and the blood vanish from Third Prince's throat. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked while climbing down from his thighs where she had been sitting while straddling him.

"I wanted to talk to you but found you sleeping here. I was just too lazy to return to my place so I decided to rest here. Maybe I should have asked for your permission just to avoid such a serious situation where I almost ended up losing my life." The Prince replied with a shrug as he flicked one of his hands and the room got filled with the bright lights from the candles.