Gu Chen didn't waste a lot of time in the preparation of a perfect plan since the situation was related to his mother. 

While he asked Miss Yue to visit his home with her doctor friend during noon the very next day, he himself decided to stay in the market area to create another drama so that the eyes of all his enemies would stay on him, giving Miss Yue enough time to visit his mother without getting detected.

It wasn't like Jiang Ying Yue really needed any help from the young lad. Her doctor friend was none other than Silver and he could have easily created an invisible charm around them on their way towards the manor to help them hide from the prying eyes.

However, they could not take the chance of exposing their identity as non-humans to anyone, not even Gu Chen. That's why she decided to let the young man handle the situation. Surprisingly, he did found quite a nice plan.

The very next day during noon time when everyone was busy taking a rest after their lunches, Jiang Ying Yue and Silver appeared in the backyard of General Manor through the back door.

An old man who introduced himself as the steward greeted them before he brought them to a courtyard that appeared to be in a similar state as the courtyards of the Cold Palace - bland and devoid of any sort of luxury. 

"Miss, this way please." The steward showed them the way towards the room which appeared to be a living room kind of place. As Jiang Ying Yue and Silver entered the room, they noticed an old woman sitting in a wheelchair.

She appeared far too old than her actual age. Her eyes seemed lifeless while her body seemed as sickly as that of a dying person. 

Silver, who had cast an illusion on himself to appear like an old physician, moved forward to sit on the empty chair beside the woman before he started to examine her pulse. After a couple of seconds, he finally turned to face Jiang Ying Yue as he spoke, "She is poisoned." 

A pitiful smile appeared on Jiang Ying Yue's lips but it remained hidden beneath the veil that was hiding the lower half of her face. "Just like I predicted. I have seen enough dramas to guess exactly what has been going on here with her. Well... what do you think. Your powers can heal her or not?" She asked the man as she moved to look around the room, not like there was anything for her to look at in the first place.

"Don't forget that I'm one of my kind. These little tricks can never stop me." Silver seemed confident as he pressed both his index and middle fingers of the left hand together before pressing it against the pulse of the woman who seemed to have no idea about anything that was going around her.

Jiang Ying Yue watched as a silvery light shot through his fingers and entered the pulse of the woman, sucking out all the poison that was running through her body.

Her attention then moved towards the Steward who was standing outside the door. Just like she had ordered to Gu Chen, none of the servants were present in the room during the treatment. It was more due to the fact that nearly all the servants of the Gu manor already knew her, that they decided to trust her.

However, the old steward was a different case. The man had seen a lot during his life and unlike other naive people of the Gu manor, he knew how to judge people. Though he didn't seem to really suspect them, he also didn't trust them fully. 

"It's done." Silver announced after five or so minutes as he stood up from his seat and moved towards her to hand over the ball of black energy that he was holding. It was the poison that he had just retrieved from the body of the Madam.

"This can be my gift to Gu Chen. I'll let him destroy the person responsible for his mother's sickness." Jiang Ying Yue spoke as she pulled out a little jar from her pouch and signaled Silver to transfer the energy into the jar.

The dark energy turned into a dark-colored liquid as soon as it entered the little jar. Once all the energy was inside the jar, Silver took out a little red pill and dropped it in the jar, letting it mix with the poison. The pill was made of a harpy's blood. It would enhance the venom in the poison and unless the cure also had harpy's blood in it, no doctor of this world would be able to cure the person.

Jiang Ying Yue stuffed the little bottle back in the pouch before she turned her attention towards the woman who was now sleeping soundly in the wheelchair. She no longer looked like her previous self. Instead, she appeared to be a good-looking woman in her mid-fifties with healthy skin. Though her body still seemed too skinny as it was something they couldn't fix with their powers.

"Let's head back." She told Silver who nodded his head and followed her as they stepped out of the room.

"You can go inside. Make sure to pay special attention to Madam's food. Don't be ignorant about her health from now on." Jiang Ying Yue advised the steward who hurriedly nodded his head before he ran inside the room to check on the Madam.

Jiang Ying Yue and Silver didn't stay behind to hear the panicked shout of the steward who was too shocked to believe his eyes. 


"What are you doing?" Silver asked as he placed his hand on the small of Jiang Ying Yue's back.

The two of them were currently enjoying their lunch together in one of the private rooms of a nearby restaurant to 'Glamour and Fashion'.

But that was not all. Jiang Ying Yue was currently sitting in his lap while she continuously placed soft kisses all over both of his cheeks.

"Woman! You need to control yourself. What has gotten into you all of a sudden?" It was getting hard for Silver to control himself. The girl knew exactly how to test his patience.

Jiang Ying Yue pulled her face away to stare at him with a little pout that made her luscious pink-painted lips appear even more alluring. "I thought you will enjoy my attention. Looks like I was too naive to assume that." She scoffed before standing up.

However, she didn't get to walk away from the man because the very next second she was pulled back into his arms and her lips were sealed in a hungry kiss that seemed to leave her immobile in his arms.

Jiang Ying Yue forgot how to breathe as she shivered in her mate's arms. His lips were neither slow nor sensual, instead, they seemed to resonate the hunger that was running deep inside him.

A small gasp left her lips when she felt his hands circling the insides of her breasts, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue inside her mouth.

Jiang Ying Yue let her hands wrap around his shoulders as she let herself enjoy the beautiful moment. However, a voice in the back of her head was reminding her that she needed to stop Silver before it would be too late.

She closed her eyes tightly before she Angeles her head to deepen the kiss for a few seconds before she finally pulled away and stood up from where she was sitting on his lap.

Thankfully, Silver didn't try to pull her back into his arms. The man was probably also aware of the consequences f they ended up getting carried away due to their emotions and desire for each other.

For the next several minutes, the sound of their harsh breathing was the only thing that could be heard in the room.

Jiang Ying Yue fixed her hair and dress before she put on a smile on her lips and moved closer to her mate before placing a soft kiss against his temple. "I'm spending the night with Wu Xie. I'm not sure if we will go as far as to bond tonight but I promise to not make you wait for too long this time." 

She didn't want to wait either. Her soul was crying to complete her connection with Silver but she also didn't want to be unfair to Wu Xie just because she wanted to be with Silver. Every single mate of hers deserved to be respected equally and if she respected her bond with Silver, then she had also to respect her mind with the Princes in the same way. 

"It's true that I really hope that you can complete your bonds with the Princes because I want you for myself too, but also because I want you to be happy with them.. All I want is for you to never do anything that will create misunderstandings between you and any of the Princes."